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*Exile* Sami

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Everything posted by *Exile* Sami

  1. So as everyone is aware that people are hating the Hunger and thirst issue, and on Reddit a man named Nauramir made a great post explaining it, im quoting his exact words "After all the complains about hunger/thirst warnings, i have been testing it and came to interesting results. Following is not confirmed information, just my understanding of how this system works. Players spawn relatively hungry and thirsty. For example, lets say players start at 30% food/drink. First warning message pops when your food or drink level drops to ~20%. Most important one! That green message saying "your thirst/hunger is quenched", shows when players food/drink level gets just above critical value. So when you get this message, in reality, you are only on ~25% of your total "stomach capacity". If you keep drinking and eating after you get the "your thirst/hunger is quenched" message, you can still consume a lot, until you get another green message "Your stomach is full", "You feel well-fed" or similiar. That means you are at 100% of food capacity and you start to regenerate blood/heal.Once you reach this, you also have a LOT of time when you dont have to deal with food/drink and no messages pop up for at least 1,5 hours. So, what conclusion this leads to? Players that experience constant message spam never really eat or drink to full. They just hover between 20-30%, never actually begin regenerating and end up falling unconscious for no apparent reason." Heres a link to the actual post: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1t4l5f/is_current_hungerthirst_model_just_misunderstood/
  2. *Exile* Sami

    Vehicle numbers

    Arent we gunna be allowed to create vehicles? So therefore, wouldnt it be unlimited?
  3. *Exile* Sami


    Nawh, deal with it, little girl.
  4. *Exile* Sami

    Expedition Pik Kozlova

    Ive seen pictures of it, didnt look fake to me
  5. *Exile* Sami

    How much is too much?

    Die, and try starting over but doing something new. (or walk to the coast) Maybe like being a coast hero, giving new spawns gear and such, im going to be trying that later today.
  6. *Exile* Sami

    Dayz Standalone

    http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/221100/ Its currently 30$
  7. *Exile* Sami

    Possible map expansion ?

    I thought it was south? and i never heard they ditched it, just not finished yet
  8. *Exile* Sami

    Future of Dayz Mod?

    Yes, a seperate team will be updating it occasionaly
  9. They most likely will implement this. Damn, i cant wait for vehicle crafting, this shit is going to be simply amazing
  10. *Exile* Sami


    No Food and no water? I dont think your going to last that long
  11. *Exile* Sami

    Suppressors not working?

    Yeah im pretty sure its broken, hopefully they fix it soon
  12. *Exile* Sami

    MMO = Monthly Fee?

    Noooooooo, its a one time payment
  13. *Exile* Sami

    Explain something to a noob please...

    Because loot is server side, different loot is spawned on each server, so lets say you are in a barracks on Server A, and you loot everything, you can log out, and log into Server B, but Server B has separate loot, so the barracks is now filled with more loot for the person who logged out.
  14. Just wanted to say that this clan is great, I joined last night and so far its been pretty interesting!
  15. *Exile* Sami

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    I read books
  16. *Exile* Sami

    overwatch with standalone

    Not yet, mods will be allowed in the future but for now you can only play one version of the game
  17. I would like to join, can i get any contact info? I also PM'ed you
  18. *Exile* Sami

    Found this

    Good job at sharing the hack to even more people .-.
  19. I gave you beans just because i like Auburn cx
  20. *Exile* Sami

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    I made a video following this tutorial, heres a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtyjSaFsLds
  21. *Exile* Sami

    Anyone Find A Revolver Yet?

    I heard the spawns for them are bugged and only the ammo spawns, he said he will fix it next patch.
  22. *Exile* Sami

    Handcuff questions:

    He just wants to play with them, thats all!
  23. *Exile* Sami

    What about holiday sale?

    I agree, i wouldnt be to happy if it went on sale.