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*Exile* Sami

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Everything posted by *Exile* Sami

  1. *Exile* Sami

    || Looking for Squad of some sort ||

    Hey im looking to start an epoch group, i have a ts and heres the ip: ts3.genesisgaming.info just look for Sami
  2. *Exile* Sami

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Yeah everythings nice except your power supply, i would prefer at least a 600 watt
  3. *Exile* Sami

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    Great Stuff Rocket, thanks for the update!
  4. *Exile* Sami

    PKM belt?

    I think PKP's have a chance to spawn at crash sites, i may be very wrong and most likely am.
  5. *Exile* Sami

    Vanilla experience

    The public hives have been like this as long as i can remember. Also for the vanilla private hives, i have never seen a single one, every private server is pretty much filled with custom scripts that render the server the opposite of what DayZ was suppose to be, tough luck :(
  6. To whomever posted the link to the DayZ.DB website, shame on you. I will say and everyone will agree that you just ruined the true DayZ feeling for any new players that looked at that website.. Must be so proud of yourself.
  7. *Exile* Sami

    im looking for good server host

    Vert hosting is personally my favorite (http://verthosting.com) Unless you just want a simple server with no ability to make your own modifications to it (Like new mods and etc) In that case go with DayZ.ST (https://dayz.st) Price wise they are both the same but DayZ.ST provides 10 more player slots.
  8. *Exile* Sami

    Real quick question

    On the DayZ DB Wiki (http://dayzdb.com/database/m240) it claims to do 8000 Damage Per Hit. So if you fired 35 rounds that would roughly be 280000 damage, maybe they just dont understand how strong that gun really is.
  9. *Exile* Sami

    Current Trend

    Very true, ive started to make my base just north of cherno now because i can easily walk to cherno and have some fun, because thats where everyone generally hangs out now, kinda lame and makes the other half the map useless, hopefully this trend wont go through the standalone, which im sure it wont.
  10. At first i was with having an offline than someone brought up the idea that DayZ is about surviving encounters with other players, and that is very true, without that feeling than its really not DayZ.
  11. *Exile* Sami

    Looking For A Clan ( English Only)

    Join this teamspeak and find "Sami" clan-warfare.clants.net
  12. Seems like a pretty fun server! Im going to try it out tonight
  13. *Exile* Sami

    Requesting Authentication Loop

    Bump, same problem.
  14. *Exile* Sami

    Parasitic friendship

    I like this
  15. *Exile* Sami

    How the hell do you suppose to know where you are?

    Dont listen to anyone, to have the best experience is seriously to just spawn in, and run, run anywhere. I miss the days when i had no clue where i was, oh those days c:
  16. *Exile* Sami

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    No, we just dont want you. Overrated? How would it be overrated if its "Un-original" and "Boring"? and im yet to see an American Based map for DayZ, so how in gods name could you say that? Did you play some map that doesnt exist?
  17. *Exile* Sami

    Night and forest

    I wish night in DayZ was like the night in 7 Days to die, extremely hard and a pain in the ass. That would be amazing and i may consider playing on night time only servers, a challenge is always fun. Also maybe make it extremely cold so you would have to warm up every once in a while, but then again, that would be just annoying as hell.
  18. *Exile* Sami

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    I think pistols should be weak, it somewhat promotes less kos due to the weak damage.
  19. *Exile* Sami


    Like the previous statement just go to the website or hoster of the server and find something that goes along with Whitelisting
  20. *Exile* Sami

    Can you host a free DayZ Server?

    Yes! You easily can, here is a video tutorial that i used to make my own server, its free, and its a somewhat good video, enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kst1HYhfcxo
  21. *Exile* Sami

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Well its not like we wanted you either c:
  22. *Exile* Sami

    Gear weight affects appearence.

    I actually, really support this! It would make the game so much more immersive if you actually saw all your gear.
  23. *Exile* Sami

    Where would you like a DayZ: SA map to be set?

    Land of the worlds best athletes, land of the strongest military, land of the BEST ECONOMY.
  24. *Exile* Sami

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    I sent you a message!
  25. I would reccomend spotify honestly, and maybe when you launch whatever music program you use, launch as admin so it can be used in game, thats what i have to do.