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Everything posted by bionoman

  1. If this game is based on Survival. Considering i have broken Legs. Is there NO Other way i can help myself. I mean, At least, Go to a Tree, Get a branch, And patch my legs up. For the love of god, Im not actually going to crawl All the way to Cherno or some place Hoping to find Morphine. On the Other hand, if i did patch my legs up with a branch, or Twig Or something. Then, Movement Can be impaired, Limping,... Running, but just a little slower with a limp animation. this is Absurd that i cant do anything about my broken legs. First AID in the book of survival is: If you have a broken Limb. use a branch. its Logic.
  2. bionoman

    DE 1243 being hacked right now!

    yeah there was a Server i was on, and when i was walking i was suddenly teleported to Some place, and the message said "5 Miutes fight to the death" with a Weapon Box and all other players spawning there. i was like wtf o.o Then, When i died eventually, i found that all Loot was gone, Grass was gone. and Now i have some Graphics Glitches with Mesh going Bonkers. WTF is going on
  3. I would rather Stick a branch to my leg and Limp If i have to than Crawl al lthe way to some place for Morphine.
  4. bionoman

    DayZ Trade suggestion

    I would take the risk of trading, but only with friends. and trustees
  5. bionoman

    DayZ Trade suggestion

    You know, this mentality needs to Dissapear. Yes, he can Kill you. But humans are more Civilized than that Dont you think. I would be happy to trade with some of my buddies.
  6. Well, you can do what you want, But some people Dont want to Get killed after wasting their Whole day scavenging Garbage so that you can have it all in one lame Low Shot. Atleast, if you DO Kos, and get marked, then People will Shoot you on sight for what you are, a Killer. its Fair ^^
  7. - Bring Back the bandit Skin. Its the Only thing that allows Teamplay Survival at the moment. The fact that those that KOS are marked bandits should teach them a Lesson before Killing Cold bloodedly Bandit skin also Allows the normal players to Trust each other a bit more.
  8. bionoman

    DayZ Stories

    Oh Btw, I was shouting "DOnt SHOOT" while i was getting shot at, but Instead of pressing Alt+F4 Like all derpy people do. I stayed and Hoped he would stop Shooting. But i guess, Civilization went out the window Ages ago. Even in Games. ffs. Next Time, I will make sure i Snipe people with Russian Sounding names. I swear it.
  9. bionoman

    DayZ Stories

    Once upon a time, i Followed 3 dudes from Cherno... They didnt notice me. I followed them for a straight hour, hiding behind bushes, Trees. and whatnot. Then, I found out i had no food and was starving. SO, Considering i had the chance of killing all 3 of them and just taking what i wish, I went up to them. I first messed with them, by whistling into the Mic, while hiding behind a train track. Then, I decided to go up to them. I laughed, and asked them for food. A Russian sounding Kid replies.. "yes" in a Russian accent. Then he shoots me. The end. -.-
  10. I call for the Need to be self Sufficient. and actually do something about the wounds you get while journeying. i mean, lol... A Broken Leg(s)!. If in Real life you dont tend to a fracture, you would have internal bleeding. If the wound is Open, you would Die out from infection. ... and the Zombies. ... God the Zombies!!! This is Certified, 100 and fifty Trillion Percent Guaranteed Death! lol On the other hand, if you did have an open Wound. Then... wouldnt the zombies maybe be able to... say Smell the blood? or Some Creepy Zombified Wild animal picks up the scent and you just end up ravaged on that same spot while trying to Crawl back to the nearest house to "Hope" and find morphine :\ Looking forward to the updates.
  11. Alright, its alpha, hope there will be some makeshift fix to Broken legs lol. I think a branch or somthing would work just fine.
  12. Ok so heres what happened. I decided to go North to the NW airfield, And i did that when the server bugged out - 0 Zombies. I know that once i reach there, i would find weapons and what not. Indeed, i also found another player, being that im not the Pvp type and dont shoot people for the Shits and giggles, i teamed up and made a safe haven in the tower. In Fact, I wrote in side Channel , that this place is a Starting Safe haven, and whoever wants to join is welcome. I also Said that PK's are not welcome. Well, after stocking up on weapons and everything, (you should have seen the equipment) - Mr Commisar Girlfriend comes along with his sniper, and shoots everyone in the air tower. Ffs people, is that necessary? Its been stated that this place is a safe haven, Why Kill people. Its Unbeleivably annoying to spawn on a Random spawn point on the map. Seriously? You Die and you get spawned to Kamenka, Or Some Remote place near Solnichiye. ??? Why arent the spawn points near towns you died, Random points around the town, Its unbeleivable that people actually have to walk 10 000 M on Foot AGAIN to reach to a destination where they once were. On top of that, each time you get shot at the town = for example= Chernogorsk, You Spawn yet on ANOTHER random place on the map. What!? Dont get me wrong, i like the Dayz mod, But walking 10 000 M across the map then getting shot by some troll for the shits and giggles really is not Fun, rather very Frustrating. tell me what you think, "people say its part of the game" Yes it is, But Why shoot someone that offers to Share the Loot. Why?!?!?!?
  13. bionoman

    PVP - Spawn Points and Safe havens

    I didnt exactly open this thread to Invite insults. Normally i never broadcast my position, and kindly ask everyone to lay off the insults. - Now its obviously a Matter of every man for himself. I guess this is "Core element of the mod", though i thought there was atleast some type of teamwork "Core Element" - were the main worries are zombies. But i was wrong.
  14. bionoman

    Fixed spawn points

    How about fixed spawn points at Towns where you die. It is increasingly furstrating to die in one town, Then spawn on some random point on the map. People say this is to avoid being camped, Well add 4 or 6 random spawn areas around a Town then. If thats possible. - on the towns outskirts. Its impossible that you Die at NW airfield, then get Spawned at Kamenka, Then Die at kamenka, and Spawn at some random place East of the map.
  15. bionoman

    Fixed spawn points

    Then whats the Point of being in a team, Getting shot from A Derp guy and spawning Some random place. WHeres the Teamwork. Its impossible
  16. bionoman

    Fixed spawn points

    Well if its spawn camping in question, maybe im not familiar with the editor or modding tools - and you cant add multiple spawn points at the town, If Possible, spawn around a Large radius? Or 4 spawn points per town? OR Spawn inland to the nearest location of death. 10 000 Meters + of Distance from place you died to where you respawned is a bit insane.
  17. bionoman

    Fixed spawn points

    .... Getting shot without warning by Bandit sniper .... Getting hit by 1 Zombie then falling unconcious? - Full Health and that BUG where u Unholster your pistol 3 times ? .... Walking up a ladder then falling to your death. .... Or Just Armas Retarded Physics Thats as serious as it gets. Or Spending All Day trying to go Anywhere, then Dieng inevitably. Always. 100% Guarantee Death. - Personally Spent all day trying to get to NW airfield. no Point in getting there. Only luck. Why the spawn points along the coast? Look. IF you die at the airfield, you respawn at the airfield Outskirts, its that simple. As you use up all the loot. youll find it that killing people at the airfield, needs meds- food and water, something that will be used up eventually. Then you have to move on. Say back to the coast. Atleast, if you die, you respawn back to where you Progressed. Not to the Begining from scratch where u Inevitably Die. Maybe thats the whole point of the Mod. to Die. But then, whats the point of playing? This Mod Can Be Hard, yes. But spare the Frikin Nerves of People Trying to get to one place without getting shot on sight by pvp'rs. The Mod can still be hard, even IF the spawns are fixed around towns. ( Outskirts ) Just think about it. Yes its hard, But its Annoying to Find a car in Kamenka, Repair 1 Part, get killed, Respawn on the other side of the planet, get killed again, then respawn at Kamenka, Try to survive, Repair it after a whole hour. Then FINALLY Drive it, then get shot Out of it in Kamenka By some Derpy dude with a makarov. Just think about the random spawn points. They are Horrible! Ill just add a reminder: You have to mark a Fine line - To where Realism comes and Gaming comes. YES you want to make this as realistic as possible, but then, if it were realistic, it would have to mean a kick. ? Thats realistic right? Complete and utter Death to simulate a Kick. OR: Where the fine gaming line comes in, because in the end this is a Game, People who die, yes they respawn with the Domestic makarov, and basic gear which is good - (But if this was realistic, Why dont survivors look like civilians) - Anyways Speaking of gaming and respawning, why dont they respawn at the respective town they died in. Or Does it have to be a complete Progress whipeout? EDIT: [ How about Testing the gaming experience ] And see how its like, then compare.
  18. "You know what, They should make the Killers Shown on the map. IF someone Kills 5 People, they appear on the map as Murderers - That Will eventually Stop the Killing" - yes, that will add a risk factor to all those a holes that think screwing people over is fun. They get Marked on map as red dots. Share your ideas.
  19. bionoman

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Mortal Online had the same Concept of Open Space PVPing, To Counter the Endless slaughter, They marked the PK's with a Red shield Meaning they can easily get killed in Large towns. So their forced to stay out of towns In fact, You can type : /guard, In the town area - and the Killer whos marked red will get instantly Killed by a Ai. This made a safe haven for the Newbies and Players who arent marked as Killers or Simply want to spend the Day Hacking wood. Or whatnot. - - Marking the Killers on map with Arma's Scripts is the least that can be done to Stop the Mindless PVP. On top of that, If they DO introduce some kind of Save haven Camp - or Script to make a Camp Or smthing. That Concept of /Guard can be introduced. But thats for another thread - ( Build Camp option ) - that needs resources - ( And a Box appears to store all your goodies ) .
  20. bionoman

    PVP - Spawn Points and Safe havens

    We did, But he Camped us, With his sniper for 30 Min... I Made it clear for him that he Can join us, rather than be a douche and just kill us. You benefit from teamwork, you Dont loose - you Gain!!!! Thats the Whole bloody Point of Surviving apocalypse.
  21. bionoman

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Same im getting Fuking Fed up By idiots shooting people For NO fukin Reason. They already have a Sniper, Why Shoot someone that has almost No equipment!!! You know what, They should make the Killers Shown on the map. IF someone Kills 5 People, they appear on the map as Mureders - That Will eventually Stop the Killing
  22. bionoman

    PVP - Spawn Points and Safe havens

    ... How about this - Stick around, Feel safe, and USE the Loot? help me,. help you. ? or no, that kind of math os out the window these days, its just : Help Myself, let the other guy rot? Even Though when Sharing - Your teammate: 1 Saves you from a horde of Zombies 2 Gives you Meds 3 Revives you 4 Shares his Loot with you All that... and still You would shoot this person ? "Your stupid for advertising your position, you cannot trust ANYBODY in this game, telling one person is abd enough, telling everyone is just asking for it." You know. what i said over side was "Come to the safe haven = theres Food, water - weapons. .all u need " But no, people want Kills right? Its the Internet so no one really cares. pffff
  23. bionoman

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Blitzy "But that doesn't mean I'll ever respect Hunters. As a Hunter, you're erasing a player's entire progress (hours, days, weeks) in one blow - for your own selfish wants and needs. In a post-apocalyptic situation which tests the very foundations of humanity, here are people who give no regard for others (or the time/effort they've put into their characters) and are prepared to take it all away all for the sake of 'scoring a kill'. Bored of shooting the braindead zombies, they simply feel an urge to fuck real players over." UNFORTUNATELY - Not Many people these days are Humans, Many people are ANimals apparently and dont Understand the Concept of "someone Spending a whole day trying to survive". Seriously I will GLADLY post the name of such people COMMISSAR GIRLFRIEND I spent 3 Hours of my Life to walk to the NW airfield, Met another player, Teamed up, made a Safe haven, spent another hour scavenging for foor water and weapons,. Everyhting was Fine. Then i wrote in side channel - NW airfield is a safe haven - Come here - trade, Or get what you need, There was Plenty Of Stuff. But NOOoooooooooooooooooooo Mr Commissar Girlfriend Decides to Come there with a Sniper and Shoot us FOR NO F****ING REASON! WTF. Then i Respawn in Solnicniy Tell me, Is this ANY KIND OF F******ING ROLEPLAY !??!?!? And NO I Couldnt Give two Shits if hes a Pro Or Noob. I Play for the Fun, Not Kills. Sorry of it sounds like ranting, But i spent all Day, Trying to enjoy the Mod, However, i end up dieng for no reason. Another example: A Player by the name of Gear - We meet up in side channel, i finally get to him and wanted to tell him that we need to go to NW airifeld. But i cant say that over Side channel becouse people Overhear and will come and PVP you Like usuall. SO, I Tell the Guy please get Teamspeak. He Doesnt know what Teamspeak is, so i kept Telling him to Google it. He then swears at me, im Like : o_o Then Finally he shoots me. reason : He got annoyed becouse i kept telling him to get Teamspeak even though he has no clue what it is. SO what the hell, is PVP good? Yes to a Point, But not to the point where people get shot Constantly For no reason. Or Atleast Fix the spawn points so people Dont have to walk 5000 Meters to get from one point to the point where they used to be. Going to NW airfield, then Respawning at Random Locations along the coast is a wrecking. Why arent the respawn Points around the Same town, with Random Locations. why across the Map!!!
  24. I spent 3 Hours, to Get to that Fking Airfield, to Get the weapons i need, Then BAM - Commissar Girlfriend comes there and shoots people on purpose. wtf. Whats with all the Pvping ffs. And The RANDOM SPAWN. Why Why spawn All the way south, when shot in the north. What walk 10 000 M Again. Fuk no
  25. Promote Teamwork ? WHAT TEAMWORK, I SPENT ALL DAY TODAY, TRYING T GET 2 PEOPLE TO THE NW AIRFIELD. I Finally get there, Make a safe haven for people, Then this Asswhipe by the name Commisar Girlfriend Comes there with a sniper, SPECIFICCALLY to shoot us. After telling people to come to the airfield, where there is Food, Water, Weapons, Everything they need. Nooooo NO Teamwork, Just plain assholes that think Shooting people For the shits and Giggles is Fun.