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Everything posted by Farkinob

  1. Farkinob

    Our current vehicle stash

    I bet it's at a ATV Spawn because
  2. Skype: farkinob.dayz I'll love to help in this project
  3. Farkinob

    Training over time (Character skilling)

    Seems to me this will crave hackers... even in the stand alone version. I do not think it will be in the best interest of gamers. Also, some things make no sense. If you're good at repairing cars, then you get better MPG... lolwut This will also cause conflict in the team and shy away new characters; because recruitments in the forums would be like 'LF Driver 1500+ xp' or 'LF Sniper Max XP req.'. People will also have to give the mechanic parts, which will be overly complicated; and just be a huge pain in the rectum. Bad idea is bad
  4. Farkinob

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    A better, more simpler system I reckon would be the 'Hide Body' option would make it covered with a outfit of leaves.
  5. tl;dr You're all stupid for responding to this person who thinks that DayZ should be like BF3 with perfect vehicles spawning left and right and you spawn with weapons right away.
  6. In a real-world scenario, a zombie apocalypse will be very stressful and add high anxiety to the human mind. Things like coming close to zombies, stealing, lack of supplies, and brushing Death's scythe would be very demanding on the human mind - so much that they probably wouldn't be able to think straight; and would make their judgement of themselves and their own personal well-being... poorer than usual. Perhaps they may think they are in worse condition than they actually are in; making the glass - or in this case meters - seem a little less full than usual. The natural cure to this would be time, tobacco products, anxiety pills, and an assortment of other items ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just an idea :). BTW, thanks a lot dev team for the fantastic job you've done!
  7. Farkinob

    Stress Meter to add realism to the game

    I love this idea because all too often people just go to a location that is familiar, and commit suicide then just go retrieve their items off their dead body if they're playing solo. This will help curve this I reckon
  8. Farkinob

    Looking for a group!

    People post your contact information and location when you look for a group... it's not too terribly difficult.
  9. Interesting idea to help out newbies... just yesterday I was shot and at 700 blood. I wouldn't know what I would have done if I didn't have a partner come to me.
  10. Farkinob

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    I think the background story would make sense as well. The AK47s we're taken by the survivors of the zombie attacks, while the less-effective SKS weapons were naturally left behind.
  11. Farkinob

    How about a Kill Cam?

    In casual, just-for-fun servers... maybe. In other servers, definitely not. The point of this game is stealth and hard-core tactics. If you're with a group and get picked off by a sniper, you can see exactly where he is and notify them of his position. Or vice versa. Bad idea is bad.
  12. With no risk, there's no reward. Teammates expand tactical options drastically. Couple this with lethal and efficient players, and it's the average man's worst nightmare. In our group, we treat others as, EQUALS not subjects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements: 15+ Microphone Willing to dedicate hours to the game at a time Patient and well-concentrated Familiar with basic in-game mechanics (i.e. how to use bandages, access gear, etc.) Preferences: Sociable (This is really useful when travelling long distances), Tactful (Ideas on what to do, how to share equipment whilst being efficient, best gear for someone, and how to approach an area of interest) Low to Medium experience level Resourceful Effecient at taking down hostiles Contact Info Steam : See Signature Skype: farkinob.dayz This Forum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm looking forward to hearing the responses. I will check back every couple minutes or so, with time periods increasing as the day winds on. I am confident our mutual cooperation will result in both of our interests; as well as our teams!
  13. 2 other people, we act typically as survivors but it's kind of a mixed bag. We usually shoot on sight unless we don't feel it's necessary We don't have a camp because it's a new group. We plan on putting together a couple vehicles and use those as traveling camps
  14. Moving fast while keeping a low profile is how I love to play this game. I'd like to share experiences together, as equals, with one or two dedicated DayZ fans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements: 15+ Microphone Willing to dedicate hours to the game at a time Patient and well-concentrated Familiar with basic in-game mechanics (i.e. how to use bandages, access gear, etc.) Preferences: ​Sociable (This is really useful when travelling long distances), Tactful (Ideas on what to do, how to share equipment whilst being efficient, best gear for someone, and how to approach an area of interest) Low to Medium experience level Resourceful Effecient at taking down hostiles Contact Info Steam : See Signature Skype: farkinob.dayz This Forum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I will check back every couple minutes or slow, with time periods increasing as the day winds on. I am confident our mutual cooperation will result in both of our interests.
  15. - Positions Filled - Good luck all! Happy hunting!
  16. Play on low-population servers with heavy admin maintenance. If you get killed by a hacker, boom ban for him.
  17. Farkinob

    Looking a brony clan.

    Why would you want to play with bronies in a hardcore game? Especially when they are usually younger, friendlier (less shoot first ask questions later), and more talkative than the average person. I mean, I'm a brony but SEARCHING for bronies to play and trying to make a group that is 8+ big? You know how hard that is going to be? Being more realistic would be having a partner or two because it would make it wayy easier schedule wise.
  18. I live in WI and have a pretty decent internet. I pass all the requirements, I'll hit you up on skype. I have to reinstall it though.