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Everything posted by Farkinob

  1. I'm in the teamspeak and nobody is here :(
  2. Farkinob


    IF anybody wants to play this with me add me on skype @ farkinob.dayz BTW I <3 the idea of this, makes a good trial-run for the dayz dev community so :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  3. I don't want to play Chernarus because it's filled with hackers. A couple things about myself: 17, Male, Live in Midwestern United States, been playing DayZ for a couple months now. I am usually shoot-on-sight and am a bandit You must live in North America if you want to team up with me due to ping issues, time zone differences, etc - and be 14+ Add me on skype @ farkinob.dayz or steam (listed below) !
  4. It's a great map that is like DayZ sped up... problem is connecting with people who play with it as well since most people here play Chernarus Holler at me on Skype @ farkinob.dayz or steam (listed below). I'm 17 and am on often The only thing I ask is that you are on often, have some experience in DayZ, and have a mic!
  5. Yes if you want to get 3 fps in the woods :)
  6. Sounds good man... you should try Taviana I guarantee you'll love it! I sent you an invite. Anybody else want to tag along :D ?
  7. Farkinob

    thinking of buying

    You want Arma II:CO because: A) It's only 30 dollars B) It's on sale for steam right now for $17.99 C) You need it to practice using the vehicles, getting the feel of guns on editor, etc.
  8. Farkinob

    Improve Hardware for Dayz

    If it runs that fantastically and you are happy with the FPS, by all means go for it! If I had to suggest things for you to invest in the future with the PC I would probably go with a quad core (more and more games are utilizing so you can use all 4 cores in processing), possibly improve the power supply (if you want to go dual- graphics cards later... also PSU capacitors deteriorate a bit every year (I think somewhere I read 8% on average?) so it would be a worthy investment. If you tend to have a lot of programs up or do photo/video editing I would upgrade the ram to 6gb possibly 8gb just to make sure you're in the clear for the next few years. 500GB is not a lot... I personally have a grand total of 780gb of space on my hard drives and I constantly have to remove stuff. Hard drives are dirt cheap so I would go big and large... forget the SSDs because they're a fucking pain in the ass... I have a 30gb one and it fills up all the time... I had to disable some automatic window updates because it would just fill it up to the brim. Also - steam has an annoying habit of putting saved games into your appdata folder, which is located in the same folder that windows is installed in. Saving 2 seconds to boot up your computer is not worth it in my opinion. Windows 7 64bit windows... I personally have it and I can honestly say, I hate it. I notice no solid difference. Practically all the games I run are 32-bit and the games for steam are ran at 32 bit also... I figure there must be some kind of slow-down here because there's an extra step that programs have to go through... I might be wrong though. But 64 bit windows practically lets you use more 4gb of ram... read more @ http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/32-bit-and-64-bit-Windows-frequently-asked-questions
  9. Résumé Name: Farkinob Age: 17 Location: Midwest United States Sex: Male -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Gameplay Preference: Bandit Details: I love hunting down prey... I'm not one of those campers that sit around on a roof for hours on end stuffing my face with cheetohs. I play the game and if I see a player or vehicle I will seize the oppurtunity Experience: Been playing on and off since middle of August Details: I know the game, how to fix vehicles, administer bloodpacks, hunt and cook animals, when you're sick, etc. Tools Used to assist in gameplay: I frequently alt+tab or shift+tab to get a sneek peak at the map to check out strategic locations. I also frequently set waypoints via ingame map. Prefered Weapons: Hatchet early game, AKM later on Reasoning: Early game I use the hatchet to kill zombies since it's effectively a one-shot kill and can be very effective for sneaking up against unsuspected people. AKM I use later because it's reliable, easy to replace, and easy to find magazines Preferred Method of Communication: Anything with a push-to-talk - hearing echos, coughs, dishes banging in the background is pretty hampering on gameplay when audio is very important. Contact Information: For ease of convienence, steam (listed in signature), PM, or forum post here -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Final Note Also - I am willing to play any DayZ map!! I take things seriously but not too seriously... I don't like playing with clowns who shoot each other just because somebody stole beans out of their bag :). I expect our team to be effective, effecient, mature, and most importantly fun - because at the end of the day DayZ is just a game. I also have a very good eye... Example in Attach files of a dead body with a bandit running around. Remember how to play "Where's Waldo" ;) ? NOTICE I DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES APPROVE OF CHEATING, HACKING, DUPLICATING ITEMS OR EXPLOITING GAME MECHANICS THAT AREN'T BUGGED BY DEFAULT ((( For Instance the bike repair glitch is fine since there's no way around it ))) !!! EVEN IF A HACKER KILLS YOU DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO RESTART THE SERVER SO YOU CAN GET YOUR ITEMS AND/OR WEAPONS BACK FROM THE SAVED TENT! I DO NOT APPROVE OF ILLEGITIMATE MEANS OF OF OBTAINING WEAPONS/ITEMS AS I VIEW THIS AS RUINING THE FUN OF THE GAME. THANK YOU!
  10. Farkinob

    Improve Hardware for Dayz

    Forget the case if you're not interested in overclocking and you don't have problems with head (Check out Speedfan - http://http://www.al...om/speedfan.php - to easily monitor your temperature, I recommend having it run in the background when you're gaming). If you have no problems with heat, don't bother with the case just use the one you have right now. The power supply - 400 watts is a little low for what you're in for and that Cooler Master Elite 370 seems like an expensive gimmick. I would go AMD/ATI GPU/CPU since they give you the most bang for your money. ------------ I would definitely check out Tom's Hardware @ http://www.tomshardware.com/ . Check out the Forums since there's people who build PCs for fun and are masterminds (Certain motherboards are incompatible with certain types of CPUs for example, and they know all that) and list your budget, tell them what they know. If you're interested in playing the DayZ standalone which runs off a better engine, I would definately recommend checkout out the News section in Tom's hardware because intel and amd comes out with better chipsets all the time (Ignore the GHz rating, it doesn't mean much). Also, might I recommend the PC builds that tomshardware does? Every quarter or so in the year they create PC builds that are budgeted and they try to create the best computer from $500, $1000, or $2000 dollar budgets... keep in mind though it's the ENTIRE computer, even the PSU and Case. http://www.tomshardw...puter,3374.html Bottom Line Since you can play DayZ now (But it's not crystal smooth I reckon) I would put the brakes on hold until the system requirements and recommendations for DayZ or Arma III are released and make the best judgement from there using the people at tomshardware as your guide. I would also see if you can harvest the PSU from your own PC to save around $30-50 bucks. Maybe buy stuff that is refurbished or on sale to save money or do more with it? Good Luck - I hope I helped!
  11. Farkinob

    Improve Hardware for Dayz

    If I would you, I would probably get a better graphics card because the GT cards are horrible and I personally think they're a scam
  12. Farkinob

    What do i do !!!!!!

    Be happy it's a $20 game and not your $20,000 bank account, you've learned a very important lesson in the world and that is not to be so gullible
  13. Farkinob

    Remove Teamspeak.

    If this was possible and easy I would be all for it. Problems that arise with this idea (assuming DayZ devs find out how to disable teamspeak-like programs): 1) There's always a way around software: Whether it's breaking into your grandma's passworded computer because she forgot it or cracking into your neighbor's wifi, there's always a way around something. PERIOD. 2) Since there's a way around something, scammers will offer pseudo-software to go around the teamspeak block and the naive will buy into it.... or the elite clans will be dead silent while well-to-do-groups will play by the rules and be dicked over 3) Enforcement - almost impossible to enforce... how do you prove that somebody was talking on a teamspeak-related software that isn't traceable by said game? 4) Resources. There would have to be an program that is constantly checking for teamspeak-related programs and could be a useless resource hog Final Word: Good idea, but unrealistic
  14. This sounds cool but the rules of engagement seems like they were made by a... non-experienced person. In DayZ, he who does not strike first will be the first struck
  15. Farkinob

    LF bandit buddy :D

    This guy is a backstabber... his skype name is "Grizz - LittleDude™" and ingame name is "Lazy" I found a Ural in US264 and we were playing for a couple hours prior and we were gonna get some gear and everything... as soon as we meet up what happens? He disconnects from the skype call, then shoots me driving it. He then claims he 'lost connection' and I thought it was a hacker or something. He drives to the factory in the Ural to meet up with my friend, then kills him, disconnects from the skype call again, then removes me from skype contacts, and drives the Ural away. Don't trust this guy, he'll just use you to get your gear and stuff... what a real cockhead. TL;DR: DONT TRUST THIS GUY HE IS A BACKSTABBING LITTLE GIRL
  16. Farkinob

    LF bandit buddy :D

    Me too
  17. Farkinob

    Me and Friend LF Other Friends

    If you're still looking for people send me a PM, click on my steam profile (link in signature), or add me on skype @ farkinob.dayz You seem like the people that are fun :D
  18. I would like this idea if the zombies weren't laggy, jittery, and slower. It's a pain in the ass trying to destroy/flee a zombie that can run just as fast as you, if not faster; even though they're supposed to be decayed...
  19. Farkinob

    Coats (Hot and colds)

    I like this idea... the bright red color would stick out like a sore thumb though, the military poncho would be more easily obtainable than the runner's jacket however (due to Chernarus being a overridden military fallout zone). I think it would be more realistic (not to mention mildly humorous) if you make the poncho be more common than the bright-red runner's jacket... I can just picture a noob just sprinting away from me right now in a bright-red jacket screaming on direct chat "DON'T KILL ME THIS JACKET IS RARE!!!"
  20. No, no, no this is a terrible idea. Since I don't care to fully explain how bad of an idea this is, let me list four problems: 1) Internet Ping - best man with internet wins 'fastest reflex' competition 2) Assigned Keys - people with superior typing skills will beat the 'chicken pecker' typer 3) DayZ is based on tactics and skill, not button mashing. If you want to play a button mashing game, go play Mortal Combat. 4) Waste of resources - why for god's sake would this be implemented? How often do you stand toe-to-toe with a enemy, I'd much rather have the DayZ team work on something useful and something you would actually come across more than once (if you're lucky) in your entire dayz career!!! Like them making a system where you can modify your guns and bullets more effectively, more vehicles, etc. not some stupid godforsaken button mashing minigame!
  21. Requirements: 15+ Microphone Willing to dedicate hours to a game Contact Information: Steam - See Below Skype - Farkinob.dayz ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Looking forward to hearing from you! Good luck and happy hunting!
  22. Farkinob

    DayZ Clan is recruiting

    Seems legit. I'll join... hopefully you guys are chill.