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Renan Ruivo

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About Renan Ruivo

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  1. Renan Ruivo

    HUD Stance Indicator

    That too. Wouldn't work to double press shift to make sure you aren't running though, because if you aren't then you will after doing that =). And it being optional too, of course. Making optional is always the right thing to do in cases like this. Specially considering that there are at least two other games out there being develop that mimic DayZ, and this is simply artificial difficulty. Lazy is what i call writing in your tone. The guy above didn't agree with it etiher but did not sound like a jerking cunt. And offered far more constructive criticism. Plus, if you bothered sparing one brain cell to read and think before posting you would have seen that "moving" is also part of the problem that i've demonstrated.
  2. Renan Ruivo

    HUD Stance Indicator

    Other than that it might help on Mercenary and Hardcore servers with 3DP off. Yes, looking down to see if you are kneeling or not works, but the point behind the HUD is to display information that the in-game character ought to know without taking any action. In the real world we know our stance without taking any action. You don't look down to see if you are kneeling or not, and you don't need to move to know if a "run switch" is toggled in your brain.
  3. Those six tips sound simple enough, now that i have been doing what Ahzrukhal suggested. I "suicided" my then current toon because he had the shakes, no painkillers, a crossbow with no bolt and no bag (i dropped mine to pick up another, but got kicked by the server because i had high ping. Damn those admins who think 150ms is "high"). Logged into a 4 player server then went to the closes city (don't remember the name right now, it had a big-ass church and what seemed like an ice cream store). Inside the store, i found two pistols, an ALICE pack, binoculars, map, supplies, a crossbow and bolts. Decided to keep the crossbow because i could kill zombies while crawling and not alarm others. Then i left because i heard gunshots (6 players by now). Ran as fast as possible from the store to the coast while trying to lose a few zombies. Then i switched to a high-pop server, played around and got shot in a barn by someone who i assumed ghost-flanked me (he was in the barn with me, then he dc'd, and then a few seconds later i got shot). Staying in low population servers for the time being ... and am even thinking about hosting a private LAN server with local Hive just to mess around, get to know the map and learn the game itself without getting bothered by exploiting players. Learn surviving the game first, then the players second ...
  4. Renan Ruivo

    HUD Stance Indicator

    I suggest a simple stance (Standing, crouched, prone, run-toggle on, run-toggle off) that appears on the HUD. A simple icon (that looks like a human being) that is standing when the player is standing, crouching when the player is crouching and prone when the player is prone. It will be Green when RUN is toggled off and Yellow when its toggled ON. Sounds stupid, i know ... But in the pitch black its hard to tell what the stance is. And even in daylight its impossible to know if RUN is enabled without actually moving and potentially making a lot of noise. By the way, this has nothing to do with reality. In reality, you obvioulsy know wether you're standing up or prone on the ground, and you know if you are about to walk slowly or run in a sprint.
  5. Hmm, i haven't been to either city yet. Been trying to gather stuff on vilages and etc. More often than not their buildings won't be enterable and that is a little frustrating. I've been told to avoid those cities like the plague because its a mouse trap. But then reading you it dawned on me that i mainly play on servers with less than 10 people :) Thanks for your post.
  6. I tried ArmA II before when spending a few days in another city on a friends house. And then some two days between downloading ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead through steam (1mb connection yo). Didn't liked it. I don't really dig military themed games. So yeah i bought it only for DayZ.
  7. Ok, first of all i'm not complaining that i don't have any way to defend myself when first spawning. I don't agree with that but i accept it, especially since i am a new player. However not even one day into the game and i have started to lose interest in it. I die too often, i can never find usefull loot fast enough (to justify not caring when i die). I don't want to lose interest in it, because i paid money that i consider precious, since i'm going through some difficulties in life. Not the most responsible thing to do, i know, but now that i have done did it ... i want to keep myself entertained with the thing to relieve some stress. So i'm wondering, is there any usefull guide that takes 1.7.1 into account, and all the changes that came with it (I believe that the gear removal from starting players came with it. If i'm wrong, feel free to correct me) ? Because all the guides that i find consider that you already have means to defend yourself and survive (such as already having a water bottle, with some still telling me to fill it on the ocean). I see players walking around with what looks to be end-game stuff, and while friends of mine tell me that they are hackers/dupers or are using some sort of "backup servers" to bring their characters back to life if they die, i'd rather save the cynicism for later, and believe for now that at least some of them know what they are doing and have been on my shoes in the past. So really, all i want to know is if there are any didatic "end-game" players that got to where they are without resorting to cheap tactics, exploiting and hacking that has either written a guide or would be kind enough to offer some up-to-date tips for starters. Thanks!
  8. Renan Ruivo

    How about a starting weapon?

    And remove the default skin of a person who actually looks like a professional survivor. Since we have no survival gear.
  9. Renan Ruivo

    How about a starting weapon?

    No, he was given one before being in any sort of real danger. Even on the hardest difficulty.
  10. Renan Ruivo

    How about a starting weapon?

    There's a problem with the game at the moment ... the idea behind making people start with no weapons so that they won't kill newcomers makes sense. However it is fucking hilarious to see a survival in full survivor gear, but only actually have a flaslight and some painkillers. Not even a fucking water bottle. With all those pockets in the vest and the pants, if i were a real survivor i would stuff them with stones to throw until i found a kitchen knife, cleaver, broken glass bottle, whatever ... If Rocket wants players to be complete defenseless when beginning than he needs to change the default skin to some joe in average clothing.
  11. Didn't read the OP but this made my day. An aussie in NY xD Stick it to them, dude!
  12. If it went down the way you described then i wouldn't even call it banditry, but survival. They threatened to kill you if you didn't talk to them. So you talked to them, just as they demanded. Then they were stupid enough to forget the initial threat while you didn't.
  13. Renan Ruivo

    How not to joke when playing DayZ

    If they really were joking they would have called it off the minute bullets began flying.
  14. OP gets the game. +1 Also, while i don't think that i'd do those things myself, the game wouldn't be what it is without it. The choice is yours: To trust or not to trust.
  15. Renan Ruivo

    CD key in use

    So this issue is only bound to happen to people with "old" ArmA II keys? Good to know, as i just bought it from steam yesterday.