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About jorgamun

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    Woodland Warrior

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    Programman', Gaman', Naturan'.
  1. jorgamun

    The Most Valuable Asset: Knowledge

    That's neat, I hadn't thought of how to represent it. It makes sense, humanity is already represented as a sidebar icon. I do like the idea of the knowledge leaking into other players near you. There could be books that could teach you a lot about the subject (perhaps get you to 50% on the read), by using the skills you advance them, and if you're in the presence of a player that has a higher skill level than you yours advances to his level slowly over time.
  2. Spawned from the thread about bandages came the question of knowledge. Bearing in mind that this calls itself an RPG, should you have to acquire knowledge through some means to be (more?) effective at certain tasks? It could be through book looting in schoolhouses and other places that could teach you a skill (medical, vehicle repair, cooking, etc.) and would be valuable trade items. Perhaps you could start with one skill already completed. Thoughts?
  3. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    Thats a damned interesting question. Maybe it can spread like a cough? Sit with someone who knows how and you learn how? There's an item in game that teaches you how as well? I kind of like the idea of readable, lootable books. There are schoolhouses that currently have no loot in them, and they would be very valuable trade items.
  4. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    So a larger question that this thread is spawning: should knowledge be a resource that you have to acquire ingame?
  5. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    I personally just like the idea of your medical skills being less effective until you have some tool of some sort that enables you to take care of more grievous injuries. You who spoke as a military medic remember: YOU are a medic. What are the chances that a Survivor in Chernarus is?
  6. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    I thought so at first too, but read a bit more into the thread and see how the idea developed. It's not a bad idea, the loss of blood isn't that significant, just a presence for major wounds.
  7. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    Actually, now I'm liking your idea way more. 10+ per minute from self bandaging without getting help from someone who has something like a medical reference book (new tool perhaps?) would be a very neat idea for grievous wounds.
  8. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    You assume incorrectly. It's not incredibly difficult to do. Hell, they teach you how to do it in Boy Scouts. If you're talking about gunshot wounds, if the realism scale is tipped that far then nobody will ever heal from a gunshot wound practically ever. They almost always result in death without true medical attention. Your buddy Joe survivor doesn't have that much more capability of taking care of your innards than you do. Also, why should the mod encourage teamwork? That's not the point of it - the point is more or less to have no point.
  9. jorgamun

    Thoughts on Bandages

    I think this is a very awful idea. Why should someone not be able to bandage themself?
  10. jorgamun

    Steel bolts and taking them

    I would like bolts to be lootable from the corpses that you kill them with, as in through the gear menu.
  11. jorgamun

    Setting up / cutting down barbed wire

    They say you have to target the wood, but sometimes it just fails even if you properly aim at it. The barbed wire griefing in this game is getting absurd. You should be able to move through it at the cost of starting to bleed or something. It's not impossible to do, it just hurts (I know this from plenty of experience).
  12. I do have most of what I think to be the good algorithms down for what I know exists, but I'm not sure the verbosity of the relevant logs so I'm wary to get too much into it before I know what data is available. I'd love to work with him though, what's his contact info?
  13. jorgamun

    Dying needs to have consequences

    I like the game being goalless. I like the freedom to make my own objectives. Hell, sometimes I play a character that doesn't even care about survival, he's just out to kill as many fucking zombies as possible. The more incentives created to play a certain way the less sandboxy the game becomes. Food for thought.