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Posts posted by DemonGroover

  1. Read about this Japanese disaster manual on the BBC website and how people all over the world are clambering for a copy.


    Below is the website and links to sections - of particular interest is Survival Tips.


    There are some great little suggestions inside!  Not sure if any could make DayZ though, but i particularly like the idea of creating an emergency lantern.



    • Like 6

  2. Actually I do remember the discussions at the start of DUG that the server would be best in the US because of us Aussies and Kiwis....we get terrible ping to Europe but playable to the US.

    DUG is a worldwide community and its pretty much my goto Hardcore server.

    • Like 3

  3. Remember that the game is still being developed....if a new asset is created it would be pretty silly if that asset is so rare that no one gets to use and test it.


    Once everything is in game they can then start messing with the rarity of items etc.


    Do you remember when the SA was first released?  There were M4s everywhere because they were testing the attachment system as the M4 was being used as a template....now M4s are only found in certain locations.


    Just give it time.


    As for draw distance, that is a feature common to most games - how much draw distance to allow before the game becomes unplayable?  I understand your concerns, hiding in bushes can be useless if another player has turned his settings down, but what can you do?  Not everyone has a decent system. 


    Maybe in the future there will be unique servers that enforce certain settings on players?

    • Like 2

  4. I read an article in PC gamer about a zombie apocalypse mod for a game i'd never heard of (Arma 2 - shame on me).


    Watched the YT vid from CHKilroy i think and i thought "I have to play this!"


    Bought Arma 2 OA and went through the pain of installing the mod and finding a server.  Logged in and was immediately chased by zombies to the crane just outside Cherno...i was screaming the whole way, not knowing what the hell to do....i climbed up the crane thinking i was safe from the zombies below...to my horror the zombies started climbing up the ladder towards me!


    I basically shat myself, panicked and plummeted to my death. I sat there shaking, looking at the You are Dead screen and realised i had just found my perfect game ever.

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  5. I believe they are adding some animals but they will be of a more realistic, native to Eastern Europe kind....animals such as wolves, bears, wild dogs etc.


    Unless there is a zoo and the animals escaped i am not sure how you would get jungle dwelling predators such as tigers and anacondas in game.


    As for the dropping meat idea...it would be nice to have some way of distracting the zeds,  but would they stop for a slab of meat if they can still see you running away?  The Infected aren't your typical brain dead zombie.

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  6. Random interiors does sound very intensive. 


    But it would be nice to have a few more touches here or there to make buildings lived in or as scenes of struggle, etc.  The populace would also have flocked to police stations, hospitals and churches in such a crisis yet these buildings suggest nothing really untoward happened.  Mass graves in the churchyard,  long forgotten dead prisoners in their cells,  loads of filled bodybags in hospitals, etc etc


    Hopefully there are plans to apocalypse-ise areas, though it would be quite a job.

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  7. I like the idea of a bus map, very basic but showing all the bus stops around Chernarus.


    I think some ambient litter floating through the cities and towns as well...i see that dragonfly often enough, a few more pieces of litter would be nice.


    Birds as well, rats maybe, even a stray dog or cat dashing through the townships.

  8. It's been a while since i created a thread and considering i am bored out of my head at work i thought i'd, as Shia Labeouf would say, "Do it!"


    I was pondering the small and possibly insignificant things that could be added to DayZ that could/would make it a more immersive, authentic or interesting place.  Nothing too big, just those little things that you would expect to see/do that aren't in game atm, or never will be added.


    My 2 cents is:


    A readable newspaper (the final edition of the Chernarus Times before civilisation collapsed) though this could be construed as giving a back story, something the devs are loathe to do.


    Being able to scavenge rags from all that bed linen we see inside buildings...there have been numerous times i have sat bleeding out, ragless, next to a fully made up bed.


    What do you think? Anything? Nothing? Happy as it is?


    Back to work!





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  9. That's half the fun..working out what to do.


    Probably not the best time to jump into it since there arent any Zombies atm, but at least it gives you the chance to work out how to survive and explore until they are reintroduced.


    Get food, drink, warm clothes, find or make a backpack, get yourself a weapon, then explore.

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