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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    Zombies need to be scary and dangerous

    Have you seen the footage of the Infected hammering down a door? Hopefully this is an idea of how the Infected will be in the future.
  2. DemonGroover

    Things I have yet to see in 0.62

    Haven't seen a Plate vest in a long time...press vests as well for that matter
  3. DemonGroover

    Status Report and Walkie Talkies

    I like the idea
  4. DemonGroover

    Status Report - 16 May 2017

    I do like the idea of spawning with a radio and making batteries last a bit longer....at least to test it out and see what happens!
  5. DemonGroover

    Another reason

    If you want a discussion then make a thread that isnt just bait. Saying you have uninstalled and leaving isnt really conducive to a mature discussion. I am going to lock this thread as it will achive nothing. If you want to dicuss some of the issues you raised, by all means do so but do it constructively. And you other lot! Let him speak and then retort...nicely!
  6. DemonGroover

    [Infected AI] Grab + Bite

    Be great if a whole lot of zeds just jumped on top of you, dragged you to the ground and starting ripping you apart.
  7. DemonGroover

    Absence of formal sidechat in DayZ SA is a pain.

    Sniper on Sniper Hill! Anyone in Cherno? I just died on a ladder. Yeah i miss those comments.
  8. DemonGroover

    New forum format/style

    Did i say that? Shame on me.
  9. DemonGroover


    I hope that nothing is truly safe. I should always be able to steal or at least blow up your stuff.
  10. DemonGroover

    Problems and ideas for dayz (.61)

    I remember back in the day when zombies used to climb ladders. Scared the crap out of me when i first played and realised hiding up top of the Cherno crane wasnt a good idea.
  11. DemonGroover

    Better Logs

    And here i was thinking you were going to complain about the logs burning too quickly ingame.
  12. DemonGroover

    ideas for additional in-game features

    Be able to use all those bed sheets and cut them into rags!!
  13. DemonGroover

    Individual Hand Slots

    Torch and pistol would be great...they do it in the movies so it must be realistic.
  14. DemonGroover

    New forum format/style

    FInally! I can log back into the Forum. I have missed you guys. Reddit just ain't the same.
  15. I agree that the stories that come out of a playthrough is DayZ's greatest strength. On a side not though servers that ban players for KoS is against the terms of hosting a server i believe.
  16. DemonGroover

    Thoughts about base building

    Hopefully it is pretty hard to break into a base but it shouldnt be too hard. For instance it might take a while for me to sledgehammer my way in but if i place a sticky bomb on a homemade door to a base i would expect it to blow the shit out of it. I wouldnt want to come across any base that is impenetrable or have super hi tech security like electronic locks and the like. I have higher hopes for barricading rather than base building. Why build a structure when you can wall off or barricade an existing one?
  17. DemonGroover

    Display own blood type in inventory screen

    I cant see this being a major issue. Just a little note next to your character in the inventory screen would be enough. To those saying you should write it down or remember the same could be said for amount of ammo left. Why are we shown a number under each ammo pile with how many we have left? That doesnt happen irl! Maybe we should write that down as well?
  18. DemonGroover


    As with everything within the game they are up for constant review and update. I wouldnt make too many conclusions on systems and features until they are fully implemented and declared finsihed. We arent even out of the Alpha stage yet so nothing is final.
  19. DemonGroover

    Chernarus Needs Fire Stations

    I have recently undertaken a role in Chernarus, that of a firefighter. I hadn't really noticed before but Western and Central Chernarus is pretty much devoid of any fire emergency response. If there had been a fire pre-apocalypse i am afraid homes in Zeleno and Stary would burn to the ground before the brave fire fighters and their buckets and bicycles (there arent any fire trucks anywhere!) would be able to help. In fact, in the entirety of the Western map only the NWAF has a fire station and that would pretty much have been exclusively for the airport. For me, i believe there should be, at the very least, additional Fire Stations in Novaya Petrovka, Zeleno and Stary. And the NEAF needs a firestation as well - every airport needs some kind of emergency backup - Aeroflot arent that safe, just look at downtown Cherno!
  20. DemonGroover

    Chernarus Needs Fire Stations

    I really want to be able to drive a fire truck around Chernarus. Add in an option to fill the tank and spray the fire hose about and i will be happy for a long while.
  21. DemonGroover

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I just bludgeoned Dean Hall to death!
  22. DemonGroover

    Franky1080ponpc's suggestions

    All these have been suggested countless times before.
  23. DemonGroover

    Ideas about chernarus plus map

    It is based on a real geographic region so i dont think there will be too many geographical changes....look for other maps like Namalsk for that. I do like the idea of each city having a different look, but just think of the massive amount of work that means...i am sure a modder will do exactly that though. Areas of previous fighting between the army and infected would be great as well...the last stand so to speak. Tisy may be that place in the future, who knows the Devs plans?
  24. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    They most definitely do parkour