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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    What happened to DayZ player lore?

    You know I miss that DayZ Urban Legends thread......though it was mainly about the mod there were a few SA stories.....maybe ill resurrect it and move it to the SA section. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/22703-day-z-urban-legends/
  2. DemonGroover

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Had a quick runabout.....but I got KOS twice as a new spawn in 10 minutes. I forgot that the douchebag ratio is so much higher on stable compared to exp. My bad.
  3. Used to be a flare in the mod.....
  4. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Anyone found an ammo box recently. ....haven't seen one in ages.
  5. DemonGroover

    So Probably a Dumb Question

    This is commonly known as "The Mike Tyson Effect" Sometimes they get you good.
  6. DemonGroover

    Forest in The Witcher 3

    I said a multi player (ie 32/64 players) OR an MMO. I wouldn't call DayZ an MMO.
  7. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    New school is pretty nice. Useable basketballs and footballs please.
  8. DemonGroover

    Forest in The Witcher 3

    Unfortunately you can't really compare single player games to a multi player game or an MMO. Would be nice though.
  9. DemonGroover

    Primitive Shelters

    This is exactly the sort of stuff we should be able to craft. When Rocket first mentioned underground bases all those ages ago i thought that something of that scale and effort was quite unachievable really. Who on earth could build an underground lair with planks of wood and some sheet metal? This is more like it! No talk of security codes on doors, turret defenses or personal hand made Terminators to guard your stash.
  10. DemonGroover

    Wrecking Shit! This is DayZ Mod at it's Best

    Gonna move this to its proper home
  11. I have heard this in regards to some people getting dizzy, nauseous etc. I feel sorry for them in the future when the Oc Rift, etc is used more and more in games.
  12. DemonGroover

    About the next coming camera angle

    Well, if you have no idea the guy is on the roof because he has been watching you whilst lying down it would be extremely lucky if you were looking in his direction as he stood up to shoot. In fact because he can see you while you cannot see him he would just wait for you to turn around before standing up.
  13. I actually think people would eventually come around and discover that they like 1PP. Maybe there wouldn't be as many rage quits as we think?
  14. I would laugh and then await the outrage.
  15. DemonGroover

    First Player Kill

    It was a long time ago....the mod days. I had an AKM and some fool started shooting at me with a Makarov after i told the guy to put his gun away. Lit him up nicely.
  16. DemonGroover

    0.57 Map Changes: Berezino

    Any basketballs lying around?
  17. DemonGroover

    NPC Bodies as Events (Clarification)

    It would be great if a large database could be created packed full of random events - and maybe 6-10 were chosen every server restart and spawned on the map. It was one of the best things about Fallout 3 coming across a random event in the Wasteland.
  18. DemonGroover

    0.57 Map Changes: Berezino

    A mirror image when they applied the texture? How is the school? Does it have lots of rooms, places to hide, PvP possibilities etc?
  19. DemonGroover

    About the next coming camera angle

    Thats a new one
  20. DemonGroover

    0.57 Map Changes: Berezino

    That periodic table poster looks inverted.
  21. DemonGroover

    About the next coming camera angle

    That's libel. My lawyers will be in touch.
  22. DemonGroover

    If You Build It, They Will Come

    Seems like a legit apocalypse you got there.
  23. DemonGroover

    About the next coming camera angle

    Unfortunately, yes, in an early access, alpha version of a game things can change drastically. The Dead Linger for example will go from an "infinitely" procedurally generated world to a large pre built world in the space of one patch.
  24. DemonGroover

    Server names and enforcement

    Again i am pretty sure enabling persistence will be out of the servers hands.
  25. DemonGroover

    Server names and enforcement

    Pretty sure those servers that say megaloot etc are bullshitting. Same goes for servers that say PvE only.....it is against the rules.