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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    I can think of quicker ways to die than death by pitchfork.....looks painful
  2. DemonGroover

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    Keep the inquiry in this area.
  3. DemonGroover

    Experimental & Recent update troubles.

    You dont need 2 topics...keep it to the Trouble shooting section.
  4. DemonGroover

    The one feature I want to see implemented in DayZ

    I think the only thing you will get is an extra inch in beard length!
  5. DemonGroover

    Popular Maps

    Ask in this area or go to the Epoch forums Moved
  6. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    We really need slit-vision wearing that Great helm!
  7. DemonGroover

    Better helicrash experience

    The devs have always stated that if you see a helicopter flying it will be player controlled, never by an NPC. In the mod a heli crash always had a zombie pilot or 2 wandering around the crash site - they sometimes had good gear on them.
  8. DemonGroover


    I am still waiting for battery + paperclip = thermonuclear device.
  9. DemonGroover

    Abandoned camp's in jungle

    Bears, wolves, booby trapped player camps...there will soon be lots to interact with.
  10. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Love it. My Monty Python and the Holy Grail fantasies can now come true.
  11. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    It simulates the radio breaking up over distance. The further away you are from the sender the less of the message you will see....not sure of the range. Are the radios supposed to be global atm?
  12. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Finally that silo building is enterable.....it has been a wish of mine for ages.
  13. DemonGroover

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So what cities are the zombies in? Spawned in Svetlo - no zeds, just lots of standing still player corpses.
  14. DemonGroover

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    I agree - they need a "body after gutted and filleted" model Imagine coming across some leftovers in a random building.
  15. DemonGroover

    Death Cam

    So you can tell your friends on teamspeak that the person who killed you has a green mountain backpack and a red motorcycle helmet, for example? Maybe, depending on your religious beliefs, you see the Pearly Gates or a beach full of girls and beer?
  16. DemonGroover

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    Skills are a very touchy subject. Do we really want DayZ to turn into a Skyrim or Fallout? I would prefer no skills at all but the soft skills in regards to hunting, medical and repair do seem to be a nice compromise. I hope they don't carry on after death though.
  17. DemonGroover

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    Nice..have always wanted to roll a grenade into a building or down the ATC stairs.
  18. DemonGroover

    Correct me if im wrong but..

    Without the protection and care of humans farm animals would quickly die - source, Life After People documentary. I would imagine wild animal numbers would climb initially but would soon be brought under control by wild dogs, wolves etc. There would be some equilibrium, it wouldnt turn into a deer park overnight. Not to mention that zombies would no doubt kill some of them as well.
  19. DemonGroover

    Fundamental Flaws in Current systems

    There is no such thing as a PvE server, no KoS server etc etc...these servers should be reported.
  20. DemonGroover

    The Plans and Goals for 2015

    We yard for a reason - keep it civil and constructive and all is well. Getting sick and tired of people complaining about their childish, "constructive" threads getting yarded. Discuss away!
  21. DemonGroover

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    I think SA is coming along just fine and hopefully in a few more updates will surpass the mod in terms of zeds and vehicles. And btw as an Aussie I remember most of my roots just fine.
  22. DemonGroover


    I am not sure if this is a romantic or sad tale.
  23. DemonGroover


    Third rule of the zombie apocalypse....cut your hair.
  24. DemonGroover

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    On topic please.