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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    Police Grade Loot

    The military are the police in a lot of countries. However, if possible, i agree - a police station would be cool.
  2. DemonGroover

    Add watch to the starting equipment.

    A watch could definitely be one piece of equipment that is a realistic addition to a spawn. And a DMR with 5 mags...
  3. DemonGroover


    Defintely! And with all the vodka swilling locals now turned into Zombies they should light up like a firecracker.
  4. DemonGroover

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    Zombie Apocalypse = Total shitstorm. Why should we get any help?
  5. DemonGroover

    What Would You Like to Start With?

    A sore arse and your pants round your ankles.. Seriously - nothing at all.
  6. DemonGroover

    Bring back starting weapon!

    Unfortunately previous versions of Day Z turned the game into a loot/avoid bandits experience. The Zeds were merely an annoyance. Now that the Zeds are rightfully dangerous people are whining because getting good gear and equipment is substantially harder. I think the majority of these whingers need to select the female gender upon respawn because they obviously have no BALLS!
  7. DemonGroover

    should they roll back the update?

    NO Acquire BALLS!
  8. DemonGroover

    Bring back starting weapon!

    Why not give everyone a DMR, NVG's, a map, GPS and body armour at spawn? That way we can all stroll up to the NW airfield and have a massive deathmatch session while Zeds massage our shoulders. Or we could pretend it is the Zombie Apocalypse and realise we would probably have jackshit in terms of equipment and do what we can to survive. Just some thoughts.
  9. DemonGroover

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Grow some BALLS son! You are whining because you and your friends are going to lose all your precious gear when you get OWNED by a Zombie in a frigging Zombie Apocalypse??!! Yes there are bugs but they will get fixed - i dont think Rocket sleeps! I have been killed numerous times but you know what - every new spawn makes you play that little bit smarter. It is much more rewarding now to just survive. That moment you find your first weapon and the sense of relief washes over you - tell me what other game gives you that feeling? Stay on the Zombie Apocalypse for the under 5's (1.7.0) if you like. Some people like a challenge.
  10. DemonGroover

    thoughts on 1.7.1

    Sure there are issues and a hotfix will be out shortly i'm sure. But this is an Alpha, Rocket is trying things out. LOS issues, seeing and hitting through walls - they will be fixed. But the fact that Zeds are now more of a threat rather than a navigable hindrance is awesome. The fact you could crawl through a sea of zombies in pre 1.7.1 was BS pure and simple.
  11. DemonGroover

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    For Fuck's Sake people it the Zombie Apocalypse - not a weekend camping trip with friends! Grow some NUTS, suck it up and learn to play a different way. The tears of all these "My character was over 20 days old and i just died" wimps are making my night! So you lost your DMR, NVG's and GPS? Welcome to Respawn-ville, bean population - nil. For what its worth i say Rocket gave us too much equipment on spawning.
  12. DemonGroover

    thoughts on 1.7.1

    It's a Zombie Apocalypse people! What do you expect - camping, singing Kumbaya and eating beans? There is a reason there arent many survivors in Chernarus - they have been eaten or turned into Zeds! Its time to act like a Survivor. Remember Rocket's words - you need BALLS to play this "game". Once the instantaneous respawning, the hitting and seeing through walls is sorted this patch will be effing awesome!!
  13. DemonGroover

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    TheLegendOfMart - my comment was tongue in cheek - of course bandits wont stop the senseless killing - they just wont be getting any beans for their effort. For a change they may have to loot for themselves to get some supplies, and their own goddamn beans!
  14. DemonGroover

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Fuck yeah now this is what i call a zombie apocalypse! People needing to survive not just killing for the hell of it! The day of the bandit killing a noob for beans is over. Find your own goddamn beans!!
  15. DemonGroover

    Death player returning as a zombie NPC.

    Rocket has said the Zeds are not dead, they are infected people. So them coming back from the dead isnt plausible.
  16. DemonGroover

    my first day "DayZ" forum/pvp observations

    People in general band together when the shit really hits the fan - they dont grab the nearest gun and start shooting random strangers. The fact that this IS a game means players react in ways i am sure they wouldnt in real life. Shooting someone hiding from zombies/enemies with a sniper rifle from 400m? C'mon, would that really happen? I hear a lot of nonsense from players who say "Yeah, but if this were real i would shoot anyone just to survive, man!" No you wouldnt - you would hide under a bush, shit your pants and cry for your mummy/mommy! Not me though - i would kill anyone in the hope they happened to be carrying beans on them!! Love them beans!
  17. DemonGroover

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    Well i would be shitting myself - no doubt about it!!
  18. DemonGroover

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    Ejaculacid - i dont think there is a man/woman alive (apart from Chuck Norris) who wouldnt be anxious or paranoid spending time alone in a world gone to shit - let alone a world of zombies and psycho killers on the loose. I think the game needs a system to simulate the highly stressful situation and how people's emotions would be on tenderhooks. I do agree though that a layman would not be able to repair let alone fly a Huey helicopter
  19. DemonGroover

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    I really do think Day Z needs a stress counter, or the like. Upon first spawning Stress levels would be through the roof - it would cause panic, make it hard to shoot etc. As you shoot more Zeds and survive for longer you would get more and more desensitised to the situation. Meeting and being around other survivors should decrease your stress levels - being alone for great lengths would definitely increase your levels of paranoia Random indescriminate killing of other survivors would also have an adverse effect - after all how many psychos are all there in the head? Maybe you become such an ice cold killer that stimulants, food for blood regeneration etc have less and less of an effect. If you can stone cold kill someone for their beans will those beans really give you stimulation? I do think how you play the game would have an impact on the characters pysche. Friendly, social people would be much healthier than lone wolves or rampant mass murderers. Humans by nature are social animals - we aren't biologically meant to be loners or kill our own kind. One man versus a lion is kitty food, ten men against a lion have a nice new rug. Remember in times of great crisis the human race generally bands together, not seperate and pick each other off with sniper rifles at 300m.
  20. DemonGroover

    Voice & Text Communication

    I like the idea of finding a radio and whovever else has a radio can be chatted to in the Side/Global channel
  21. DemonGroover

    Bandit/Survivor Servers

    I am sure this has been brought up - though i couldnt find anything myself. Rocket has said that the Humanity point system is still in the background of the game and is recorded. So why not have a few servers where you cannot logon if your Humanity is too low or some for too high. So all the goody two shoes Samaritans can play out the Waltons on one server while bandits can play Mad Max the Road Warrior on another. For what its worth i played the single player Day z mod and have to say it is boring without the thrill of knowing a bandit could be about to pop your skull. Until the Zeds are actually made a main threat only other players are about can give the true Day Z experience
  22. DemonGroover

    Bandit/Survivor Servers

    Hey - fair enough comments. Just saying. This is a suggestion forum after all. I think bandits definitely are needed to spice the game up - if everyone was friendly it would just be a zombie massacre game. However the other end of the spectrum is just as boring for some players. Do players actaully get enjoyment popping off new spawns with a DMR from 400m?
  23. DemonGroover

    Humanity System - Rocket, have a minute?

    I think a Survivor is more likely to visually show he is friendly rather than a bandit proclaiming himself a killer.
  24. NO Would get annoying standing next to bandit friends. Prefer some kind of visual choice for survivor to show as friendly - white flag atop backpack?