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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    New "You are dead" screen

    I like it - good job
  2. DemonGroover

    Semi Perma Death.

    I agree it really is ridiculous that you can get your stuff back in 5-10 minutes as if nothing happened. To some dying is a minor inconvenience. At least now with the buffed Zeds players will find it harder to retrieve stuff - i am sure that is why half the people are bitching about why the updates should be rolled back etc. I do think there needs to be a solution. Having all these realistic aspects to a survival game is voided by the fact you can get all psychic and go back to your last characters body and get all your loot back. Perhaps Rockets suggestion that there is a % chance of degradation or destruction of equipment on death may be the only way to alleviate the problem. Its a tough one and really the only ones who would oppose the suggestion are loot farmers or pussies who cant handle starting again from scratch.
  3. DemonGroover

    Most Wanted Bandits

    As you no doubt have seen on the leaderboards - now we have a Most Wanted List To all of you below i salute you - but if i see your names i will be on the hunt. Bring it on!! 1 [sUB7]Blender 2 Mr.TJ 3 PR - CrazyKing 4 ShyOblivion 5 Aeq 6 Caine 7 t3rminalVel0city 8 nick 9 Jimmy 10 WestWood Anyone want to offer rewards??
  4. DemonGroover

    Most Wanted Bandits

    Gee you really need a hug dont you?
  5. DemonGroover

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    The arrogance on show here is quite astounding, let alone the entitlement issues some people seem to have. This is a mod, not even a proper game yet and some people are screaming how everything is broke - then DEMANDING it be fixed or rolled back. Take a walk down the hall of mirrors people and take a good hard look at yourselves. Alphas have bugs and i think the big issue here is that people who jumped on the Arma 2 bandwagon based solely on this mod (myself included i might add) seem to think they paid $30 for Day Z and thus DEMAND it be perfect. Sure some of the bugs and issues are annoying but the whole point of this exercise is to report, iron out, retest, add more features, then repeat. Why would Rocket and his team extensively test the mod when they have us to do it for them - that is why we are here. I am ready to change my mind on a lot of the people playing this "game". Its not that they dont have BALLS it just that they havent dropped yet! By the way Developers can you get rid of the nasty Zombies, add more military style loot and already fixed Hueys so i can ride with my Homies, be bad ass and shoot respawns on the coast? Hey, i paid for it, right?
  6. DemonGroover

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Melee should be underpowered - the idea of lopping off a head with one blow is BS. It sometimes took executioners many blows with an axe to cut off a head during the Middle Ages. The fact it is in is good enough for me.
  7. DemonGroover

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Shame i have to work, would love to get home and start hacking up some Zeds!!
  8. DemonGroover

    Include server name in debug monitor.

    Since it is a debug monitor it will eventually disappear in the future. I agree though that finding the server name should be easy to find. Does the 'I' key show this - if so problem solved.
  9. DemonGroover

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Maybe Rocket is having too much fun hacking Zeds apart with a hatchet. But my guess.....when he's ready.
  10. DemonGroover

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket' date=' i am having a horrible bug where i cant eat, drink water, drink coke, use bandages or anything. i cant use any item. [/quote'] Check that you might be dead.
  11. DemonGroover

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Does Rocket ever sleep? I think he may be Infected.
  12. What do think of the option of having certain phrases as hot keys, for example F1, F2 etc F1 - "Friendly, don't shoot!" F2 - "Surrender or Die!" F3 - "Drop your beans!" F4 - "Who's shooting in Cherno?" F5 - "How do i eat beans?" Am sick of having to stop and type things when in all likelihood you would shout these out instinctively. I am a slow typist, by the time i have stopped, written "Frien...." i have been shot in the head. So now i just shoot first.
  13. DemonGroover

    Text Hot keys - Surrender, Friendly etc

    But all you have to do is hit a key and a message is broadcast - you shouldnt have to stop anything else you are doing. A one key message is much better than typing - for me anyway. Of course a bandit would use it to say friendly and shoot right after - no problem with that. I am more thinking about survivors (like me) without a mike and are slow typers who bump into each other. A quick hitting of a key could alleviate some tension (or not!) instead of a stand off where you empty a mag because you dont have any communication with the guy. I tried saluting but it ends up being the last thing you do before execution half the time! Just a thought, since the F keys seem to have similar purpose in the Arma game itself.
  14. DemonGroover

    How to make this game more fun!

    Fun? Since when was it this games intention to be fun? This is survival. I dont think you'd be having too much fun escaping zombies and bandits. Whenever this "game" becomes "fun" you can translate this into it being too easy and thus another round of updates is required. The whole point of this exercise is to create an intense, new environment, the like of which we have never seen before. An environment where finding a tin of beans brings forth unadulterated joy. Sure it is hard, but this game is much more rewarding because of that fact. Never before has a game brought such highs and lows. You are always on the edge of your seat because of its unpredictable nature, one sniper round away from respawning again. Remember it is in an Alpha state - it is our job to report back on bugs, gameplay problems and the like. Bugs will be fixed and more new content added - hell they just added melee weapons! Enjoy Day Z for what it is because you wont find another game out there like it. Just try going back and playing L4D after playing Day Z - it is just utter bollocks!
  15. DemonGroover

    Bring back starting weapon!

    Here's a tip - when you spawn go prone, check your surroundings and then work from there. Spawning and then immediately running up the beach is a recipe for having your arse handed to you. This is the Zombie Apocalypse - act like you are in it. Of course you could just high tail it to the nearest enterable building in the hope that there is a weapon inside. You are a survivor, the aim is to live, pure and simple. Having no equipment means that moment you find your first weapon is pure joy, instead of the usual "Shit! Its only a frigging Makarov!" response. Enjoy
  16. DemonGroover

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Holy shit, Rocket! WOW! And here i was thinking that melee wepaons couldn't be introduced due to the Arma engine. Bring it on Zeds!!
  17. DemonGroover

    Looting your own body

    This really irritates me - the fact you can respawn (maybe not so much anymore with the latest update) and then head off and loot your own body. Surely there is a paradox here - wouldnt the universe spontaneously explode if you saw your own body? Anyhow, i think that you should not be able to loot your own body. I know there are loopholes ie: get teammates to grab your gear, but i think this needs to be addressed. In some cases Death isnt death it is just a pause as you leg it to your own body and get your stuff back. I know this isnt always the case as your body may have been looted by someone else. I am not sure of the fix to be honest - maybe the equipment is flagged so that you arent physically able to use or equip any of it when you respawn. I just find the whole idea terribly unrealistic....like a zombie apocalypse i suppose.
  18. DemonGroover

    Looting your own body

    The idea of not being allowed back on that particular server seems a bit harsh but i can see the positives. The whole friends guarding the body or picking up equipment and giving it back to you seems to be the main problem. If you were solo there could just be a timer applied that makes all equipment disappear. This would simulate the dead body being already looted when you get back to it (unless you were very close of course). With friends though there are many loopholes whereby teamates can grab stuff and drop it on the floor for your return etc thus nullifying the timer. Maybe an option is to have a % chance that equipment degrades or even be damaged as to be useless after death (i know Rocket is looking into these kinds of mechanics) - perhaps the gun jams alot, the beans are spoiled, the grenade has a chance of exploding, the pepsi is spilt, the backpack is torn...
  19. DemonGroover

    Post your imaginary patch notes that you'd love to see

    [NEW] Able to create Molotov cocktails [NEW] Firing a noisy gun in the Woods has a % chance to spawn Zeds nearby [NEW] Male/Female, old/young zombie skins [NEW] Start with Nothing apart from a watch [FIXED] Bitching about how hard the game is
  20. DemonGroover

    Looting your own body

    I see your points. I also understand that friends would loot and pass equipment back to you. It just irks me that your new character can just armour up in half an hour or so without having to go back to basic survival mode and find stuff for himself again. Not that i play that way...i have no friends.
  21. DemonGroover

    Choose gun or no gun on spawn

    I really am loving all the pussies who are constantly moaning about how hard it has gotten. The game had reached a plateau whereby a lot of people thought they had the gamed licked (especially those in groups). Now that the dear old Zeds are actually a threat and not an outdoor decoration, watching all these "uber-players" getting brutalised is comical. You can almost see them stamping their little feet screaming "Its not fair!"
  22. DemonGroover

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You know, we really need to change the graphic under the username on these forums. Instead of Survivor i think some need it to be changed to PUSSY.
  23. DemonGroover

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    So let me see if i can follow your problem - you want to hang with your homies collecting all the good shit and when you die you want to quickly run back to your mates and get all your gear back. You are scared of the dark and you want blind zombies who are there just for decoration because you are only interested in PvP. Is that correct? Hear this - this is the Zombie Apocalypse not some camping trip with Gramps and Uncle Joe. Zombies are now a real threat, it is realistic you dont have a gun at spawn and newsflash - it would be pitch black in an environment with no power and no full moon. These are realistic changes made to this "game" and once the bugs are ironed out it will be awesome. Now get to bed, its dark.
  24. DemonGroover

    My Huge Suggestion Box +2000 Words

    Since when can women run faster than men??
  25. Its an alpha! The purpose is to try things. If they dont work or need fixing it will be rectified. I am very certain that the finished product will be a lot different to what we see today. So you just give up on the game because you keep getting your arse handed to you? C'mon man dig deep and have a go!! As has been said many a time - grow some BALLS.