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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    New zombie idea/type: Flocking zombies

    Why not have a "Shuffle like a Zombie" walk option? Would be hilarious to see players shuffling in Cherno. Rocket could even change the music to that Party Rock Anthem song.
  2. DemonGroover

    Zombie Loot

    I think finding matches, a watch or even a very rare Makarov is fair enough. Maybe even a zombie skin could be taken so you can disguise your self a la Walking Dead. Endless possibilities i suppose, all up to Rocket and co.
  3. DemonGroover

    "Safe" Tent City

    A problem with this is you would just get bandits camping around the safe zone and slaughtering anyone trying to get in or out. How about churches being safe havens - anyone killing another player in or near a church gets struck down by lightning. Just kidding.
  4. DemonGroover

    Idea for zombie type

    I think the odd tougher Zombie would be the way to go, say perhaps a 6 foot 9 giant farmer needing 5 body shots or some miltary zombies wearing bullet proof vests and only being killed by headshots. I dont know if freaky, inhuman zombies are the way to go, but more variety on Zombie types is a step forward.
  5. DemonGroover


    Finding the bandit skin would be cool, but it shouldnt be forced onto a player.
  6. DemonGroover

    Zombie Loot

    They do have loot - the regular ones can carry food etc, while police or military can carry magazine ammo.
  7. DemonGroover

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    You do realise that progress is based on Trial and Error. Nothing has ever been achieved straight away. Some things will work, some things wont, but what we cant do is rollback to 1.6 or some other old build and think all is hunky dory. There were issues back then and some were fixed, some were gotten rid of and new features have been added. What happens to bands who play the same music every album. They are panned for doing the same stuff. The truly great bands (IMO) are those that have evolved, experimented and taken chances. If the experiment had ended at 1.6 i wouldnt be playing it now. I have high hopes for this "game" and hopefully there is still a long way to go before development ends and the true bug fixing occurs. C'mon surely everyone is hanging for new features - why else are you here? Have a lie down and a cup of tea old chap - it'll be alright in the end.
  8. DemonGroover

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    Because as of yet there isnt a mechanic that allows you to portray yourself as friendly. At the moment if you bump into someone you both think "I better shoot because he will soon!" Until there is a mechanic that allows people to see you as friendly it is just pot luck whether you get wasted or not. You can quickly salute but this usually ends up being the last thing you do....
  9. DemonGroover

    Binding Text Commands?

    I agree with this - binding phrases to the F keys would be good. The F keys already have commands binded in normal Arma so i wouldnt think it would be too much trouble to change what is said.
  10. DemonGroover

    My thoughts about DayZ 1.7.1.x (No whining)

    The "zombies" are infected people, not dead - think 28 days later - and apparently we are supposed to be immune from the virus. As for spawning i buidlings - that should be a random chance.
  11. I dont see why there cant be a small hatchet for chopping wood (that goes in the tools menu) and a larger melee axe which takes up a weapons slot. I actually thought this was the case at first.
  12. DemonGroover

    Health mechanics:a study of the tap like man.

    Agreed - i dont think a single hit from a Zombie should make you bleed like a stuck pig, but it could perhaps knock you down. However if you get surrounded by Zeds then they would start tearing you apart and the blood should flow.
  13. DemonGroover

    Drinking from lakes/faucets

    Agreed - if you can fill up a water bottle you should be able to drink directly from that source.
  14. Not a GAME, actually. I think the word bandied about is ANTI-GAME. they want to piss us off. You want a gun, go find a barn.
  15. With the current state of the Zeds having psychic abilities i hardly think having a Makarov will make much difference. Stop asking for the Makarov to come back? The Zeds are hyper sensitive at the moment and just need to be toned down.
  16. DemonGroover

    Zombies after patch

    But dont you think after the 500th time of "The Zombies awareness is too high - they see me from 3 miles away" the Devs may have gotten the message? I am sure they know the problems - banging on about the same issues over and over doesnt really help. Dig deeper, find other issues.
  17. DemonGroover

    Zombies after patch

    Bah...i used to do all that before my bean breakfast, with two broken legs, no weapon, bleeding from every orifice....and i felt lucky!
  18. DemonGroover

    Zombies after patch

    Dont worry people there will be FIXES - give the Devs some time - this is the experimental stage of development, some things will work, some will go the way of the dodo. When this is a full release game we will all laugh and remember these times fondly - days when we got owned by spidey sense Zeds, or the day of the Great Bean Famine. Relax. Enjoy. Ok Grandpa off to bed.....
  19. DemonGroover

    Zombies after patch

    There seems to be a lot of people saying they are pulling dozens of zombies after them - the towns must be empty. Tell me where you are - you pull the Zeds and i'll stroll into town, grab the beans and casually leave.
  20. DemonGroover

    3D models to contribute

    Great stuff! You need to get in touch with the Devs themselves - your post might get lost in the forum.
  21. DemonGroover

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    -1 Because of realism. Where in the world (no comments from Americans please) would you be found on a beach with a gun? I would get rid of everything apart from a watch. You want a gun - find a barn. They are common and usually spawn a weapon of somekind. Just dont expect to be given anything in an Apocalypse.
  22. DemonGroover

    Semi Perma Death.

    I dont think Rocket created this mod to pander to the "clans just wanna have fun" idea. It is meant to be a realistic simulation of an improbable scenario. Being able to loot your previous characters body while your mates guard it is unrealistic and i am pretty sure it will be rectified somehow before it gets to be a release. Otherwise you may as well not have perma-death and be like a thousand other games on the market.
  23. DemonGroover

    READ: Lets get these Lighthouses up and running

    Be cool if you could light a fire up there
  24. With the huge amount of beans being eaten by survivors i think it is high time there is a % chance of farting. Imagine crawling through Cherno, surrounded by Zeds and you suddenly let rip like a DMR shot going off? Brilliant!! :P
  25. DemonGroover

    Heroes of war!

    I want to know who has been shot the most by a bandit, amount of beans eaten and biggest train of zombies behind a player