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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. These are not Zombies - they are Infected people which means sick, highly strung and pissed off. This would make them very fast. Have you seen 28 Days Later?
  2. DemonGroover

    Self Administered Blood Packs

    Isnt the point of a bloodpack in that you need a friend to give you FRESH blood. I dont think you can intraveneously insert 10 day old, cold blood into your system without some sort of effect - like dying!
  3. DemonGroover

    Add Alcohol

    Ummm...i dont think so. Next you'll be asking for an option to wank. Would there be mocap for these?
  4. Interesting. I see a lot of work went into this good job. Perks - not sure if this is how Rocket wants this game to go. Some of the perks such as finding more loot would be pretty hard to implement in an MMO - if you find more loot can the player right beside you see the same loot or does he somehow miss some stuff? The other perks have potential though - some people would be quicker, some stronger, some healthier. Weapon Skill - the idea of getting better with practise makes sense. I wouldnt want players to be able to choose a weapon perk though whereby they are magically able to fire a pistol better than the next person. Ammo Crates - not too familiar with guns myself but do you mean that you can pick up any type of ammo and it can be stored in a small crate? I suppose this is feasible but surely you wouldnt simply be able to open your backpack, open the crate, swap ammo and reload a weapon too quickly - especially if being pounded on by Zeds. The process would have to be long, much like cooking food etc. Good job - this is what the suggestions forum is all about. I hope you dont just get people saying NO without constructive criticism.
  5. DemonGroover

    Nvidia control settings

    No worries - i'll have to try these myself
  6. DemonGroover

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    You know all you softcocks who are bitching for an easier game are gonna look real stupid in a couple of more updates. Those same whingers will soon be praising the game again for its added realism. Dont worry i've got your names.
  7. DemonGroover

    Your thoughts on interior zombies?

    A quick silent (hopefully soon) kill with a melee weapon may end up being the best bet for a solitary indoor Zed. Havent tried it yet.
  8. Go find a barn if you want a weapon. You think you just wake up on a beach and have a gun? Its about realism.
  9. DemonGroover

    Too hard now...

    The fix is coming Chillax!
  10. DemonGroover

    Your thoughts on interior zombies?

    Yeah and it would be cool to hide while one wanders in, has a look and then wanders away. You would be crapping yourself.
  11. DemonGroover

    Nvidia control settings

    You mean this? http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16037&highlight=4chan
  12. DemonGroover

    Suggestion - Barracade

    The old planks of wood over the door trick eh? Gonna be tricky carrying them around.
  13. DemonGroover


    Check http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16919. I think he gets it people - next issue please.
  14. Stealth does need a rethink. I dont think that merely going prone should be an Invisibility cloaking device that it once was, but neither is the super spidey senses of the current Zeds realistic as well. As stated by Rocket in another thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16919 the current system will be rectified. Lets wait and see eh?
  15. DemonGroover

    Your thoughts on interior zombies?

    Yes i think it should be a possibility but a rare one. Just enough to keep you on your toes. Also perhaps a Zed could just wander in an open doorway every now and then - not aggroed, just wandering.
  16. Let us give thanks. Does anyone think people will now relax and be patient? No, didnt think so either!
  17. Server Admins - get your shit together and install the right files!!!! All this talk of rolling back to 1.7, etc is causing havok. How can we frigging test if the files arent correct???
  18. Excuse me but i hardly think the visibility system worked. The fact you could safely crawl right in front of Zeds?? What a joke! Something needed to be done and has been done. There may be issue at the moment but this is definitely the way forward. I have said this many a time, but - its the fucking Zombie Apocalypse people!!!
  19. DemonGroover

    Zombie movement - the zig-zag shuffle.

    I am pretty sure this is an Arma, not a specifically designed Zombie issue. In truth the Zeds would run straight at you, maybe even falling over obstacles and each other in their desire to get you.
  20. DemonGroover


    I am sure some of your ideas are where this game is headed at some point. I can see the future where small safe zones are inhabited and protected by survivors, constantly doing battle against Zeds and waves of bandits (Mad Max style)
  21. +1 I agree. In the wilderness where there is no man made light the stars and moon are bright enough that you can see ok. The problem comes when it is moonless and cloudy but again your eyes adjust and it is never pitch black. I think a little tinkering with the nightime is required, but we still want it to be more challenging (but easier to hide) than daytime.
  22. DemonGroover

    Well here's a few ideas...

    There already is a panicked feature, in that you character breathes more heavily, but i dont know if there is any other effect. Surely being chased by Zeds would make you a little stressed out. Not sure about the kicking out on death though - seems a little harsh, especially if it takes a while to get on another server. Headlamps wouldnt be a common occurance (where would you find one - a mine perhaps? And why exactly do you want an eyepatch? You planning on going Captain Jack Sparrow crazy or something? As for the water issue - in an Eastern European country i dont see how you could possibly die of thirst. Surely you could find water somewhere and drink straight from that source without need of a water bottle -though of course the water bottle is a handy thing to have.
  23. DemonGroover

    "Safe" Tent City

    Another issue would be the trains of Zombies people would bring to the safe zone - you might feasibly get hundreds milling about the place. Now that would be cool.