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Everything posted by DemonGroover

  1. DemonGroover

    Is DayZ realistic?

  2. DemonGroover

    Suggestion Brainstorm

  3. DemonGroover

    Things i would love to see in the game!

    For some reason i would love to see a huge shopping mall as well!
  4. DemonGroover

    Simple way to discourage banditry

    I got a way to discourage banditry. Dont get shot, form a gang and go hunt them down
  5. DemonGroover

    Babies! (Well, society)

    Why does their weight matter? You're choosing whether you trust them and the safety of both of you enough to try and take some temporary hardships in order to further the human race and get a few fun perks for yourself. Whether someone is Russian' date=' English, fat, thin, black, asian, or in love with that band you hate shouldn't change your decision to hook up with their character any more than it should make you decide whether or not to kill them. [/quote'] It doesnt matter - its called a bit of light hearted humour. But i tell you what though - if you are a Fat, Half Russian-Englishman who likes Phil Collins then the human race faces extinction.
  6. DemonGroover

    Babies! (Well, society)

    I suppose a mechanic where civilisation is recreated in safe zones has some merit - and reproduction would be part of this. However i see this as being in the background - kids running around etc. Homophobic? No. But i do have taste! I just have a mental picture of all other players as being that fat guy on the South Park episode 'Make Love not Warcraft'
  7. DemonGroover

    Babies! (Well, society)

    If i was guaranteed the 'female' was in fact female and not some fat dude spilling corn chips on his exposed belly while drinking Red Bull i might be inclined to agree with the suggestion.
  8. DemonGroover


    You are my hero Batman! Good work.
  9. DemonGroover

    Suggestion Brainstorm

    Small mirrors to see around walls in first person Ability to kick -chance to maybe knock Zeds over Able to leave messages
  10. DemonGroover

    Improve the vault?

    Jumping should be an option. But you shouldnt be an Olympic hurdler however.
  11. So only groups get the good gear? Yeah that sounds like the kind of fair mechanic Rocket will implement! Just like it was good getting rid of the bandit skins i dont think anything should be done to penalise any play style - its almost suicidal to raid the NW airfield solo anyway.
  12. DemonGroover

    Challenges Accepted

    Find a wife have kids settle down
  13. DemonGroover

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Why do i always feel like a kid on Christmas Eve every time there is a patch pending??
  14. DemonGroover

    Congratulations... 1,000,000 Murders

    ..........and not one from me.
  15. DemonGroover

    Looting your own dead body

    It is a loophole and i dont think it can be easily resolved. I know that if i died with an M4, NVG's, GPS and some other rare gear i would be very tempted to run straight back to my body, even though i am against it because of it being unrealistic. I think the mechanic of gear getting damaged is the best option.
  16. DemonGroover

    fishing pole

    What if you could throw a frag grenade into a lake? Fish for all!!
  17. DemonGroover

    Turning into a zombie

    I think we are supposed to be immune, but who knows what path Rocket will follow?
  18. DemonGroover

    Am I the only one unable to find food?

    Ha! We should meet up and trade! Or maybe you leave a bandage in a designated place and i'll leave a tin elsewhere!!
  19. DemonGroover

    Am I the only one unable to find food?

    Food i have...bandages, no.
  20. DemonGroover

    Zombies should one hit kill

    Geez man, one hit kill zombies? You sure? I've got another idea, why not make food cans unuseable until a can opener is found. You can even make them spawn once per server.
  21. DemonGroover

    Looting your own dead body

    I agree. It is one of the things i find to be a loophole. What is the point of death if you can loot your previous body, especially if you have friends to guard it so noone else loots it? It almost becomes Semi-death, you can be back on your feet in 30mins as if nothing happened. It would be a bit hard to fix though - would you create a timer where your body or stuff disappears? Maybe flag the items so you couldnt use them again? I'm not sure it would be a terribly popular idea, especially with those who play in large groups. I think the best option is to have a chance of some equipment becoming broken when you get shot or fall etc.
  22. DemonGroover

    New Infection Type

    Yeah, i always expect those soldier bodies you find to suddenly rear up and rip into my ankles.
  23. DemonGroover


    +1 Good idea. They could be fairly common in homes, with flares etc more common in fire stations or military posts.
  24. DemonGroover

    night-time darkness fix

    The thing is and i think there have been a few threads about it, is that your eyes are quite good in the wilderness when there is no man made light. Starlight and especially moonlight mean you can see quite well. With no man made light the stars would be especially bright. The problem would come when it was cloudy. I have never been outside though and it was completely black - this just isnt real, you can always make out something.