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Everything posted by coleisman

  1. Why not just play left 4 dead? DayZ is probably just not the experience you're after.
  2. This mod isn't supposed to be "fun" in the traditional sense. Dev has stated this in many interviews, his intention was never to create "a fun game." DayZ is intended to be an involving and compelling experience and emotionally significant, and it is experimental in nature. The game is supposed to scare you, make you feel desperate and alone, make you struggle, become frustrated, disoriented and instill a genuine sense of despair. How you choose to respond to this despair IS the game. In DayZ the intent is not to form groups because "this is an MMO" or "you need 4 people @ lvl 25 to beat instance X" but because you are scared (or lonely, bored, annoyed, or have some other motive) and it's genuinely tough out there on your own. Necessity is the mother of invention, ideally the game will have a few more basic mechanics to allow more sophisticated interactions between players, but even in its current (and previous states) it has brought about some pretty cool examples of this. Yes, the game can be quite boring at times, but that is interspersed with moments of sheer terror, frustration, and agony, and every now and then the occasional triumph. In my view, boredom is an essential part of the experience, the point is NOT to cheat but find other ways to resolve it through the existing game mechanics, which is honestly pretty cool. If you don't see how cool that is then I can understand that too, but you're missing out.
  3. The difference here is the developer spent his time creating this mod, trying to make something good and create something that would benefit a lot of people, OP was unwilling to abide by the basic tenets of involvement in the game which is that it's a shared experience and went about corrupting the game to suit his impulses, undoing the work that the developer created and damaging others game experience.
  4. This is why he's concentrating on the standalone, he has stated in numerous interviews that the number one priority is to resolve the hacking issues before developing any new mechanics game content or bug fixes. Hacking will always happen but the standalone version should allow him to sufficiently lock it down to bring it down to a minimum (I dont know anything about this stuff, just going off what he said in a couple interviews)
  5. Kids today and their goddamn internets and all the iPads and high fructose corn syrup. I blame his parents.
  6. butt-hurt op is butt-hurt. absolutely zero people are giving any fucks about "why you cheated" especially when you state that it was because you were bored. you are a loser.
  7. coleisman

    My random two day experience with DayZ

    This mod is still in alpha (early) testing phase, you will have lots of bugs and glitches. What happened to you was a script exploit (hack) used "for teh lulz" by a teenager with manboobs. That is not part of the official experience, but it will be (a very small) part of your experience nonetheless. I like parentheses.
  8. coleisman

    It Sounds Like It's Not Even About Zombies

    Every time I watch a let's play or commentary video and the commentator says something like "zombies aren't even a real threat, they just end up being an annoyance" later in that video or series of videos they will inevitably die directly from some zombie attack they underestimated or by injuries directly related to it. To qualify: Zombies are not difficult but they are everpresent and persistent, they will wear you down and catch you off guard, they certainly are a nuisance, but if you let your guard down and decide to use a loud gun and maybe crouch while running instead of walking you can quickly find yourself in a situation you are going to have a tough time getting out of, which often means you don't Survival is not that easy, every interaction you make in the world of any consequence carries the risk of death, watch a seasoned player and they are so cautious and paranoid, they loosen up on their discipline by a tiny bit and they are dead.
  9. coleisman

    Another "I quit because..."

    I'm sorry your honeymoon period with the game is over, but instead of just complaining and saying that it doesn't live up to your standards of unachievable excellence why not work to shape the community and make the game better?
  10. coleisman

    Fucking Humanity...

    You can't run from your past bro. Man up and take responsibility for yourself.
  11. coleisman

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    This is exactly like when a really bitter chick breaks up with you and is like oh and btw I've been cheating on you with everybody because yes I am a whore so in reality you're relieved to be rid of me and I will continue my empty and pointless existence of utter and complete neediness and complaining.
  12. coleisman

    27 yrs old needs clan

    You don't need a clan for that.
  13. coleisman

    at Last.. A Noble Death.......

    Verbose. (good story though.)
  14. coleisman

    Team up??

    I'm your huckleberry.
  15. coleisman

    There is hope...

    This happens all the time, most 'survivors' don't allow themselves to experience it because they are infected with a zombification of the soul, parroting the mantra "don't trust anyone" and killing on sight. Too afraid to let go of the illusion of control they spiral into paralyzing suspicion and paranoia, but hope springs eternal.
  16. coleisman

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    I have Nvidia GTS 450 and by default Vsync is disabled, if I enable then disable vsync it 100% resolves this problem for me. I've spoken with others, just messing with the graphical settings usually at least makes it manageable.
  17. coleisman

    Tonight we dine in Hell

    It's a graphical artifact, kinda like the other ones with the grey, white, and black triangles you get around barbed wire and emplacements sometimes from far away (you know the ones that take up the whole screen) i think it is typically from crashed helicopters, and it artifacts out to cover the whole screen, if you pan left and right it will get bigger and smaller.
  18. coleisman

    Why i stopped beeing nice to people...

    Unquestioned homicidal suspicion certainly seems like the best adaptive strategy for your apparent lack of effective judgment and close quarter combat skills. Did you even size up these situations? Honestly you don't have to shoot everyone you meet on sight, in fact you're making survival much more difficult if you do. (think about how much easier it is to do anything with a small group of people) You just need to think about these situations, what does the person you're pairing up with have to gain, what does he have to lose? In example 1) you noted that you had an m16 with an ACOG as if somehow that should ensure your safety, it only makes you a target. It's easy to kill someone, someone with a hatchet who gets the jump on someone with an AK74 will prevail and will have everything to gain and little to lose by risking his life if he doesn't. Resources are rare and relatively difficult to obtain, it's much less risky in many circumstances to just kill someone who has already collected a good weapon, ammo, a decent pack, and other survival supplies, in 30 seconds he can save himself several hours of painstaking scavenging and not expose himself to the possibility of getting sniped or mauled by zombies, which would cost him even more. Not to mention this is a zombie apocalypse, law enforcement does not exist, there are no taboos, there is a prevalent subculture of human hunters who are after the deadliest game, sometimes this takes the form of ambushes, the lone sniper on the hill, or those who bait trusting and naive "survivors" who lack situational awareness into blindly following others far more well prepared than them. Think about it, if you have a flashlight, bandage and a can of beans, and you group up with two guys with military grade weaponry and freshly cooked porkchops, how in the hell can you contribute to helping them survive, you are another mouth to feed and have no weapons and likely no skills otherwise you wouldn't be latching on to these guys for help. So you might ask, how do I cooperate with people, how do I know I can trust someone? Shouldn't I just kill everyone since that's what's happening to me? No, what you need to do is find others who are just as dependent on you as you are on them, people who have nothing but a can of beans and a strong desire to survive. Only in this scenario can you both truly benefit, as you both need help to survive and are balanced in your needs and ability to meet them, so when time comes to divy up the loot you both have a vested interest in each others well being, after you've both crawled through a few small villages helped each other survive zombie attacks with just your wits you will begin to establish real trust. You both have to be totally desperate for help or it won't work. The cornerstone to all human cooperation is reciprocity. Abide by this and you will find success. That being said, you will still get screwed over, but only THEN can you call it a betrayal.
  19. coleisman

    Another tale of Noobish Triumph

    Big man shooting someone in the back. Quite a conquest. Do you know what they call someone who profits from doing something that anyone can do? A prostitute, or colloquially, a whore. And you must be some awfully professional and accomplished "bandit" (replete with your boiling "bandit's blood") to be wandering through the forest begging for beans and pepsi... You certainly have the world by the balls. Nations will cower at your feet O mighty conqueror of men! You will enslave them all with your m1911 service pistol and your 14 glorious rounds of .45 caliber ammunition! Enjoy your delusions. (at least you got the little girl part right)
  20. coleisman

    Killed by a bandit.

    Believe me, he knows how much effort you put into it, which may in fact have partially motivated him to kill you and take it. This is the zombie apocalypse, everything is over, you don't matter and turns out you never did. I doubt he has any regard for your narcissism or your need to advertise it on the internet. This is going to hurt to hear, but guess what, he didn't get any particular joy from taking your gear, he probably forgot about it as soon as it happened, he doesn't remember your gamertag or the context for the interaction. Do you wanna know why? Because you aren't important and no appeal to an online message board is going to change that.