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Everything posted by Fatetaker

  1. They were not the Admins; we actually stopped using/playing on our server since the end of April. We kept it running and removed the white list and left players the option of contacting admins on our website should they needed help with anything. We had on rare occasion peaked at the server but were very much not actively monitoring due to lack of interest. This is the kind of things that happen on non-white listed servers and we were happy to provide a server that was public and white listed. Sadly with people being to lazy to register for a white list and the lack of content coming out at a pace to keep our community's interest we eventually moved on. As you have found out your self Outcast previous script kiddies we have caught and banned are indeed as we said. We will be re-hosting a server when DayZ Standalone comes out but for now we are focusing our interests on other games. Thanks for your post and in-depth look at what goes on when you lift a white list on a current public hive.
  2. Heard word its a battle eye update issue
  3. Fatetaker

    Vehicles not respawning

    Our bug is back, when you have a moment please let us know what we can do to fix it.
  4. My clan played on the TLM servers as well as the BMRF servers and both servers prompted us to just host our own server (Whitelisted Public Hive btw) because we were tired of not just script kiddies but abusive admins who either abuse their powers to gain the upper hand on legit players or allow script kiddies who donate to use some scripts without repercussions. If anything I can say, I especially thank TLM servers because we would of never of hosted our own server without them after getting a good taste of how admins should not act or treat others. And don't let any of the TLM guys get over on you, the one who does the most of the abuse is the one who runs the servers. In the end though, its their servers and they can run them anyway they want. So legit players have two options, find another server that is hosted with more integrity or host your own. We took the second option.
  5. Fatetaker

    Vehicles not respawning

    Just wanted to say "thank you!" for you and your teams assistance with our vehicle spawning issue. Everything is good on US 4275 now. Being a community leader and problem solver in my own area of work I know its hard to hear anything but complaints when things go wrong. You and your team are a shining example of how the video game and MMO developer and support community should be run. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to let us know. Keep up the hard work, it is greatly appreciated, even if you only hear about it once things go wrong.
  6. Fatetaker

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    This is really sad, there was nothing immersion breaking about the food names, we have just as silly food names in reality. This whole uproar is sad and it sickens me that there was such a knee jerk reaction for something that is not game breaking in any manner.
  7. Fatetaker

    AS50 Bug?

    BErcon admins don't have access to logs, although I am sure our host would be more than happy to provide logs to the DayZ staff should they be requested.
  8. Fatetaker

    AS50 Bug?

    Like Kat said, its true, every tent, vehicle and player who had an AS50 on our server the other day got deleted. Two of our guys died and lost all their gear on login and we lost several vehicles and tents. We are not the only ones either, everyone on the was server impacted by this bug who had possession of a AS50. We don't know what caused it and the only reason we know it was AS50's was due to have several tents segregated from those guns and then cross referencing with other clans on the server. Other servers reported similar issues during the last week (Do a forums search on missing items and tents) but didn't have a organized gear setup to help narrow the related item if it is even related or not it happens sadly. When items glitch out its a communication issue between the server database and the hive. The hive has deleted many items in the past by accident (Go do a forum search again), and this game is buggy at times as its still in development and is not a fully completed product. The admins don't need to explain things nor try to look for and troubleshoot bugs on their servers, our server admins do and its sad that we go out of our way to be forward and honest to players on our server like you when something does go wrong and in return you want to see us banned just because you think your the only one who was impacted. As much as we appreciate the invitation for people to come on our server and do what you cannot, is always welcome, but please do more research before crying bad wolf.
  9. Created an account, can't login, no email... whats the deal?
  10. Fatetaker

    19, looking for VERY active clan.

    We have a group who's size and activity level may fit your needs and wants. We host US 4275 which is a DayZ public hive. We go pvping on other servers for fun when not doing any on ours. We have both Bandit and Hero skin flavors in our group and have a healthy mix of east coast, central and west coast members. http://badwolves.enjin.com
  11. I am sad to hear of your situation. If you are unaware of all the details due to not being present during said events I will clarify anything you may have misunderstood. Nigel Thornberry of the [FAGGET] clan that was the tag you and your clan mates went by on the server, being adults we are not going to nit pick about childish clan names but your clan mate was confirmed by GUID and IP of using scripts/hacks to attempt to do damage to the server. These events were witnessed in game by users of the server who reported it the server admins. Upon investigation it was learned through logs that said above member of your clan willfully used scripts/hacks. His GUID along with said logs were forwarded to BattleEye for global ban review. Cute story though, we will be sure to include all the details you excluded should an inquiry be necessary.
  12. Not sure if our server is active enough for your liking. But your competition would be welcomed. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Hacker Free, Active and Friendly Admins. Classic Chernarus Public Hive.
  13. US 4275 White listed Vanilla Chernarus Public Hive. We are still working on getting the latest patch to work but have had no issues otherwise. Hacker free and great performance. Has active and helpful admins as well.
  14. This isn't a Q_Q my clan's camps got raided. This is the every server we log onto whether its "us #500 Virginia", "us il5 Chicago" or "us1895" we run into teleporting invincible player homing bandits. This is rampant now and has made the game unplayable. On our own server alone we have had the same type of hackers as well as vehicle spawning and weapon spawning hackers as well... Many if not all of us are done with this game until this can be stopped. This game has such potential and I hope that this can be prevented in the standalone although I have seen little reassurance on this. safe hunting to you honest players
  15. That is what we are talking about, we can't even manage to do that most of the time due to having teleporting invincible hackers meeting us in remote locations within minutes of being on a server. That sounds like a great idea, as much as we hate name plates. Unfortunately that doesn't solve the issue when we want to go on someone elses server for some thrilling hunts or adventure.
  16. I will obviously ignore the trolls who don't know the current landscape of the game or are probably hackers themselves. As for those who speak of private hives, the problem is we want to play with random players and on different servers. The whole idea of stepping into a map that you don't control is really exciting. BUt the rampant abuse of hacks makes that really unenjoyable. I am not expressing my anger, more stating my disappointed opinion and I know I am far from alone. Thanks for the positive bandits and survivors out there!
  17. Fatetaker

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes, only if it is still bugged. Graphical glitching, re-appears after being removed on restart or other improper behavior. It is a integral fixture to the game but only if working properly. Otherwise it causes more problems than added functionality. Also PLEASE REMOVE GRAPHICAL BUGGED ZOMBIE CORPSES.