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Everything posted by Cadan.

  1. Cadan.

    Airfield execution

    That was shit :3
  2. Cadan.


    DeadC3rt, the guy who got perma banned from DayzRP twice. Nice!
  3. Why'd you lose no blood from the fall?
  4. Cadan.

    Thug Lyfe

    This shows me and my clan doing roadblocks, and just general bandit activities on DayzRP.
  5. Cadan.

    Thug Lyfe

    Yeah, I know... I didn't get it either...
  6. Cadan.

    Thug Lyfe

    Calm it, it's just fun on a good server.
  7. Cadan.

    Fighters Diaries

    So, I've been playing alot of DayZRP and I decided to make a clan. This is what we get up too. I am not the camera man, I'm the one with the high voice. This series is us capturing people and making them fight us to the death. Some are planned duels. Over hostage situations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNVrXLu1kig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqluFcJVpOY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwX9YFNscZ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ_itd1S6Tk
  8. Cadan.

    What Have you Done to Survive?

    Spotted 2 players running. Disarmed them. Made them drop everything. Broke there legs, made 'em pass out, blood bagged them. Trapped them in a wirefencing pen.
  9. Cadan.

    Yay another survivor turned into Otis!

    Download fraps.
  10. Thats a complete lie. We walked in there, saw a zomb run after you, just fall dead, so w.e that hacks called you have that. Then we talk to you about hacking, you admit to it, I ask what you have on, you say just the zombie one. Then for fun, as we knew it was a broken server we snuck into the base via the back, you use ESP + godmode. As they were bouncing off you like metal/wood. Was a good server till then. Aha. Next time I'll fraps it.
  11. Shit server, I take back what I said earlier. The admins cheat, they have hackers. unkinhead has god mode/esp/zombie kill when close. Awful server. The shop is fake, they just spawn all the gear. Admin maps to find vehicles, it's just one big fuck up.
  12. Cadan.


    What server is that, Trying to find a decent RP.
  13. Cadan.

    Valentine's DayZ-A DayZ song!

    That rhythm, beans for trying. But, I wouldn't get a career in music. Decent instrumental, but I mean, singing...
  14. Thank you:) I don't understand the question here... I'll try my best, the server was -5GMT, We had the few people playing, they complained, and said about the night, so we changed it to -7. When we have a established player base, day/night cycle can be voted on.