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Everything posted by Cadan.

  1. I'm the other admin to the server. Is a good server. (ofc I'd say that :D) We've currently only got a couple. But, with how new the server is, I'd say thats good. A few friends have joined, and they'll spread word to there friends. We'd love to see a few clans join. Bases will be a feature added. Clans can request bases to be added for them.
  2. Cadan.

    The Governors

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here today to announce the creation of The Governors. Abit about myself: My name is Cadan, I'm 15 years old, and I live in England. I've been playing since August. The Governors will aim to be 5-10 players. There will be no age limit, but I require you to be mature, and not a troll. You must have team speak, and a working mic. The clan will be a democracy, everyone will have a say in what happens. Military tactics will be used. I'd like to set the clan into groups. Each group would consist of 6 players. Squad Leader Assault Assault Medic Sniper Spotter We will be playing a whitelisted server: http://dayzmod.com/f...yers-apply-now/ You can contact me on steam at Mr.Cadan, and the teamspeak IP is: Thanks. Cadan.
  3. Cadan.

    The Governors

    We're buying a server. Will be hosted from Amsterdam. Ping has been tested for the host, in American it's roughly 70, and in the Europe it's 50 Should be up in a few hours. A forum post will be made for it.
  4. Cadan.

    The Governors

    Heh, was going for a walking dead theme, but didn't want anything over used, like the walking dead.
  5. [GOV] BlackIce New york dadb081f3c790448bc5806d8a431e403 Applying for my friend.
  6. Cadan.

    The Governors

    Added on steam. Thanks for applying.
  7. Cadan.

    The Governors

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here today to announce the creation of The Governors. Abit about myself: My name is Cadan, I'm 15 years old, and I live in England. I've been playing since August. The Governors will aim to be 5-10 players. There will be no age limit, but I require you to be mature, and not a troll. You must have team speaking, and a working mic. The clan will be a democracy, everyone will have a say in what happens. Military tactics will be used. I'd like to set the clan into groups. Each group would consist of 5 players. Assault Assault Medic Sniper Spotter We will be playing a whitelisted server: http://dayzmod.com/f...yers-apply-now/ You can contact me on steam at Mr.Cadan, and the teamspeak IP is: Thanks. Cadan.
  8. Everyones getting mass kicked, for BECLIENT, and not having whitelist, shame such a good server is fucking up.
  9. Cadan.

    DayZ "Medium Pimping" Parody.

    I'm Mr.Mirage <3
  10. Cadan.

    DayZ "Medium Pimping" Parody.

    I love the midnight beast. Good parody. Maybe do one on BigBoys :D
  11. Cadan.

    New DayZ song "Hell and Back"

    I agree, intro is crazy long/boring, but the actual rap was sweet.
  12. Cadan.

    DayzBrahs.de Hunger games event

    Still spots open?
  13. Cadan.

    Revenge & Ambush on Fogeyz server

    Dmr guy, you're a awful shot...
  14. Your ego is massive, you're not even good, that sucked.
  15. Cadan.

    [SD] Recruitment Thread

    Dayz Name: Mr.Mahoosive How long have you played dayz: 8months Time Zone: GMT 0 Will you stay loyal to the group?: Providing it's good. What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) Sniping/Stealth/Planning. Age:15
  16. Cadan.

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Remove the stupid white dot, remove crosshair.
  17. Cadan.

    Dayz Cinematic Intro- Survive (Watch it)

    That was awful.