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About officer2008

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  1. officer2008

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Thank you for fixing the crazy zombies with super hearing!! I couldn't even go prone yesterday in a town without all of them going crazy!!! I'd also like to later on if we can get a ear muffle from rain, I don't believe they would be able to hear me very well, even be able to see that we'll in rain. Hearing is a must, eye sight is a maybe. This could even work with wind. Idk if this is a bug, but if I shoot one clip from a 30 stanag, it completely disappear when I disconnect and get on the next day.
  2. officer2008

    My Suggestion.

    Have some diginity, man. At least a little maturity.
  3. officer2008

    RAPE - adding an other psychological element

    How the hell would this even work, ur walking along and then out of no where you go black then wake up in a ditch?? Probably getting mauled by zombies. Think about a suggestion before you post it, you can write the idea that pigs can fly on paper and make it seem good, but in reality, the pork will never fly or even leave the ground.
  4. officer2008

    Bounty hunter system

    This is kind of far fetche idea. Under no circumstances in this game should you ever just be given something by the mythical script genie. I could see something like a marker to pointing out a bandit, but it's your choice as a morale person to go kill him, no rewards or anything. That's unlikely as well.
  5. officer2008

    Torrent Help, Thank You.

    New to Pc gaming, and your torrenting games? Is it because of people like you that pc games suffer losses so much? Idk but arma has a degrading system that makes torrenting version suck so bad u can't play, just download arma 2 free and try it. And don't be a prick and torrent games.
  6. Right now this is impossible, Zombies if agroed are impossible to loose, melee won't work because zombies attack reach is 5 or so feet. Get to close and chomp!
  7. officer2008

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Is there a reason why when you sometimes disconnect and reconnect you start knocked out? Because last night when I was playing the whole server got kicked by a corrupted memory thing with battle eye. Well need to say, I was in a boat, reconnected was 40ms off shore and knocked out..... It's annoy because it does it every time for me, like I disconnect go get a drink and use the bathroom, and come back thirty mins and I'm knocked out??? Like Wth!
  8. officer2008

    Replace UH-1H with the MH-6J

    The story of Dayz takes place where something like this wouldnt be likely to appear. The Huey is so old they are in almost every military force in the world because they are easy to fix and cost almost nothing. I don't know, the littlebird would stick out to much and its an american chopper.
  9. officer2008

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I like the pvp point of the game it makes it intense and exciting. I understand you guys say it's survival but it's like some are fearless and irrlogical. A lot of people play the im w killer and ruthless for no reason, like in the movies of the people who are crazy in zombie movies, they do this usually to end there life, be killed instead of committing sucide. The actually demand and need of supplies like bullets get removed some because they respawn. Bullets would be like gold in a world like that.
  10. officer2008

    Whoever completely barricades buildings

    Ya, it's a server looting technic by lazy people. I watched a group of bandit do it. Barricaded the barracks at the mw airfield so no one could get in. They would disconnect and then 15 mins later reconnect. Just sat there when they reconnected, I shot the four of them dead. They whined something fierce. ;) It's cheating and they deserved it.
  11. officer2008

    I've finally done it.

    Using chat to find a survivor is a lazy way of being bandit..... Bad enough you had to kill a guy cuase you wouldnt just crawl to a building and get some food. If ur starving why did you run so far just to pop a innocent man?
  12. officer2008

    How to Rule [The Troll Guide to Play]

    If your serious about this guide, it's pretty much just crap. No imagination or motivation to role play. A lot of people don't understand this game is a role play game mode. Being a bandit is not the only way to survive, and I've proven that by being alive for five days now, helping others, and being cautious and alert. I have good loot, I scout areas out, and make good plans and stay away from the areas that attract people with no style of play besides just shooting. I've traded blood for ammo, and meds for food. I've gutted a cow and cooked the entire thing to gain all my blood back. I've walked from one side of the map to the other and only shot one zombie while looting grocery stores and farms. The possibilities are endless if ur willing to slow down and play like a real human would.
  13. officer2008

    that feeling you get....

    That feeling when you fire a lone rifle round from a distance and kill a bandit attacking a survivor and he never even sees or knows you saved his life. A good deed in a world full of darkness.
  14. officer2008

    Newbies, beware the clan NwO

    Bandits get upset when friendly natured people kill them. It's their nature as competitive players, who prey on others to survive.
  15. officer2008

    Newbies, beware the clan NwO

    I'll go ahead and say the person that started this topic is a troll. I've had many great encounters with this group. They always head and lead us to safety. They are defiantly worth looking into if your a new player. Ur first post on the forums is some huge wall of text bashing a group you dislike. Get over, u were probably a bandit and got killed.