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Ivanuvo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Ivanuvo (DayZ)

  1. Mostly I just laugh at my stupidity for getting killed, since getting killed is mostly your own fault.
  2. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    You Say Bandits Are So Awesome... NO WAY

    This is why I run solo. Nothing to tie me down when my partner goes AFK, and nobody to screw up and get me killed.
  3. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    My Story.

    That was a terrible story. Not only did it fail to build the story up, it was simply not interesting. I am disappointed, I'd prefer reading Twilight over this.
  4. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Would this work?

    Be sure to stop and laugh when you know you're safe.
  5. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    I agree that DCing needs to be fixed, it's very annoying when someone DCs while you're trying to kill them
  6. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    No, I don't ALT+F4, although I suppose it is tempting. When someone fires at me, I accept it and try to return fire. Dying is a part of this game, and you can't avoid that. I also find it insulting that you should imply that because I'm a bandit I ALT+F4, plenty of survivors do it too.
  7. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    To clarify, I'm not a bandit hunter, I'm a bandit. I wouldn't get myself in a situation where I'd be easily spotted killing someone.
  8. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Is it bad to kill a fellow bandit?

    All I see is things to put my hatchet in, because I like to get up close and personal.
  9. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    Yes, but at the current situation it's simply not very easy to recognize bandits unless they're firing a gun at either you or some other poor sod.
  10. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    Fair enough, but I think you'd be fairly limited in your bandit kills, and the people camping coastal cities with sniper rifles are poor excuses for bandits.
  11. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    You don't know how many people saw you and silently left without alerting you.
  12. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    Did you know 87% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
  13. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    Except that you can't see who's a bandit until you kill them.
  14. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    Yes, the first video you see on that channel really displays how you show those bandits a thing or two.
  15. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Sick of BANDITS

    Obviously he saw your AK.
  16. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    New clan recruiting F.A.P (Friendly as pie) new reqs

    But pie isn't friendly, pie feels no pain, no regret, no sympathy. Pie is basically the ultimate killer.
  17. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Is it bad to kill a fellow bandit?

    Shoot the survivor, and wait for the bandit to loot the body and then shoot him.
  18. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    A Word To The Wise: What Is He???

    It is I, God, here to punish those that deal death to the innocent.
  19. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Running Through the forrest...

    You should've snuck up on him and suddenly screamed in voice chat to scare the shit out of him.
  20. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Running Through the forrest...

    You don't have to stand there, you can also run or call him names.
  21. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Giving away heli crash site.

    Seems legit.
  22. Great, now instead of tea-bagging me they'll simply eat me.
  23. Ivanuvo (DayZ)

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    If you get spotted by zombies, you're obviously doing something wrong. Just crawl everywhere. I can go through every town between Elektro and the NW Airfield without firing a single shot or aggroing a single zombie. If you're not patient enough to prone everywhere, this game might not be for you.
  24. I find this highly discriminative, since you can't judge an entire people from ONE guy. I'm sure there are Polish bandits too.
  25. People that kill simply for the thrill and not for the loot aren't bandits.