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About killcamike

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. killcamike

    Selling: The legendary MOUNTAIN DEW.

    I tried trading a Dew for a car once... Didn't work. Fucking throw it out man, you will get nothing but back luck from it.
  2. Hey guys, I've had this issue since I started playing DayZ (early august), but didn't really care until now for some reason. Basically, all the textures in the game are fine, except for the clothes that I'm wearing. The hero and the camo are really muddy and blurry. I've tried pretty much everything as far as settings and restarting the game go, so I'm at a loss. If anybody's had a similar problem, please help me out! Thanks :)
  3. Don't forget those heatpacks, shit gets chilly in there.
  4. killcamike

    Betrayed. On tape.

    This is precisely why I follow people around for at least 10 minutes before making any sort of communication.
  5. killcamike

    How many hackers nowadays

    Yup, worse than ever.
  6. killcamike

    Getting loot

    There's only 2 barracks, and it's still a tiny chance that anything rare will spawn, I prefer to just hop servers and loot, then go back to by home server and stash it ^_^
  7. Wow this is great dude! I don't have an iPhone sadly, but if I did I would definitely use it! It would save me a lot of hassle having to Alt-tab to a map.
  8. If you get it running, drop me a PM, I'm down to play!
  9. killcamike

    Animals disappearing?

    Yeah happens to me too, but for me it's usually after I shoot it from far away. I prefer to just axe the shit out of them, it's silent and doesn't cost ammo. (BRB reloading hatchet)
  10. killcamike


    Yeah but keep in mind, not everybody has a thermal sniper! The best way to counter it is to just look for one.
  11. killcamike

    Is there a trick to deer stands?

    There's really no trick to looting anything... The best thing I found was an AKM with a couple mags, but other than that it's always garbage.
  12. killcamike

    "No pvp" server

    "No PvP" is bullshit. There is always PvP.
  13. killcamike

    what do you do with beans?

    Why is everybody getting beans and I'm not?
  14. killcamike

    Well.... f***

    Sucks dude! That's why I don't ever go on the island. Just swim across and hope for the best.
  15. killcamike

    How about a map with snow weather

    Aha that's funny. But if there was snow, I would need heatpacks. I never find heatpacks. Anyone got heatpacks?