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About mrpiipe

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. mrpiipe

    Dog tags on survivors?

    Sir, you have my beans.. Really good idea.
  2. mrpiipe

    To all server admins

    Yeah, that might help. Happened to us too.. But they decided to leave. Just hang in there, they'll get bored and stop or leave. (Hopefully)
  3. mrpiipe

    No info on Satchal Charges?

    Yes, I did actually find a Satchel charge. Their spawn rate is 0.11% (Same as NVGs, GPS, Rangefinder, etc..) Some places calls them Pipe bombs (In the description of the item it appears Pipe Bomb) Hopefully that answered your question ;)
  4. mrpiipe

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    +100. Also spawn more vehicles. Only cheaters and clan member have them. And they also cheat storing the off maps. Pathetic. Dude sorry' date=' but are you retarded ? Do I have to crawl for DAYS to the nearest hospital / tent ? You THAT stupid ? [/quote'] How many times a day do you die? 200 times? I'll crawl to a freaking hospital looking for morphine if I have to, I wouldn't hit respawn with a bunch of gear on me..
  5. You'll have to wait until a server restart.. It has happened to me a lot of times, once I even barely touched it with a bycicle and it exploded.. They are really vulnerable so be careful.
  6. Damn.. That looks pretty good.. Perhaps it's using a bit of the Arma 3 engine?
  7. I think Rocket said that he was exploring for server with more slots and that it was definitely posible, now we just wait.
  8. mrpiipe

    Suppressed MK17 - hacked?

    It's not in the loot tables, and I don't think he is adding and removing weapons silently anymore, the forums would be filled with threads about "So is this a hacked weapon or not?"
  9. mrpiipe

    Done until they fix tents.....

    They are working pretty good right now.. Where are you trying to put it?
  10. That's why we try to keep talking to a minimum when raiding a dangerous place.
  11. mrpiipe

    EU40 Cheating Admin

    Ok, we had a talk with the clan running the server and everything is alright. We're sorry about this issue, being alpha and everything you can make mistakes and that's pretty much what we did.
  12. Maybe wait until Steam's summer sale?