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Everything posted by Rastamaus

  1. Rastamaus

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    compromise is better in many situations but is can also ruin things, make Dayz SA the exception, make it so you need to actually practise to get good, if people want to be sharpshooters from the off the market is jam packed with titles that allow that, i say be brave, sod compromise and make this game unique. Make it so to be good you need to work at it.
  2. Rastamaus

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    any artificial device that appears on the main screen makes the game less realistic and is to an extent an emersion breaker, the devs are talking about removing the HUD completely, if that is so then the crosshair should be first to go
  3. Rastamaus

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    the thing that got me so helplessly hooked on dayz was the fact that it was unforgiving and difficult, i didn't even know 3rd person existed till i saw some youtube videos, crosshairs detract from that, they make the part of the game that should be the hardest easier..... why? I am trying to be objective but honestly can't think of a single good reason to keep it and several that support it's removal.
  4. Rastamaus

    "Rocket Said..." post resurrected *updated 8/8*

    my mate reckons he spoke to a fella dahn the pub whos brother knows this bloke what done electrical repairs for some woman what used to go out with Mareks (BI Boss's) cousins girlfriends uncle who reckons that Rocket told im that the standalone is going to be released before christmas 2013 and will be like the mod only betterer. edit - do i win some beans?
  5. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    Noyz, you miss the point. Of course not everyone will tell the truth, some will lie for all kinds of reasons but that doesn't mean everyone is a liar. More often than not players are relieved to hear a voice rather than a gunshot, relieved that they were spotted by another player and aren't dead, even bandits can react well and realise that this encounter is a positive thing and there is nothing to gain by being a douche. If they tell lies then they tell lies, normally it's easy to seperate the nice guys from the not so nice, and if it isn't possible to tell just assume the worse and only act on the info in a way that reduces any risk. However every now and then talking instead of shooting will pay dividends, it might be life saving or time saving and that makes it worthwhile.
  6. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    of course you could find out all that info on ones own.... ...or you could save yourself a whole lot of time and needless running about by finding this stuff out beforehand, (be nice to get to that boogie van with the required wheel for example). The amount of useful information other players can give you is potentially endless therefore potentially endlessly useful. Or you could just shoot him on sight of course, then find out all about Mr AS-50 'on ones own' via the 'you are dead' screen! Or should that be the 'one is dead' screen?. :P
  7. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    how about - there is a guy with an AS50 on sniper hill or there is a squad killing on sight in elektro, I saw a boogie van at the gas station - needs a wheel, there is an ak in the firehouse, maps in the store at berezino, don't bother with that deer stand, nuthin there......etc etc etc
  8. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    Firstly, nice wall of text rage =) made me chuckle. Secondly, if you intend to base your critique upon a deliberate spelling mistake maybe try to avoid genuine mistakes yourself, it kinda detracts from your credibility. SFTU = STFU your = you're Otherwise nice job Mr KOS kiddie
  9. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

  10. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    As you say - that's your problem. I don't see the point or enjoyment in 'wrestling' either, (not romano greko wrestling, that's a great sport) I mean the one with made up storylines and over tanned steroid addicted clowns that choreograph their 'fights' and pretend to hit each other, in fact I feel a deep sense of embarassment when i see 'adults' going crazy when they watch it, I think it too is stoopid but lots of people think it's the best thing in the world and wouldn't hesitate to tell me so. My point is we disagree, you think that shooting on sight no matter what the circumstances is not stoopid or cowardly and I respect your right to be wrong.
  11. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    this is not an anti all bandit/sniper thread - i am a bandit, my clan are bandits and some of us love to snipe but we never shoot on sight, we never kill fresh spawns/unarmed players, we always look for new ways to take what we want. This thread is aimed at the idiot minority we all know exists.
  12. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    fair and valid point. personally speaking i'm not anti pvp, in fact all of my favourite moments in dayz have involved gun play, i just don't see the point in shooting for the sake of it when there are so many other options to explore.
  13. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    It is true, thinking is one of my many vices. This thread isn't about hate or revenge, they are subjects raised by others, yourself included, it is, like 99% of all threads on all forums an exchange of opinions and ideas, as for crying.... nope, no tears here.
  14. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    just airing my opinion on a public forum, a place designed for exactly that
  15. Rastamaus

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    No one normal wants to be hated, it is more likely that they find, due to the poor strategies they employ in life, they do indeed attract a lot of hatred, the only way they can feel any sense of control over this is to behave in a way that encourages more hatred thus creating for themselves the illusion that all the hate coming their way is in fact desired and deliberately cultivated. edit - either that or they are sub-normal
  16. Rastamaus

    DayZ SA: One Key One Character

    good idea in theory. some folks are incurable idiots/assholes/wankers etc so this would at least help others to avoid the less appealing players. Also there are a lot of really great guys playing, this would be good for them too as imho reputation is everything in dayz as in life, there would have to be a system where only one instance of each name coud be allowed tho to prevent mistaken identity.
  17. nice and original idea trizzo am in training as we speak =)
  18. Rastamaus

    Chernarus real life

    so that's how dayz would look with a top end rig
  19. Rastamaus

    A Noob Perspective

    i love noobs =)
  20. Rastamaus

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    however long it takes is fine with me, just make it a great game
  21. Rastamaus

    MERC's recruiting on Private Server

    just out of idle curiosity, what is a Mececnary?
  22. Rastamaus

    Canoe or Kayak?

    search bar? been suggested and discussed many many times over the past few months