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nutshot (DayZ)

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About nutshot (DayZ)

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  1. nutshot (DayZ)

    The Notorious Can Incident

    This thread is an embarrassment, please just lock it and let it die.
  2. nutshot (DayZ)

    How many hours have you spent playing DayZ?

    about to hit 1200 hours
  3. nutshot (DayZ)

    is dayz 100% PvP on the long term?

    Whether it was deliberate or by accident, this mod found a good balance between meaningless pvp (cod) & having to do enough work to make you not want to die. For those carebears who just play to harvest meat and hide in the forest, you are kidding yourselves if you do not realise that the amazing, heart pumping pvp is the reason why this game has 1.5million players. Without that it would just be another shitty arma2 mod.
  4. nutshot (DayZ)

    Looking for Hackfree server :(

  5. nutshot (DayZ)

    Any good Australian servers?

    do you still have to pay to get white listed?
  6. nutshot (DayZ)

    DayZ Bug List

    eta on hotfix?
  7. nutshot (DayZ)

    My Perspective (

    Pretty much what I have been saying. Fix the zombie bugs before cranking them up. If you cant fix them because its an alpha them you cant crank them up.
  8. nutshot (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    You guys are missing the point. No one cares that the zombies have better hearing and talk to each other. The problem is that when you increase the capability of a buggy zombie it doesn't become harder, it becomes more buggy. Fix the zeds so they cant walk through walls, warp hit from 5m away and make someone in a car or chopper bleed from 10m away and then make them as hard as you want. A friend got knocked unconscious on a 2nd story building from a glitched zombie on the ground floor who 1 hit him through the floor. That is not hard, that is just retarded. All these changes have done is make the zombies more buggy than before. Fix the bugs, then make them as hard as you want.
  9. I think everyone recognises this is an alpha, but singing that catch cry doesn't change anything. The point is that the devs should be fixing the bugs in the zombies before making them harder or adding new stuff. All we end up with is the zombies being even more buggy than they were before, enough to now make the amount of grind almost not worth playing.
  10. nutshot (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    I think people are getting "zombies being harder" mixed up with zombies becoming buggier than normal. If the zombies worked properly then I would have no problem with them being harder, but the fact is they are buggy and all this patch has done is make it more of a grind to work around the bugs rather than add a new challenge. There's more grind than fun now which means the balance is out of whack.
  11. nutshot (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    Zombies were buggy but bearable in 1.7.4. They are not harder now, just broken. Side note: The carebears who sit in forests collecting firewood and "surviving" love this patch because it makes no difference to them, but just makes it harder for the organised squads who utilise both air & land vehicles. I will never understand why devs do not concentrate on fixing the multitude of bugs instead of spending that time adding useless gimmicky nonsense.
  12. fix the buggy, glitch hitting zombies before making them harder, kthx
  13. nutshot (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Update

    How far off is the hotfix? I know of a lot of players who are leaving in & droves swearing they won't play again till standalone due to 1.7.5 being broken. Personally, if the zombies weren't bugged and glitch hitting people through floors of buildings & moving vehicles and being 10m away from a chopper making the occupants bleed (lolwttf?) then it would be workable. At the moment the zombies do not appear to be hard, just broken.