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Everything posted by RyanH100

  1. This was posted on September please stop posting here you beautiful individuals you!
  2. RyanH100

    Spotted Hacker

    Why do idiots like you keep posting here without FUCKING proof.
  3. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  4. RyanH100

    DayZ Songs by zSc0pe

    http://soundcloud.com/zscope/frank-and-beanz is the only song that sounds good from you, 500 miles is way off and doesn't sound good.
  5. RyanH100

    US 3286, 2 guys, 1 credit card.

    Who gives a shit? I don't even understand how this is reporting get proof and gtfo. Also what the hell does this have to do with creditcards?
  6. ZOMBIES.NU AS50 and M107 and thermal weapons are removed. A few new guns not overpowered added to replace. Also has anti-f4 script and you can't go outside the map or you blow up.
  7. It's a private hive there is not much you can do unless you contact the owner of the hive.
  8. RyanH100

    M14 AIM vs M4A3 CCO?

    m14 aim if you're good at aiming.
  9. He won't be doing anything. He said is busy working on stand alone. Let him work in peace.
  10. RyanH100

    ERRR i mad, help

    Respawn glitch. Look it up.
  11. RyanH100

    Are you a bandit if you kill newspawns?

    No you're just a big fucking douchebag if you do. No-one likes newspawn killers
  12. You forgot to mention the name of the server, you can't join via ip with dayzcommander
  13. Quality is terrible, nty.
  14. RyanH100

    100% NEW! Couple Questions.

    Use DayZ Commander, Sixlauncher is way too confusing and advanced, DayZ commander was also made only for DayZ. Aswell as that you can also download all the maps there.
  15. It can take up to 10 minutes to get into a server. Get a cracked version of fraps and keep it running, if the FPS hits over 500 then you know it's crashing. Just be patience and go AFK while connecting. It can also depend on how much players are on the server.
  16. RyanH100

    Looking for one more member to group

    This has got to be the worst type of application form someone has had to fill out, Also runner / looter are you fucking serious?
  17. RyanH100

    DayZ Snow Map?

    Just a suggestion, we have everything but a snow map. It would be fucking awesome if the ground could be covered in snow, and maybe a script to actually make it snow. Would be fucking beautiful.
  18. RyanH100

    Looking for someone to play with

    Google on youtube, there is tutorials for noobs.
  19. RyanH100


    You can sometimes wait up to 10 minutes for it to load.
  20. We know we can just go onto dayz commander and look.
  21. RyanH100

    DayZ "Safety Button" Suggestion

    This is the worst idea ever. You're just a retard.
  22. RyanH100

    DayZ in 45 seconds

    So true, only they forgot how shit it is with all the bugs and fucked up hackers.
  23. RyanH100

    Suicide via weapon instead of "respawn"

    The respawn is removed... ages ago but you can still use it if your quick enough can sometimes take ages clicking though.
  24. You dont need the L85, The AS50 TWS is for night and day, Day server will most likely have more players on it for you to snipe, but will increase your chance of being caught, at night most people probaly wont play on night servers so less players to kill.