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Marshmallow (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Marshmallow (DayZ)

  1. Marshmallow (DayZ)


    If the humanity score is going to stay, then why not have a system where you accumulate another player's humanity when you kill them (positive accumulation if you kill a bandit, negative if you kill a survivor)? For example: Joe is a survivor with a humanity score of 1000 Chris is a bandit with a humanity score of -2000 If Joe kills Chris, his score rises to 3000 and if Chris kills Joe, Joe's decreases to -3000. With this system, it's more realistic because you gain more notoriety based on who you kill, not just everyone being equal.
  2. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Bandit and Hero Camo

    I agree with the idea of having camo for heroes and bandits. I really like Option 1 Hero and Option 2 Bandit. On a side note, the humanity score needs to be higher to achieve these skins. I think it's too easy to look like a hero, but you're really a cold-blooded killer who just gives your buddy blood transfusions.
  3. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes. No one has used barbed wire to keep away zombies or enemy players. It's only been used as a griefing tactic and while we're supposed to be able to remove it with a toolbox, I've only gotten the option to remove it 25% of the time. It's too glitchy and doesn't do anything to improve gameplay.
  4. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    BattlEye Failed to Update (Again): Kicked from Game.

    Worked for me too. It took about 5 minutes to update.
  5. Marshmallow (DayZ)


    That's true. I think my idea would become very unbalanced over time. I don't think it'd work.
  6. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Kid zombies

    What fun is it to shoot kids even if they're zombies? And the reasons, "it's for realism" or "there are more violent things accessable to us" aren't rational either because DayZ is just a game and what happens in real life is atrocious. DayZ is a video game, so have fun. If you felt you're not having fun to the point that you had such a desire to kill zombie children and needed to post it on this forum, you might want to re-evaluate your morality.
  7. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Dayz deathmatch

    Was there ever a time? :rolleyes:
  8. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    DayZ Graphics!

    Certainly you must have a GPU, even if it's imbedded, or else you can't use your computer (and maybe you arent?). Arma II doesn't require a tremendous amount of graphical power because you can scale the graphics down quite a bit. I'm running a 2007 iMac with a Radeon 2600XT Mobility (I'm working on getting a new computer, so don't judge!) and I can run the game at 1100x7?? and I get a decent enough framerate to play the game. Of course, my specs are crap and I recommend something vastly better, but my point is if you just want to run the game for the time being, you might be surprised how well it may run on your system.
  9. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Human <100% --- Humanity --- 0%> Zed

    Why are people so bent on punishing players for playing as bandits? I've never killed anyone except in self-defense and I always play as a survivor, but the game would be awfully boring without people who want to be strict, cold-blooded murders. There's nothing wrong with players who want to achieve a negative humanity score because in a real apocalypse there would be chaos, looting, and villainy. Just because someone plays as a bandit doesn't mean their abilities should magically change or they morph into some inhuman thing. It's just a choice and we all get killed and restart at some point. I think the problem is some players expect DayZ to be a game where you have one character and you're supposed to survive ad infinitum and unless you're the good guy, you should be struck down. That's wrong. We all get killed at some point and appear back on the coast and in some ways it's nice to have fresh start. Just try to survive as long as you can in whatever way you see fit, whether that means shoot on sight or lay low in the woods somewhere. Leave that choice to the individual and consequences may follow their actions. Quit trying to control everything. I applaud the you for putting a lot of thought into changing the game, but I don't feel it fits the realm of DayZ.
  10. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    choking mechanic in the game

    Oh for cryin' out loud, just shoot the bastard or cleave his head in two! <_<
  11. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Stats (like GTA or Skyrim etc etc)

    I like the idea of seeing arbitrary stats. No purpose for it, but it's just fun for curiosity's sake.
  12. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Add challenge & solve spawnkilling

    That's understandable. I would like to see less predictable spawn points in the future.
  13. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    One character name ~ DayZ standalone

    I agree with this. It lets players know who to trust and distrust and we can build a better gaming community when people aren't hiding behind ten different aliases.
  14. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Add challenge & solve spawnkilling

    Isn't that element already present in DayZ (small villages vs. towns vs. cities vs. NW Airfield)? If you're talking about formal locations where newbies should spawn and gear up, that's like throwing meat to the lions because the snipers will know exactly where to go and pick off new spawns.
  15. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Rewards for survival (Open for suggestions!)

    LOL, yes the hackers are a menace, but we'll have to wait until the stand alone comes to fix that. :)
  16. Marshmallow (DayZ)


    You can easily avoid bandits by roaming the countryside because the PvPers typically stay on the coast around Cherno and Elektro. Their presence forces you to be extra cautious and makes the game all the more an authentic survival game. And to say DayZ is an FPS is nonsensical. For one, you can use 3rd person on most servers. Two, surviving the elements, not just combat, is an aspect of DayZ that everyone must abide by. Except for hackers, the game is as equal as equal gets.
  17. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Rewards for survival (Open for suggestions!)

    No. I'll admit I didn't read the whole thing, but let me state that DayZ should not have a class/perk/skill system. DayZ is one of those rare games where the player's abilities are dependent on his/her own ability to think strategically and make wise decisions. When a perk/skill system is involved, the game becomes unbalanced because your character becomes stronger than the next only because you've played the longest or you've been able to exploit the game mechanics to perk-up or level-up the fastest. When everyone has the same liberties and restrictions, you have to learn how to become the strongest player and the only way to get around that is using your brain.
  18. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Sugestion to solve the spawnkilling

    I've been playing DayZ for a long time and I've never been sniped on the beach right after spawn. If you have an issue with it, just switch servers.
  19. Marshmallow (DayZ)


    Liberty to kill who you want at any time, place, or under any circumstance is the best feature of DayZ because the players are responsible for creating the atmosphere of the game, not the game mechanics. Restricting that feature by creating classes or special characters makes DayZ just another lousy zombie game IMHO. Everyone is born on the coast equally. Enough said.
  20. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Stealth Suggestion

    One thing I've always been kind of bothered about in DayZ is how it's quieter to move through a forest of dry, brittle leaves than a meadow of plush, green grass. If anyone has ever spent time in the woods, you know that an armadillo bolting through the woods 50 feet away sounds like a wild boar charging through a china shop. I think players, zombies, and other fauna should generate much louder noise and attract more attention than they currently do. This of course would change when the weather is rainy and those leaves are no longer cracking under your feet. And of course pine forests would sound different than deciduous forests. Any thoughts?
  21. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Guns durabilities

    I'm with having durability, but maybe we shouldn't have a so-called 'health bar' for the gun. Instead, players could be cued by elements such as the gun jamming more frequently or slower reloading. I'd find that to be more suspenseful.
  22. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Leavers who survive the first shot

    I think that idea should be implemented too. Star Wars Galaxies had a similar rule to keep players from disconnecting when the battle was getting too rough. You're allowed to leave the game whenever you want, but your character stays in the game for a certain amount of time.
  23. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Stealth Suggestion

    LOL, not in game, but I've encountered armadillos in Florida when I used to spend time at a hunting camp. Animals can sound larger than they really are when they move through fallen leaves!
  24. Marshmallow (DayZ)

    Seperate Profiles?

    Good question. I don't know what the developers plan to do, but in my opinion, the name should be fixed. Like I said before, your name should be associated with your repuation so friends and foes can easily identify one another. That way, if I come across a G-Man on server US 1234, I know it's you and I know I can trust you (or kill you) and it's not someone else that happens to use the same name.
  25. That would make an epic easter egg!