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Elias (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Elias (DayZ)

  1. Elias (DayZ)

    How much would you pay?

    I'll gladly pay € 49,99 for a stand-alone game. But I don't want to pay extra for add-ons, the game must be complete. So please no extra skins/weapons/etc that I'll then have to buy. If it comes as an DLC for Arma3 it will be fine too. I'll pay €24,99 for the Dayz DLC and buy Arma3 just to be able to play it. And to be able to play Arma3 & Dayz I'll gladly buy a new pc too :-)
  2. Elias (DayZ)

    Why is the life expectancy going up?

    People playing carefully, trying to survive; I think maybe that is why the numbers go up? I know I am playing carefull. I'm still playing my first life (I've started playing with 1.5.8 or 1.5.7), and I never died once (*knocks on wood*). There where some moments when I almost died, but somehow (thank g*d) I've survived every time. I haven't met many other players, in fact I've only met two during my game. I try to keep low, keep alive. I'm still hoping that someday I'll meet friendly survivors, so I can team up. But I'm also scared to make contact, I do not want to die! It's a great game, great mod; I'm having so much fun, thank you rocket!
  3. Elias (DayZ)

    Buildings are NOT safe to log out in.

    Just the other day I was in a supermarket, when connection problems sadly ended my session. When I got back in the game I was very scared, because I knew I would spawn right back into this supermarket...no way of knowing other players would be there too. When I spawned back into the supermarket there where dead Zed's everywhere inside and outside, and no loot left. So I got very lucky that time, spawning just after the slaughter that had place there :-) No need to explane that my heart was pounding and my hands where trembling when I got out of that place a.s.a.p., back into the safety of the forest! Great game this is!
  4. Random. Anything other than a Hospital. Thanks for your answer.
  5. First: I love this game, best game ever! I like the possibility to make a fire, it's great for morale to make a fire and great to get warm. But I do have 2 suggestions, I'm just trying to help to make this great game even better: 1) Stop with the wood-items. Wood is everywhere in the gameworld. Maybe introduce firestart-materials; like old newspapers, empty boxes and stuff like that. Stuff you would normaly find in a town. Maybe make it so that if you try to light a fire without those 'firestarters' it will be much harder to light. And maybe goes out sooner, burns smaller or so. So than you can light a fire without firestarters, but it will be much harder and costs more matches to do so. Which brings me to... 2) Make matches finite (if at all possible). Maybe lose the matches alltogether and let the player find (small) pieces of flint which you can only use once or so. Thanks for this great game!
  6. Elias (DayZ)

    This Is Best Game I've Ever Played

    Best game ever! Thank you Rocket!
  7. Are the places where matches appear random, or is there a sure place to find them?
  8. Elias (DayZ)

    Is it possible to test DayZ before buying ARMA?

    I agree with Solid, spend the 25€, you will love this mod! I bought Arma2 CO, only to play this mod, never looked back since.
  9. Thanks for sharing, good tip.