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About sp3cialk@gmail.com

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Updated servers SUDDENLY are password protected

    Yep, smart move by the dev team... shady admins would have otherwise setup to capture when the server was updated and brought up.
  2. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Is there a typing-chat server?

    Wait, you loaded it up on a University's Library computer... man.. that's hardcore. As for your question, you can use text chat for direct as well. Just hit the "/" to open the input.
  3. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Rocket Defence Force and Anti-Rocket Alliance ASSEMBLE

    Hide ya kids, hide ya wife...
  4. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    HFB Camo / Ghillie suit problem fixed

    Ah, none of my friends have that situation, so I can't test to see if my server has issues. So I guess I'm asking if a re-load needs to be done to correct this issue on all HFB servers or not?
  5. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    HFB Camo / Ghillie suit problem fixed

    I'm curious how this was tested? I thought current alpha wasn't spawning skins and would be fixed in Would this be something that needs to be done on all HFB servers?
  6. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Honestly I would rather spawn in Kamenka than close to Cherno or Elektro.... I have a great path North that I can run without the need of an external map and normally end up with great gear by the time I hit the NWAF area.
  7. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Technically Puerto Rico is a US Territory ;)
  8. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Seattle 35 Removed

    This thread got 100x better with the Wire references!
  9. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Barb Wire and Sandbags

    Is it just me or do multiple fences cause graphical glitches? If there are any at the NWAF I always get funky graphical glitches there.
  10. sp3cialk@gmail.com


    Well your server is much more overcast in the example. That will darken it a bit. You can see this because the other server has stars showing. Also what moon phase as a full moon can really light up a server.
  11. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    HFB Servers

    Ever think they aren't on your timezone and could be asleep?
  12. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    What information is available to server hosters?

    Everyone likes to accuse Admins of Abuse... there may be a few rotten apples out there, but most server admins aren't. Don't be so quick to judge. There are plenty of servers out there, just change servers.
  13. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    I agree, it would be a nice option if they would have a bank or two of servers that could be run with an inverse time.
  14. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    Best sniping spot in Cherno?

  15. sp3cialk@gmail.com

    AK74 Kobra or M14 AIM?

    M14 is an amazing gun in RL, I don't see why people doubt it in game. Kobra isn't bad, and yes it is quieter, but look at the differences in cartridge size and it makes sense. Both are great guns, it's really just preference.