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Everything posted by Odahviing

  1. Odahviing

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    in case that anyone wonders how that looks like I made a video corncering this issue:
  2. Odahviing

    DayZ should have a prison

    I recently watched all seaons of The Walkind Dead in around 5-6 days and I really enjoyed the third and fourth season with them defending the prison: If they add at some point base building in the game we could like defend this shit yo. I saw a prison castle being implemented in the game, thats a start i guess.
  3. Hey, I have a nice Idea for a video but for that I have to be able to use a flying cam ingame...is it possible somehow?
  4. Odahviing

    How can I record the game with a flying camera?

    can i remove the grey dot atleast somehow?
  5. Odahviing

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    stay on the coast.
  6. Hi, Whenever I try to play DayZ Epoch I get kicked shortly after entering the game. (Failed to update...) (Client not responding...) etc.. I already tried to uninstall Battleeye in Arma2 and A2CO. Installed it again...then it was up-to-date. Whenever I join a server now it says: "Initializing Battleeye v.1.164...." Battleeye successfully updated! restarting...." Then a few secs later I get kicked from the server. I already tried to disable my firewall, antivirus, etc... nothing worked. I also tried to go in Steam under Properties and validate my files...didn't help either. What should I do next?
  7. Odahviing

    Getting kicked by Battleeye

    i tried the thing above and NOPE nothing works. c'mon ditch that battleeye shit and put in something that doesnt kick off half the players edit: I tried it for a second time now and when i join the lobby it tells me "beye is up-to-date now" i think it worked
  8. Odahviing

    Getting kicked by Battleeye

    I tried to join a server via DayZ Commander and via ingame remote but it didn't work either. In DayZ Standalone and ArmA 3 Battleeye is perfectly working....and I believe for Origins too, only the Epoch and maybe the orig. mod is giving me problems.
  9. Odahviing

    What is patch 0.43? (exp.)

    Cant find any patch notes ore updates about it... is it just a hotfix or some new things aswell?
  10. Lizzie killed Mika, Carol shot Lizzie in the head from behind. are experimental servers down?
  11. and somehow i managed to run the past hour through the woods and and up at Devil's Castle....fml im done for now!
  12. found the Cr75 so awesome! but no mag :( i have bullets tho!
  13. what is wrong with those fucking zombie noises every 2secs??
  14. fuck...I just met a fully geared guy...luckily he was friendly and we both went in different directions....man stop giving me heartattacks people srzs
  15. 9mm rounds, probably for a 9mm? or Ruger? http://puu.sh/7mrbG.jpg edit: I downlaoded the patch with 10MB/s and immidiately joined a exp. server. (i had that gear already last i played)
  16. new melee weapon: Pitchfork http://puu.sh/7mqW8.jpg
  17. ok i will post what i can find: You can paint your SKS in black now (prob. green too) http://puu.sh/7mqw2.jpg http://puu.sh/7mqyG.jpg
  18. posted on twitter rocket --> locked(t) lol
  19. Odahviing

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    patch should come tomorrow (experimental) i guess after the mainteneance