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Everything posted by dragonkatol

  1. The hospital gave me the creeps, seriously.
  2. Wheelbarrows & Shopping carts. :D http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/96683-wheelbarrows/
  3. dragonkatol

    Suggestion to Rocket

    LVG basically said what i thought about it. Besides, I think of it as a Christmas present. A christmas present that will make me gain weight and make my girlfriend hate me. :D
  4. dragonkatol

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    Why did the survivor cross the road? To get to the otheOMGZOMBIESHELPHELHPEHLPEP
  5. dragonkatol

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I am kinda bummed that i watched it all too fast. i've finished season 1 in a day then season 2 on the second, i should've savor the moment a tad bit longer. I am really excited for the 3rd season, i am so excited that i am paying our cable company to have a channel that has a MLP:FiM. But anyway, I've been watching it regularly when painting or doing something. MLP makes me productive for some reason.
  6. dragonkatol

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    How could you say that? I mean, You haven't played it yet, surely. This has been posted alot (People thinking that Standalone is gonna be the hacker fest like the mod), you should really do research more and lurk more in the forums before making such a claim. :)
  7. dragonkatol

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    No, they're taking their sweet time developing a stable build. I don't mind it though, more time spent in development for me is the better. (besides, im having alot of fun at the Mod ATM, don't know why alot of people are complaining about hackers/scripters since it's been 2 weeks since i've been killed by one) I really hope that some guys here will have the patience and give it a damn breathing space for the dev team.
  8. dragonkatol

    Noob-journalist would like to tag along

    I think, You should ask clans for that. Group dynamics at it's fullest. :D
  9. dragonkatol

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Rarities Favorite Sweater. but it turned into Opalescence's kitty sweater. :D
  10. dragonkatol

    100% NEW! Couple Questions.

    For installation, Just Install DayZ commander and run the installers from there. For basic tutorials, you should go for the ArmA2 Basic Training. Then to get a grip for weapons and vehicles head for the armory. And playing the campaign wouldn't hurt either. (Trust me, If you came from BF3, CoD or any first person face-to-face kinda game, you won't see who's shooting you as they are mostly 300m-500m away. the campaign will help you to adjust) Now for DayZ tutorials, Just watch videos of players like Sacriel, Oshi7, Fhrope or any other DayZ streamers/YouTubers. They can help alot and pretty entertaining too.
  11. dragonkatol

    GamesTM Magazine - Nov 2012 - Article

    For Timmy!!
  12. dragonkatol

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    I loved that rocket is going to the "The Road" path with a zombie twist. a bit off-topic but anyone read the book? I never have been more depressed by reading a book.
  13. dragonkatol

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Can i come too? This forums made me a brony and loving it. :)
  14. dragonkatol

    suggestions for dayz

    Melee and Crafting would be on Standalone. And Zetal is right, the zombies in DayZ are infected. This has been suggested alot. You should use the search bar more often so you wouldn't waste your time writing stuff.
  15. dragonkatol

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    As i was looking at the pictures at tumblr, My girlfriend which is an interior designer by profession come home and i quickly told her about the new update. After seeing the tumblr photos She said "It needs more accents, the bed is ugly, table cloth is ugly, and cow-patterned curtains? c'mon!" Guess who's gonna sleep in the couch tonight after defending my favorite game.
  16. dragonkatol

    Dayz World, City Measurements

    ^^^ What this dude said. Lurk more and research more, If you really want the up to date development on this game do that. Or do what i do, create a twitter account to stalk the developers. :D
  17. dragonkatol

    zombies meaner

    This is what goes through my mind the first time i read his post title! "With a face like that, You dare to call us infected?" "You run like a little girl, you fagoot!" beans to you sir for reading my mind.
  18. dragonkatol

    zombies meaner

    It'll be much harder as said by rocket in his interviews. Headshot only cannot apply in DayZ because they are not the undead. The "Infected" are still human but with limited intelligence (Able to climb ladders, Open doors, Sprint, and etc. etc) and a more frailer body as it can still die on what normally kill us(Gunshot wounds, Blood-loss, Starvation and etc.) , unlike its undead counterpart. But yea, Zombies in DayZ would be more harder in SA. Anyway, If you want harder zombies there are private servers there that made zombies run indoors and can attack you while running. Alerting a zombie is a death sentence in that hive.
  19. dragonkatol

    Differing sizes of players

    I agree that height shouldn't effect on stats or anything else. There should be limitations on height in the character customization like minimum for men are like 5'3 and maximum of 6'11 or something. Abit off topic. Height customization reminds me of Fight night, i would love to have feature where you take a pic of yourself and putting it in your character. That would be sweet.
  20. Hello guys, I've been looking for a Private hive that has SMK animation enabled. I don't know if there's one yet but that's why i am making this thread.
  21. dragonkatol

    Private Hives with SMK Animation

    Hm.. I guess no server has this yet. I'll keep on waiting though. XD *BUMP*
  22. dragonkatol

    Private Hives with SMK Animation

    I just got excited when i saw the video and instantly tried it out in ArmA 2:CO. It was complete freedom of movement IMO, If i wanna peak while im prone'd, i can! If i wanna take cover quickly, i can. If i want to jump over the wall, i can. It really adds immersion into it. Edited: One of the videos that really made me interested on this mod.
  23. dragonkatol

    Non-Shitty class idea for the Standalone

    There's already a class system in DayZ, Policeman - gear up with decent equipment then roam cherno and kill bandits. Doctor - get supplies from hospital roam around the map yelling "Anybody need assistance? I'm a doctor!" Soldier - get military tier stuff Sniper - get a ghillie and a scoped rifle. and bunch of other classes like, Spotters, Demo-man, Bus Drivers, Bean Horder and etc. This game has the best advanced class system that you really have to play the part to become one.
  24. dragonkatol

    Disappointed new player.

    Private Hives and even the passworded ones are pretty secure from scripting/hacking. Also, if you found a decent private hive that you can call home, you can get to know people. :D