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Everything posted by vorgud

  1. vorgud

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age: 14 Name: Ben Skype: kingwalrusiv Country: USA Timezone: EST (UTC -5) [Steam Name: vorgud Experience: (1-10, see chart) 5-6 Game Style: (Sniper, scout, infantry, ect) scout, cannon fodder, support infantry As long as someone takes my gear when I die, I am fine with dying, plus I am pretty mature, and love a good laugh.
  2. vorgud

    Why don't more players play like this?

    This. I can whole-heartedly agree with this. You, good sir, have earned my beans 10 times over.
  3. vorgud

    Looking for 2 or 3 reliable people.

    What the hey. Add me on skype, can't wait to finally have a group. Skype = kingwalrusiv (hence the picture on the left)
  4. vorgud

    Is there any humanity in DayZ

    Well, I was bringing back some parts today for a car, and I stumbled upon a person who must have come to the gas station where I was out. I called out friendly after 3 seconds (cause I had to switch to direct chat) and he didn't shoot me, I thought I had a friend. Thought. Then someone shot me in the back when I went back to get the windshield I lost. Silly me.