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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. lex__1

    Questions re moving steam and dayz

    All personal files of a game and settings are in the DayZ folder on the way - C:\Users\Имя\Documents\DayZ. Their location does not change, and does not depend on that from where there is a start of a game. But, just in case, I always have the copy of this folder in the safe section of a disk, for reserve restoration. It is not obligatory to transfer Steam to a new disk, it is possible to transfer only files of a game to a new disk. You can use the Steam tool for transfer of files of a game on other disk or in other folder in two steps. 1. To add the new folder to Steam library: - Steam> settings> loadings> folders of Steam library> to create the new folder on a new disk. 2. To replace the folder of installation of a game: Steam > click at the game the right mouse button > properties> local files > to replace the folder of installation > to choose the folder created in the 1st stage. To wait for the end of process of transfer of files of a game in Steam.
  2. lex__1

    Ban Appeal

  3. lex__1

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    The way of search loot by the player - depends on logic of a system of emergence of loot. Now emergence of loot has the broken logic, or spam. Often reproduces identical loot, across all territory of emergence of loot. As the system is broken by spam, the player does not have sense to spend a lot of time for search of desirable loot and to move from one point of emergence of loot to another. The player has a sense - reproduction of loot on one point of emergence of loot. Still the problem with logic of emergence of loot seems to eat. I play the third evening on the server where the system gets stuck on any category loot. Even after restart of the server, there is a high probability to find identical loot on all points, in any point of a travel. The logic of emergence of loot has to reproduce evenly all range of loot, on all points of the territory of the card. All loot can be divided into several categories: - loot military appointment - loot of civil appointment - loot of sports appointment - loot of economic appointment - loot of general purpose Emergence of loot has to correspond to category of territories more likely. Example - the player should not find on loot military base of civil appointment. Can be an exception points which belong to transit of freights, marine and railway transport, points of protection and hunting. Loot of general purpose can appear in any territory. Why the player travels much, passes from one settlement to another, and finds loot in everyone (I exaggerate): 50 - small lamp 100 - ropes 100 - shirts .....or similar ?
  4. I traveled around settlements yesterday, looked for burlap in sheds to make a camouflage on a rifle. In all sheds I found only a rope, sometimes two in one shed )))
  5. lex__1

    can't compile game script module

    The reasons causing such errors can be different: - OS issue and updates - Problem in device drivers - Viruses - Antivirus program You can ask a question here or find a solution to existing questions.
  6. lex__1

    Official Cinematic Trailer

    Of course, the video has excellent artistic performance. It is very interesting to watch to get an idea about the game. Excellent advertising game. But this may be the subject of claims, as there are many details in the video of which does not exist in the game, or cannot be reproduced in the game: - making your own signboard ads - device attractive traps using zombies. Perhaps animal meat or blood, from an airtight container, can attract zombies to their destination from the neighborhood, just like it attracts sharks. (I am trying to present a reconstruction of the episode with three locked in a room.) - homemade items of defense and attack etc. Or are there plans to develop this? Perhaps I am mistaken about such a reaction of the consumer.
  7. lex__1

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    As I think. Difficult tasks in the game for one player, suggest to unite efforts of several players, for easier achievement of these tasks. Perhaps the game requires a mechanism for creating groups, taking into account the number of players in a group. This should affect the robustness of the base. The base built by a group of three people can be successfully attacked by another group of at least three people. But not everything should be easy for the group; perhaps more difficult conditions are needed for mining by the group in the cities. Any idea needs to be calculated and built dependencies, create conditions. Not sure if this could be part of the developer’s work. Perhaps this is more interesting for a competent guy for the release of Mods.
  8. My main perspective is in the development of Arma on the new engine 'Enfusion'. I was interested in wanting to see how it develops. My proposals for DayZ can not be called my desires, it can be called tips. I got a good impression of the game DayZ, in part of their interests. I am grateful to the creators of DayZ for their great efforts and excellent work. I use my experience of playing the Arma series since 2001. I know why the players came into the game, stayed in the game for a long time or left the game. Long-term prospects are good for the game - when there are no long-term solutions to problems in the game and long-term expectations. I understand and support players waiting for changes, but I’m worried when topics like this appear.
  9. Programming is unfortunately not my business. The author of the topic is not just asking this question "At what point do we consider DayZ dead online?". This is the situation when there is a good base, in the form of a beautiful game, a map, atmosphere, Mods, and so on. But there are some details that help reduce the number of players. This does not cause a question, whether the player is a dayz fan or not a fan. The prospect of the development of the game does not force the player to play on the server. As a result, there are a lot of players who bought the game and there is a small number of players who constantly play. It’s one thing to admire the existence of the DayZ game, and quite another to try to admire the same, in the circumstances of declining Online players. Do you understand? If the game has: - slow response of solutions from technical support - narrow selection of gameplay This can lead to a loss of interest in the game, and players, and manufacturers Mods. In fact, the current situation surprises me a lot when BIS has a lot of experience in the Arma game series. But the game Arma rescued a wide range of gameplay - CTI, coop, PvP, PvE, missions, companies and other combinations of game modes. The player could always find application in something, waiting for a solution to any problems.
  10. There really is already a pointer and road 🙂
  11. I use Launcher_SA to play DayZ. You are right, SA expands your experience in the world of DayZ. I am not a fan of the survival genre. I am here only because of acquaintance with the new engine. I'm more interested in large-scale battles in the world of Arma. Great job team DayZ. Thank you for the new sensations. I am sure, having a good platform, you can add interest to the wider masses of players having. I try to send tickets for the problems I encounter. By the way, I liked the map at the military base. What is known about the expansion of the territory of DayZ?
  12. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    They said they would fix it. 😉 Bye wrote this ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T137471
  13. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    When a character is lying on the ground, you switch to an optical sight with high magnification, the sight is very far down from the target. This is not right. If we get used to this, we will then be added a little to the left or to the right of the focus of sight? 😉
  14. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I could find this information about the "left cntrl key", I tried the "left cntrl key", tried all the keys, and could not turn on the breath hold. Solved this question differently, changed the key through the change in dayz_preset_User.xml, assigned to "Numpad1" - the breath hold works. <input name = "UAHoldBreath"> <btn name = "kNumpad1" /> I don’t know why the left cntrl written there didn’t work for me. I have another question. The center of the optical sight below the center of sight. Whenever I line up my actions relative to the center of focus (point on the screen) applicable to the object / target, the action is an adventure on an iron sight, or on an optical sight, focuses the center of the sight well below the object / target. This is inconvenient in twins when using an optical sight with high magnification. Exit from the action "sight" has the same effect, the focus of view remains above the object / goal.
  15. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    1. Where in dayz control "hold breath". When will this issue be resolved? 2. Change the way to keep the weapon in the top - from holding the key to pressing the key. These are a few more topics on the forum, where the issue of .... I think no need to explain the inconvenience associated with these issues. If you need to create tickets for elementary understandings of questions, I will create them.
  16. lex__1

    Hold breath

    What is known about being able to get in dayz - a way to control "hold breath"?
  17. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Yes, this is the effect.
  18. If I like the product, I will try to help the player to solve his problem, and it does not matter to me in what form he expresses about the problem. And to say so - "Why we don't care when you quit Dayz", This is not fair. When I don’t care about something, I won’t even think about it. And the author creates a theme, and tries to state in it that he is trying to help the project develop and accuses those leaving in the inability to help the project develop. You are trying to explain to disgruntled customers how to return the money spent on the purchase of the game, and not to bother the forum participants for nothing? So do this help correctly - do not say that it is his problem. Perhaps the person will change his mind, and follow your advice. I would say that you should be worried about those who leave silently. 😉
  19. Yesterday I tried to describe this sound, but I did not have a recording of this explosive effect. Very often I meet this.
  20. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I agree completely. There is only one complaint. I just can’t catch one sound on the recording that scares me every time it happens. When it starts to rain, the sound of water running down the drainpipes is sometimes reproduced with such a short initial effect, as if they were shooting at me with a machine gun. It is not always, but it happens that you jump up from a chair 😀
  21. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Guys, if this is not a problem in the update, then give an explanation on setting up servers for the guys that contain the server. You come into a settlement, or any other place of spawning of things and objects, you can find there many similar things and objects. Often the same assortment is common throughout the spawning grounds of the DayZ world. The feeling is that you are in the supermarket and can not find a way out of the clothing department. You can come to any place in a few days, and find there only what was previously. Or shelves with cartridges, filled only with 45ACP cartridges. Why such a shortage of assortment in the game? 😃
  22. From all the things said by the author of the topic, I did not understand one thing - do you want the game to develop without any wishes of the players? Or does this concern only the form of expressing wishes?
  23. lex__1

    Action Clips.

    Even in this embodiment, the iron sight remains, in case
  24. Such an approach to business - appeared with the release of Arma3. This is not so big for me, but it has great discontent with others. The game does not have versatility, for the big interests of the players. Players are involved in fast combat and spawning, or long survival which will become boring as soon as you explore all the landscapes of the map. I understand the idea of surviving in DayZ, as a lack of having a way to save a character’s progress. But the absence of any method of progress \ regression as an option should be in the mission scenario on some servers. Something like a relay race and stage levels where you can rise and fall at levels, receive any penalties or advantages. Do not instantly fall from top to bottom. In missions, there is no scenario (or a branch of scenarios) capable of combining the common efforts of the players, or creating several associations to accomplish any more interesting tasks, more than to rob someone and devour. Spend a month researching the game, and then only play once to check what updates are fixed - as long as this is the maximum for DayZ. I do not understand the developer, in the absence of a survey of players. You can have one or more opinions about what should be the game DayZ. But the game becomes popular when each player finds his interest in the game. There must be many servers with different missions and tasks possible in the world of DayZ. For example: In the Arma series of games there were and there are PvP servers, with a mission for one chance to survive. It is impossible to argue that this style has interested all players. Much more players played other scenarios.
  25. lex__1

    Action Clips.

    Yes sg5k . This part of the sight is not activated on any rifle. On the M4, for example, where the iron sight is removed to install the ACOG optics, only the ACOG optics work, and the switch to the ACOG iron sight does not occur. Added this information here https://feedback.bistudio.com/T93397