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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    I did not have any difficulties in the old inventory interface. I understand that seconds are important in the game. But I think that there are players who had difficulties with small icons of items in the inventory, which also added extra seconds. I do not know how this is possible, but everyone would be satisfied with the option in the game Interface Size tincture - small \ medium \ large. Perhaps such an approach to solving the size of the "inventory" interface will find priority and a reasonable solution. The previous indicator of the state of clothes was optimal, as it was always before our eyes and did not require additional actions.
  2. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    Have you tried it? Each item has a weight and volume - the specific gravity of the item. This is the basis of the principle of handling the item, according to which the item must receive permission to be placed in a pants pocket or backpack. But I think that this change and complication of conditions will not play for a long time. After an hour of play, you will understand what and where you can fold. Is it worth it to remake in the game and put priority on this? Fully agree with your description. Here are some shots of the video about how this happens, which can save lives and some reactions.
  3. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    In which ticket did you attach the error logs?
  4. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    What are these extremes? Allow to satisfy hunger, at least dig up earthworms for a festive breakfast and nibble the bark from the tree for dinner.😀 Let's talk about a person's ability to survive in the environment, where there is no sign of human life, hundreds of examples to avoid hunger and thirst. I understand this and I know from the experience of the Arma series. All tickets are on the tracker, require updating of information or should be closed if outdated or resolved. I know that often creating a ticket causes a lot of time. 1. For this reason, I offer my view on solving a part of the problem of creating a ticket - a server with a stress test mission having a tool like in DayZCommunityOfflineMode.ChernarusPlus 2. Feedback tracker. Sometimes tickets are created where there is no complete information about the problem, or the problem is caused by individual aspects or something else. All problems go in the general stream. Changes are needed to the feedback tracker itself, where tickets can be sorted by type of problem. For example, anyone can create a duplicate on the problem, because everyone calls the problem differently, because they cannot find a similar ticket, or the search for a similar ticket can take a long time. It’s like a mess when you don’t know what to choose and where to start to solve problems. For comparison - feedback tracker dev.cup-arma3. See how they are similar, but it has its own attractive features - like sorting by type of problem, or something else. It changes a lot for convenience to use it.
  5. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    I think the developer does not have enough time to test. There are some circumstances for this. I am sure that not many are ready to play on the experimental version. Sometimes, some problems do not lie on the surface, or have some dependencies that can be revealed after a few hours of play. I do not know what solutions can be applied, and what would reduce the likelihood of a problem getting into an update when it occurs against the background of fixing another problem. How to change it, I do not know. But it is certain that the enthusiasm of some players in experimental stress tests does not always work along the whole front of problems. Perhaps you need a server with an experimental mission. In this mission, all construction, mining, and other gameplay processes should provide players with a quick opportunity to reproduce problem checks. This should allow the player to check the game processes without having to run all over the map in search of the necessary content, and spend many hours on such experiments. The DayZCommunityOfflineModeChernarusPlus mission helps, but does not help to find problems for situations arising in OnlineMode.
  6. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    The ticket number does not match the description of the problem. Solving this problem has led to a wider scale of the problems that arise. I have a dual opinion. On the one hand, this is correct, the solution to the problem is to block access to objects behind the walls. But on the other hand, this has led to the emergence of many problems in other areas of the interaction of players with items - the complete loss of items in the inventory. In more detail, my comments on this ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T96876. In the room, near the arch of the entrance to the fortress, there are places with objects that are generated in the wall or under the floor. Along the perimeter of the room are many items, but access to items is not always possible. Not sure, but maybe there are still many places in Cherno where items are hidden. If someone knows about such places, please report on this ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T138489 .
  7. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    It is often impossible to take an object, even where there are no obstacles, an object in the line of sight. For a couple of days on different servers (without Mods), I often encounter this problem. Situations when the subject may be completely lost due to this problem: - the subject is not fully visible - put the subject on the floor, but in some situations it may hang in the air - put the subject on the floor, but in some situations it may fall into the texture of the floor - You must correct the hotfix for this T137847 ticket. Before fixing this ticket, there were no problems with the loss of items. In this video, a similar situation, with instructions on how to raise the subject, if the subject fell into the texture of the floor. But it does not always help out. And so, we start gymnastic exercises)))
  8. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    This is a video without mods. Mods are not yet fixed at 1.02. Quick day to night shift. Sometimes it happens as it is in the video, it is sharply dark, but the daytime comes smoothly and long. Sometimes sharply light.
  9. lex__1

    Stable Update 1.02

    This update needs to be edited. Resolving a problem (T137847) - leads to another problem. Very often, in some places it is impossible to take an object, even where there is no obstacle, an object in the line of sight.
  10. lex__1

    Returning Player

    One day, too, was a similar experience. I saw the helicopter screw on the horizon of the hill, while I ran to him, he disappeared.
  11. I know that some server administrators announce and invite players to experimental servers for the Mods test they use on the main server. This question is more to server administrators. You can disable the game update on Steam and ask the server administrator not to update the server. But in any case, you need a Mods test on the updated server and feedback from the Mods publisher to solve Mods content problems. .
  12. lex__1

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    It is very precisely formulated that "Z" is not even close. The weapons are done, but the players prefer to beat the zombies with their fists or shovel, so that the shots do not attract the attention of KOS players. KOS players do not adhere to morality, and do not wish to make any talk of morality, considering that DeyZ is made for them, that the territory of DeyZ is designed to take a break from morality.
  13. lex__1


    I'm wondering in which part of the game there will be relief (more priority or something else 🙂) if AutoWalk is available?
  14. lex__1


    In the OfflineMode mission, this feature is available and works well. So why not make it available for the game as a whole?
  15. lex__1

    Current form of testing.

    I understand that there are problems that arise only in Online. What is good about DayZCommunityOfflineMode is the ability to quickly create an environment in which a problem arises and reproduce it for review. You need to have both reliable test options, both Offline and Online. For the Online test, you need a map with spawning in a big city on the embankment, with a spawning fair of all game content. The test must occur in abundance of things around, providing the player quickly collect everything for construction, travel, shooting - this is something like a quick test.
  16. lex__1

    Current form of testing.

    I agree with you 100%. I think that test servers should provide an easier way to test the operation of any content. It makes no sense to force players to spend a lot of time looking for problems. Or give the DayZCommunityOfflineMode mission with a full list of content. This is a very old tradition to give content testing without a convenient way. Is it really difficult to create in the mission a revival point for the car frame and all parts of the car next to the frame? Store shelves must be beat full of equipment and weapons. What is the point of the test if the main stream of error messages appears several days after the release of the main update of the game?
  17. 100% support this opinion. The game has the potential, but does not contribute to the moral priorities of the players. A player may have a desire to preserve morality, but is not able to keep this priority, since in any chance meeting with players he can become KOS himself. New players with moral principles in the game often find themselves in the focus of increased attention of KOS players, with the aim of cheating. Cheating is used to obtain tactical priority, in the anti-moral behavior of players. There is no balance in this part of the gameplay, since KOS has an increased tactical advantage. I think that the lack of balance in the game can restrict the development of moral players in the game. You can talk as much as you like about communications, chat, and so on ... - this does not guarantee that players will not be deceived in order to gain tactical priority of KOS.
  18. lex__1

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    Did the tourist map booklet check? Are there any changes there too?
  19. lex__1

    Scope ignores IronsightsExcludingOptics

    I did not quite understand ... on the screen shot ... Now it is impossible to use an iron sight? or is it just raised hands with a rifle, and also close the view on the crosshairs?
  20. lex__1

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    Perhaps it depends on the server settings, the transition is allowed or not. I play on the PC, in my list there are several servers where I play. I have different characters on each server with each individual progress.
  21. lex__1

    Experimental Update 1.02

    What are these numbers in gray? marked some of them yellow ...
  22. lex__1

    Why Banditry Is A Moral Obligation In DayZ

    You miss the most important thing about the existence of the "dark and light" system. All this is controlled by a balance that can destroy any system. A system that loses its balance is subject to self-destruction. Sooner or later, you still understand that what is destroyed is not dark or light, but those who are trying to convince themselves of the possibility of the existence of only dark or light. The Psychopath cannot be infinite, there will always be someone who will send you ashore to look at the dawn.🙂
  23. lex__1

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    If each server will save its character for the player and his progress, then jumping will not be able to give an advantage to cheat.
  24. lex__1

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    Daar is baie nuanses in die spel wat spelers nie die geleentheid gee om die spel situasie te assesseer nie: - wie die speler in noue visuele kontak sien - die speler het die bediener verlaat of teruggekeer - wat jou vermoor het Een kant van hierdie faktor kan die spel op 'n goeie vlak van die spel atmosfeer wees. Die tweede kant van hierdie faktor stel oneerlike spelers in staat om hul oneerlike handelinge en bewegings te masker. Miskien moet die wêreldspeler posisioneringstelsel die speler voorsien van 'n inset naby die speler se laaste uitgangspunt, maar ver van die speler se posisioneringpunt op die bediener.
  25. lex__1

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    Can do it was the group of four players? Two players were in parallel in the area, on other server, and jumped on the server after the message of the two first players. It could take less time.