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About zak_92

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zak_92

    Increase Zombie Speed.

    Speed is fine now, hated how they had like super speed in the mod.
  2. zak_92

    Permament price/sales?

    Why would £15 be the permanent price? its £20 now...
  3. zak_92


    Yeah my server list is empty to :(
  4. Whats with the no eating/drinking etc in vehicles... its realistic to be able to do this whilst in a vehicle and would be a pain to have to pull over and ever so often if passengers needed food/drink etc etc.
  5. zak_92

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Great idea dude lets hope it happens :D
  6. zak_92

    Odd experience

    Anybody else had anything like this happen to them?
  7. So i just had a very odd experience in the game, i had just restarted after previously being killed and was scavenging gear when i was attacked by zombies, down to 2000 blood I thought i was gonna be starting again soon and was laid on the floor until my character stood up out of my control running around and suddenly had a M4, blood was then at 6000? I wasnt in control at all someone else was controlling my character so i quickly disconnected. I wasn't aware that there were hackers that could control your character... :S I logged back in a few minutes later and still had the gun... Then im guessing this was the hacker infront of me as he dropped me some ammo for the gun and i know i shouldn't of taken it but ive not had a decent gun in the game yet so i took it... All in all a very odd thing happening
  8. In-game Name: Zak Steam name: zakmayte Age: 20 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT Mic: Yes Built in How long you've been playing: A few days Your preferred role and/or weapon: Nightly raids, gaurding, anything really Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor