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Everything posted by iashford

  1. I always suggested that co-op/team based games should have a system like that. Boosting players and what not. It worked great in games like ico, syphon filter: omega strain, splinter cell co-op, etc. It's a feature that isn't used enough, and I support the idea. It'd open up new areas to access and hide/loot, like roofs of houses and buses. Imagine coming across two people who have climbed onto a roof and are surrounded by zombies :P
  2. I suggested that if you died by zombie attacks, your body turns into a zombie after a set amount of time, and if it wasn't looted while you were 'turning', then you end up with a zombie that has useful items. Adds new depth to zombie hunting I wouldn't mind seeing it with an infection system though. But only if zombies were actually able to grab and bite you. The current scratching would just look a little strange.
  3. iashford

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    Then you end up with "why is this a feature?" If everyones killing themselves to save the griefing.
  4. iashford

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    But you'd end up in the same old dilema. You're gonna get shot if you run out of the bushes randomly, trying to handcuff someone. Much easier to say "friendly?". If the feature ever was implemented, try telling me how running up to someone and handcuffing them works out for you.
  5. iashford

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    There's a difference between gunning someone and handcuffing them for a long, drawn out (troll) death. Guns are necessary, handcuffing is just a boring, thankless alternative. While I understand why you want the feature, you have to look at it realisticly. Realisticly, handcuffing just wouldn't work in the game.
  6. iashford

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    I like the idea, but it'd get abused, and end up a forgotten feature. It might be good for RP purposes, but it just seems way too messy to do well. In the end, it would get annoying to everyone, and who's gonna accept a bargain for someones life when all they need to do is respawn? It'd basically be playing out to a long, drawn out death, rather then just having it be quick and over done with so you can get on with the game. If there was a more severe death penalty, then yeah, it'd make sense, but no. Not in its current form. Imagine a player coming up, hancuffing you, shooting you in the knee, eating your beans, leaving, and you sit there waiting to bleed out. Now imagine that three times a playthrough, every time you play. A knocking unconcious feature might be a simpler, more effective method. Knocking a player down, looting him, then hiding away to see if he has any team mates coming up to check on him. But even then, still a drawn out death which will just turn off people. While I understand its an alternative, it's an alternative that has boring risks, and not much of an out come. At all. I honestly would LOVE to see hostage situations and negotiations, because no doubt that's how a zombie apocolypse would be. It's just way too hard. First you really need to feel the morality of taking someone hostage or shooting them dead, and secondly, you really need someone to fear death that much they would rather be taken hostage.
  7. iashford

    Ammo pack / bandolier

    Yeah, I suggested this a few days ago. Add in ammo pouches and a pistol holster all to the belt. Pouches can only hold ammo, and the holster free's up some space in your inventory. I think all backpacks should be removed until you find one as well. I don't like how you start off with some supplies, I want it to be as tough as possible from the get go. A can of beans, a gun and some ammo. Backpack and remainder you have to find yourself. That of course means that backpacks should have a higher spawn rate.
  8. iashford

    Don't add to much features

    I agree, to an extent. Things like objectives is a necessity cause it keeps the game fresh, and gives it some more depth and gameplay variety. However, taking a poo is something I do not wish to do in a game.
  9. iashford

    It's cold and raining... where's my jacket?

    I think it'd become pretty messy if different body shapes/types of characters start getting added. Maybe scarfs, and gloves?
  10. iashford

    Cannibalism and You.

    Could make for interesting gameplay. Especially if diseases (such as zombie infection after being hit by a zombie, cold, etc) come into play. For example, if you eat a body who was diseased, you have a high chance of contracting an infection.
  11. iashford

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    Imagine stepping in doodie and it leaves a trail... for BANDITS TO FOLLOW!!!! We're onto somehting here
  12. iashford

    Zombies with guns

    Um, because zombies aren't human? Any former intellegence is NOT retained, therefor no matter what they did in their past life, it doesn't do anything for them when they're walking corpses. If a person was a hairdresser, then turned into a zombie, I'm not gonna put scissors into their hand and say "cut my hair". They're dumb, stupid, and drive by one thing: The need to feed. Not shoot people. Go back to playing Resident Evil 5. I heard resident evil 6 has even more zombies with guns! That'll be fun for you.
  13. iashford

    Zombies with guns

    what... a terrible idea. It's a zombie mod, not a arma mod with people who only LOOK like zombies.
  14. I can imagine zombies in the surrounding area coming to the corpse to perhaps finish it off, but not spawning new ones. Unless its the now deceased player turning into a zombie. It'd make looting a corpse too troublesome for what its worth. Especially now that the mod has amped up the zombie count. What I would like to see is a zombie reskin of the player models (granted that the corpses can turn into zombies after they die from zombie related deaths), so that when you're out and about and stumble across a zombie player model, you can go "oh sad, this zombie was once a live player. I wonder if she/he has any loot left". Perhaps the zombie even being stronger then your average, common zombie, acting as a mini-boss
  15. iashford

    Possible end-game objective

    I like objectives, just not END-GAME objectives. Like, if you find a radio, it can tell you that a random area somewhere on the map has good loot, except there's lots of zombies there (more then average). Or perhaps finding notes on zombies bodies/houses that say they left a burried supply of guns and food somewhere. Or more importantly, very rare items. Once the 'note' is aquired, then that loot is then spawned in said area, and pretty much goes up for grabs to anyone, so it becomes a race against time. I also like the idea of random objectives being found, that could end with you getting a vehicle or helicopter.
  16. How about if a player dies from a zombie, after, say, 20 minutes that corpse turns into a zombie? Then all the items that player died with is still lootable.
  17. iashford

    Wish List

    - Female Characters: Pretty much self explainatory, and allows more diversity (Which can ONLY be a good thing). I don't accept the excuse of female animations/skeleton. The animations are pretty gender nuetral, and about women not using guns because the game doesn't allow it? As long as they are rigged to the male skeleton, they can do anything. Hell, rigging a giant penis to the male skeleton will allow it to use a gun. - Holster weapons: Help people distinguish friendlies a lot more appropriately then just having to type "friendly?!". Plus, it'd make you feel a lot more easy around players. You'd be able to have a few more seconds to react if they try to pull a gun on you. - Push/Kick: I don't know, could be a lot easier to kick/push away a zombie, or even a bandit, to give you time to run. - Gun Holsters/Ammo Pouches: If you find them, they could hang off your belt, and give you some more inventory space purely JUST for pistols and ammo. - Objectives: Objectives being found on notes in houses, zombie corpses, or radios. Can lead to a stash of guns, foods, or lead to rare items, or even a working vehicle. Even adding in objectives that question morality. For example, you recieve an SOS from an NPC, you can go save them for a small item, or kill and rob them for all they're worth. - Weather Effects amped up: Like, when it rains, it could get pretty foggy. Makes looting a bit easier, but harder to detect zombies and bandits.
  18. iashford

    Working Trains

    Could be interesting, but I'm assuming bandits would just camp it until players entered. Mind you, it'd be very useful for night time.
  19. iashford

    Holster pistol

    Yeah, a holster feature is pretty much needed. Definitely help people distinguish friendlies from bandits without having to quickly type "friendly?!", not to mention, gives you more time to run/shoot them if they try to shoot you in the back. I'd feel a lot more at ease if someone holstered their weapon around me
  20. iashford

    Any chance for being able to play as a girl?

    Can someone explain to me why people would prefer to keep this game a sausage-fest, rather than a realistic interpretation of a post-apocolyptic world? The community shouldn't suffer as a whole because a few boys prefer to keep the game as bromantic as possible.
  21. iashford

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thats really admirable
  22. iashford

    Any chance for being able to play as a girl?

    I'd be happy to make a few female survivor models for the male skeleton... The male characters don't move THAT manly, so it wouldn't look too odd I suppose. And hey, more variation, the better, right? I mean, in a real situation, you wouldn't be coming across the same looking dude every few miles would you. And if a guy plays as a chick, who cares? Pretty sure you can still shoot them in the face.