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Everything posted by iashford

  1. I dont want people locked into third person only. But I dont want people locked into first person only. Making it an option in settings makes sure people can't change it on the fly, which is a major problem. We all know you can shoot better in first person, so make it difficult. You shouldn't be able to have the advantage of third person, with the quick change to first person for shooting. Hey, make it like a gender option. Can only choose one option when you start a new character. Eitherway, I think a dynamic character like in Max Payne 3 would be the best option. When you hug a corner/close to a corner, the camera moves away from it so you cant look around the corner. Or when you're ducking behind cover, the camera moves closer and down so you can't look over unless your aiming. The dynamic camera also helps make the game feel more 'real' and gives the view a lot less of a static view
  2. This third person debate is dumb. There is a compromise, and a way to satisfy both sets of groups. Have FPS and TPS only servers, done deal. If thats not a possibility, then there's alternatives. Moving the camera to the left when you're trying to look around a corner thats to your right. Move the camera lower when you're proning behind a small fence so you cant see over it. Though I do like the idea of first person only vehicles. I personally only ever play in third person, even when it comes to shooting. And we all know shooting in third person is much harder. Even having a delay or a menu option for going third to first person would make it better, that way people cant change on the fly.
  3. iashford

    Stand Alone Servers?

    Well, to be fair, how many MMO's officially allow you to host your own servers? I don't really care either way
  4. iashford

    [SA]Who you were before shit hit the fan .

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind setting up an 'ID card' for your character upon creation where you select from a bunch of professions so that when you get killed and someone views your body they can see 'mr/ms blah blah was a blah blah'. Maybe some more useless info like 'they travelled X amount of km's and was inclined to helping others'. Further then that, I don't want any limitations to what my character can do. If I see someone flying a helicopter or patching someone up, I wanna know I can do that
  5. iashford

    DayZ on console

    ... Why would they sue anyone from having similar designs in games, even if it was considered 'copying'? In no rights is DayZ actually an original idea, it's just the first of it's kind. People have been hammering for a game like this for years, only now is it being done. If bohemia were dumb enough to sue other companies for copying them, its a case they would lose. Nothing wrong with healthy competition after all. In fact I will happily accept games with a DayZ design, as long as they bring originality to the table. For example, dinosaurs instead of zombies, something I would absolutely LOVE to see (just not that awful stomping land game)
  6. iashford

    Ventalation Shafts

    I wouldn't mind crawl shafts, as long as they are appropriately placed. I always suggested the addition of being able to hide on cupboards, under beds, etc.
  7. iashford

    Emotional death

    Cool idea. If a zombie kills you, I think it should fall on-top of you, eating your neck. At the very least (the walking dead style) pull your guts out of your stomach and start eating it. Even though in the walking dead it was rather simple, it was still disturbing. I believe the game in general needs to look more worn and torn, in terms of animations. If I'm low on blood and wounded, I want to limp and move slightly slower. If I got a broken leg, I wanna look like I got a broken leg (crawling in pain with one dead leg, etc) If I'm losing blood and almost dead, I wanna crawl the last few metres or so before passing out/dying. Mind you, I'd still want SOME hope of being rescued when going into the crawling state. One thing re6 did right was feeling the tense moments of crawling on the ground when almost dead, wondering if you're gonna die or be saved. Breathing needs to be in it too. Like the last few gasps of air. Imagine being shot in the chest, winded, trying to get a breath of air, gargling out blood.
  8. iashford

    DayZ Standalone, Freelook, Third Person

    My suggestion was always to have a dynamic camera. Such as if you approach a corner to the right of your screen, your camera shifts slightly more to the left so your character (and the corner) are further to the right until you step or lean around the corner. Visa versa for corners on the right and when proning near an obstacle, camera shifts down. In conjunction with this, they could always make objects around or over corners/obstacles fuzzy when you're close to them. Subtle camera sways, fuzzy around-the-corner visuals would certainly help. I certainly wouldn't play DayZ if it was first person only. It always makes me feel ill and I like seeing my character and more of my surroundings to a realistic view point. I honestly couldn't imagine playing an open world, sandbox game in first person... Euch
  9. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    Is the skeleton going to have 'bones' for things such as clothes and ponytails to be animated for realistic movement? When you finally add ragdoll physics, you can apply it to these bones so it can move more fluidly without any animation tying them down. Either way, cool and funny video. Can't wait to see more!! Are we going to see random new zombies such as ones that are wasting away to nothing, barely moving, but able to alert other zombies of your presence? Or zombies without legs or arms crawling away, etc. I can imagine walking through a city with a bunch of dead zombies slumped around everywhere. You get closer to one of the corpses and it awakens to your presence, too weak to move but it starts moaning to alert all the other zombies to come. Would be fun and scary! Would certainly add a new unpredictable element to the game. Is that zombie dead or just to weak to move? Gotta be cautious everywhere
  10. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    I want to climb walls and fences. Please let me!!!
  11. iashford

    Texture failure?

    I just hopped onto DayZ and it did the exact same thing. In game too. I have no idea what to do, nothing has changed since last I played. Makes everything impossible to see
  12. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    I don't mind quests as long as they are built in organically. For example, going into a house and finding a letter saying 'I buried blah blah in such and such place'. It doesn't even have to contain loot, moreso just pieces of a puzzle for the overall storyline of dayZ. Even finding signs/letters saying people went to this camp because it was suppose to be an evac point, but you get there and it's just remains of an overrun place with better loot. Personally, I don't mind the IDEA of NPC's, but considering arma/dayZ is very simulatorish and clunky, I can't see it meshing well. If the game was more arcadey and/or fluid, rescuing families or stranded NPC's could work. But as I said, given dayZ's experience and feel, I can't see it melding well at all. There's also the setting to take into consideration. If this is set far along into an apocalypse where civilisation has fallen, you won't be running into many people. If it was set in an initial outbreak or a couple of months along, then it could work. But I just don't see it fitting. I do NOT want to see levelling or safe zones. Terrible idea that goes against the idea of SA. If levelling was built in where it's almost unrecognisable, such as becoming faster at bandaging or giving blood transfusions due to doing it frequently, then that could work. But hell no to having features of the game locked out to me because I haven't bandaged 10 people. It crosses the line of becoming grindy and robotic. If you want a safe zone, go build a house in the middle of nowhere by yourself, cause that's as safe as you should ever get.
  13. iashford

    Life lessons I have learned from DayZ

    I can find a gun in just about any home. Getting punched in the face causes my leg to snap. I will die instantly if I don't eat or drink within a few hours of a day. I can't climb walls or high fences :(
  14. 1. Will there be any new animations and/or effects that simulate your characters status? i.e limping when severely wounded, coughing when you're sick, different set of animations for broken bones? 2. Will we eventually have options to change character features, such as hair and beards? I believe hair and beards to be a significant way of identifying someone other then by clothes. 3. How many clothing varieties should we expect? Will it be very basic civilian clothes (i.e jeans and a flannel shirt) or will we get a variety, such as shorts, tank tops, dresses, skirts, cardigans, tattered suits, etc. 4. Should we ever expect to see new gameplay mechanics such as vertical traversing? Will we be able to climb up ledges, shimmying along pipes, etc.?
  15. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    This fighting over 1st person and 3rd person needs to stop. Why can nobody compromise? Rocket has already stated that there will be third person and first person only servers. I absolutely despise first person, but that doesn't make me want to get the OPTION of first person only servers taken out. Just like real life guys, if you don't like it, don't associate yourself with it. If you don't like third person due to whatever reason, there are options available to accommodate everyone's needs and playstyles. Again, you only surround yourself with third person players if you make yourself available to them. That's not the third person players or even the games fault. It's your own conscious decision which you try to blame everyone and everything else for. You are given the choice, it's your fault if you ignore it. I do not like it when everyone has the option to play their own way and a minority group try to swoop in and force everyone to play their way. It's extremely selfish and narrow minded. It's all about options and compromise people, and that's exactly what standalone gives us. Why are you trying to force everyone into your own mindset when we so clearly don't have to be?
  16. Nickname: Imogene Age: 21 Clan/Community: None How many hours do you play a week?: About 5-10 Why should we take you?: Because I love dayZ, custom maps and I'm not an asshole
  17. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Oh don't get me wrong, I would love an EVE online character creation. Any game that boasts a feature with character creation should have as much depth as EVE's. I enjoy spending a lot of time customising my characters in games that allow it. My favourite part of APB was the character creation, I downloaded EVE purely for there's and the World of Darkness MMO will surely be step closer into a more in depth system which I am excited about. My post was to point out (what I find) the main necessities of a character creation and how initially, or in a not-so-short term perspective, a customisation feature as intricate as EVE's isn't exactly necessary. A much loved and welcome feature if it were to happen, but not a necessity. I would be happy with the basics of the basics, as long as I am able to select from a variety of faces, hairstyles, hair colours, beards and skin colours, as I find these the most obviously distinguishable features. I find these selections absolutely necessary for a survival game like this. The additional features that come with the EVE system (i.e changing the width of the jaw separately from changing the shape and position of the cheek bones, changing eye colour etc) would be a great additional bonus. But for the time being, we need something that is simple and effective. I didn't mean a makeup system that would make you look like a well groomed celebrity, I meant it in a way to personally put details onto your skin texture. When I mentioned blush, I meant it as a detail that would give your face texture more colour and shape (remember, a lot of people have naturally rosie pink cheeks, a lot of people don't). When I say eyeliner, I mean it because some people have naturally darker (or lighter) skin tone around the eyes. When I mention lip colour, it's because everyone's lip colours' are different. Some people have very light lips, some people have very dark lips. I was using the 'makeup' option to get more personal detail on your character, in a natural way. No crazy colours', just giving us control over what kind of features we want. When I mentioned hairstyles, I didn't mean anything crazy like an afro, or a mo-hawk. But in an apocalypse, every man wouldn't be running around with a buz cut. Every woman wouldn't be running around with her hair in a bun. Everyone's appearance would be extremely varied, including hair, and I want those options available to me.
  18. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I'm not really fussed about a detailed character creation. I mean, obviously it would be great, but we've got to be practical here. We can't have a system that will take us an hour to create a character, only to be killed within 3 minutes of spawning. Unless they make a 'face import from dead character' feature, it'd be kind of pointless. I personally, at least on a basic level, would rather have these things: 1. Pick your race 2. Pick a basic face shape, which includes a variety of skin colours (Caucasians and asians should have fair to tan options, etc) 3. Pick an eyebrow shape 4. Choose your eye colour 5. Choose your hairstyle 6. Choose your facial hair 7. Pick a colour for your hair/facial hair At the very, very least we should able to choose race, a face and a hairstyle/colour. From here, I'd like to see more intricate detailing such as: Scars on face Scars on body Tattoos on face Tattoos on body Lip colour Skin pigmentation, such as freckles, tan lines etc. Change the face structure separately, such as jaw, chin, cheekbones and eye shape Possibly a makeup option with basic options such as eyeliner and blush. I don't find it completely necessary to have an extremely detailed customisation system such as EVE, only that we get enough options to distinguish ourselves. Having a huge variety of clothes will already do that, but things such as hair, and beards (from a distance) will make people much more unique. Also, something that is sort of similar to character creation, I think another great way to make people more distinguished from bandits and heroes is to change the level of 'Healthiness' they look. Right now, if you're a bandit, your appearance is completely changed. However, I think something more subtle and fluid would be more appropriate. For example, if you're a bandit, your skin colour becomes more sallow. You get dark circles under your eyes, blotchy pigmentation, grazes on your face and body, etc. Basically look a lot more haggard and sick looking. I don't really mind what happens, as long as we get a huge variety of clothing options, and hairstyles that aren't just military buz cuts and up-do buns. I wanna see Jesus hair, frizzy, short, long hair, patchy hair from scars, etc. These things will make us that much more unique, without even getting into much customisation depth
  19. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    White tank top and white briefs for underwear, me thinks. I don't like the blue either, reminds me of Mass Effect or something. If you have all white, you could see dirt or blood stains a lot easier, which will look a lot more roughed up and 'apocalyptic'. I really like the blue sky tho, I just wish the environmented was more saturated as well. I like the colourful environments in contrast of a gritty, gruesome situation. Oh well, looks like I'll just be turning up the saturation for my screen (like usual). Still, wish there was an improvement on the animations and speed like others have suggested. I was really hoping we'd see some footage of climbing up a ledge, or wall or something. Oh well, maybe next time :D I hope they eventually add underwater swimming too
  20. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Looks amazing. Disappointed a bit by both players showing off the new male avatars, rather then one being a male and one being female, but only a small disappointment. Standalone looks amazing, and I am so excited about the additions of island and swamps.The swamps got me thinking about how I'd love to see more wild life added, such as frogs, snakes, owls, etc. Not huge additions, but additions that certainly make the wilderness much more realistic and dangerous but beautiful. I hope, to accommodate the new islands, we can build rafts. That would be really cool. I hope animations are still a work in progress though, can't STAND that heinous strafe-running animations from arma2. The arms flailing with the stiff as a board hands... urgh. Not really sure what I could suggest, other then improving animations, because everything looks like it's going in the right direction! I just hope we get TONS of clothing options that all have different attributes.
  21. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    The anticipation. THE ANTICIPATION!
  22. iashford

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    You don't say?
  23. iashford

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    I vote for a Paris inspired city. Nice, big city with great countryside. A city based on Paris or London, both are great, however I want snowy mountains integrated as well. Actually, if those aren't 'western' enough, I'm all for a New Orleans styled map. Has a lot of swamp surrounding area too which would be cool. Morocco style would be pretty cool too. A mixture of a large Arabic city with beaches, bush land and desert
  24. With the introduction of a vast amount of clothing (eventually) being added, and future ability to customise our characters (at the very least, head/skin) in stand alone, should that not be enough for clan members? From my understanding, ghillie suits/military outfits will be a lot more rarer, and civilian clothing being more common. Not to mention, different pieces of clothing will have lots of different advantages and cons, so people SHOULD be looking different... Given we have enough options, and those options have plenty of variant advantages and cons