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Everything posted by octarine

  1. octarine

    Where's the action at?

    Do you have an issue with him if he does? Play the game the way you want and fuck those who tell you different. That goes for PVP and PVE Players equally.
  2. octarine

    Fun Community.

    I had no negative issues playing bmrf servers and will definitely go back and try them again.
  3. How I died last night: 1) character decided to put axe on back and reason with zombies instead. 2)character decided to vault over edge of ship instead of going down stairs, guess he was in a hurry. 3) I'm in second story of building. I entered through back door and a zombie I had successfully skirted around who was stand a block in front of the bldg aggroed on me, opened two doors and attacked through the floor below me breaking my legs.
  4. octarine

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

    Alpha is fine for me. I played many hundreds of hours on the mod but I'm staying away till Melee is fixed as it is an integral part of my gameplay. I still believe that the devs are working hard and the game will be good once it's done. I also believe it will be completed at some point!
  5. octarine

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    I've played for over two years with only a couple week break when I was recovering from a Mack injury and couldn't sit at the computer. I have 0 player kills in that time on DayZ. Zero as in none by my hand. There was one guy in Fallujah who got eaten by zombies that stumbled on him while chasing me but I can't really take the blame for that. I always play as a hero and use my mic. I can count on two hands the truly friendly players I've encountered. You can call me boring or laugh but I enjoy the game my way. My way is exponentially more difficult. It takes no skill to kos at all. Saying you are a good shot with your l33t sniperz is no different to me than if you said you were really good at picking up a can of beans. I've killed plenty in Wasteland, where you have actual enemies and if I want to shoot other players there are other games out there that have better physics. Tldr: don't tell me how to play my game you talentless ADD hacks.
  6. octarine

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    I've played for over two years with only a couple week break when I was recovering from a Mack injury and couldn't sit at the computer. I have 0 player kills in that time on DayZ. Zero as in none by my hand. There was one guy in Fallujah who got eaten by zombies that stumbled on him while chasing me but I can't really take the blame for that. I always play as a hero and use my mic. I can count on two hands the truly friendly players I've encountered. You can call me boring or laugh but I enjoy the game my way. My way is exponentially more difficult. It takes no skill to kos at all. Saying you are a good shot with your l33t sniperz is no different to me than if you said you were really good at picking up a can of beans. I've killed plenty in Wasteland, where you have actual enemies and if I want to shoot other players there are other games out there that have better physics. Tldr: don't tell me how to play my game you talentless ADD hacks.
  7. octarine

    Zombies should be silent.

    I was watching a mod where the zombies where totally silent and I think they are much scarier that way. It keeps you neck swiveling and you have to be more carful looting. I also think that being loud makes them more human and alive.
  8. I'm not a military loot hoarder and I'm not. Koser so I avoid military bases where else have you found mountain or hunting backpacks? Dayzdb says they spawn at wrecked trucks but I've Never found anything at one other than a ruined helmet once. The jeeps seems to spawn more. Any tips on where else to look would be appreciated.
  9. octarine

    Where have you found larger backpacks?

    Whats funny? I prefer moto helmets to mil helmets. cargo pants to TTsK. I'll take a UK vest but only because there isn't a civ version. I usually play with only melee weapons. In this regard the Devs have FUCKED me and made the game extremely frustrating. I've played Dayz since June 2012 and have never killed another player. I don't care how you play your game, don't tell me how to play mine, ok? Thanks for the crafting info! I haven't tried that mainly because Ive looted the entire North of the map and not found a single hunting knife with which to skin a boar.
  10. octarine

    How did you last die?

    I was up north trying to find a decent backpack. Went I to fire station and a guy was at bottom of the stairs. I said friendly and put my sks away and backed up talking the whole time. He didn't say a word just shot me.
  11. octarine

    DayZ Commander Crash

    Any independent reviews of the new launcher mentioned above? I'm always reticent to start downloading new programs on one persons word. No offense, madwookie!
  12. octarine

    use hacksaw to collect firewood from trees

    Have you ever tried to use a hacksaw to cut rough wood? You'd be better off with a herring.
  13. octarine

    black hunting backpack

    A Baclava would be sticky and messy from all the honey dripping in your eyes. A balaclava would help keep you warm and banditty.
  14. octarine

    Sniper at balota

    I also found water by the docks...
  15. You'd need a cook stove, raincoat, some sticks, a knife, duct tape, and canteen. Lot if work when the alternative is just jog to one of the dozens and dozens of water fountains and drink your fill.
  16. octarine

    log out (combat log) prevention suggestion

    I enjoy logging out to fuck with people why are you attacking my gameplay?!?!?! It's pretty fucking hypocritical to say kos kiddies can grief new spawns regardless of how it might diminish the bandits ability to gloat or loot but I can't cause the same result in my way?
  17. octarine

    [Suggestion] Stop Combat Loggers and ALT-F4'ers

    I like combat logging in front of other players. I feel it gives an X Files supernatural feel to the game for the RPers and I my stomach feels stuffed on the tears of the KoS kiddies who are too fucking lazy to gear up. Tldr: I combat log on purpose to grief bandits and freak out the normals.
  18. Read this whole thread hoping to find what server or name y'all play under only to see you admit to being cowards who are too fucking useless to go against an armed player. I've played DayZ since June 2012 and have ZERO kills ever. The closest I've even come to it is once I was running from zombies with no Melee weapon and ran past a player with broken legs who became zombie fodder. I'd be willing to break that streak to come interrupt your pathetic little masturbatory circle jerk with your fellow pussies.
  19. octarine

    Put A Kill Feed of Some Sort

    No no no. All that does is feed bandits and KoSers' epeen. Wanna know for certain? Get outta your bush on sniper hill and go check for yourself. Maybe he's dead, maybe he bandaged and is waiting to return your lovely gift in person.
  20. octarine

    human claymore

    To clarify, no to suicide vest, yes to grenade or satchel charge primed to detonate if you loot my corpse. Think of it as a deadman switch or pulling the pins as I'm dying like Leon in The Professional.
  21. octarine

    human claymore

    I'm all for it. If you are going to shoot me, I'm gonna do what I can to take you out with me. As long as it doesn't impact my humanity since I'm already dead.
  22. octarine

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

    I dub thee Harrison Bergeron.
  23. octarine

    How do you prepare to log off?

    I deliberately go look for a player then log in front of them so I can come in hear and be warmed by teh ragerrzz
  24. octarine

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    Obvious troll is obvious.
  25. I'd love to see the insides of more of the industrial and factory type buildings. Even if if means less of the shacks.