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Everything posted by octarine

  1. octarine

    What is your favorite gun to use and why?

    M4A3CCO with STANAG SD ammo. I don't shoot players, only zombies. Since they cant hear it I can clear out tent or barracks or what have you without ringing the dinner bell. I really hope that quirk stays in the standalone.
  2. Yes, it's only useful to griefers. Make it stop Zombies or at least slow them for 5-8 seconds and you MIGHT be able to make a case for it.
  3. Scarce?!?! You literally cant walk into a building without tripping over alice packs and 45 acp ammo! Of course theres not as many nvgs and as50tws lying around but theres so much loot I havent even bothered to gather the tools to hunt and Im Grizzly fucking Adams wearing Ted Nugents pelt as a ghillie back in Chernarus. Ok maybe that sentence was a bit long but im not changing a word. Lingor is awash in the normal loot needed to SURVIVE a zombie apocalypse. It's a bit harder to be a player killing dick however.
  4. IIRC, someone noted that Rocket gets back from his marketing appearances today and surmised this would be the earliest he would release it. I think he needs a bit more time, probably hasn't finished unpacking yet!
  5. octarine

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    I've never killed anyone, zero kills here or on the map Which Shall Not Be Named. Plenty of zombies if all you want is target practice. They fall down just like the characters with a person controlling them. I'm here for the survival aspect of the game. To that end, I'll alt f4 and server hop if it means avoiding other players. I am no threat to them so why should I sit around and become their next target?
  6. To quote DeNiro: "if there is any doubt, there is no doubt".
  7. Been playing Lingor for a few days now and am enjoying it. The last three days however it seems the Z's have all turned into Superman. I'm talking aggro from 70-100m while crouched in doorway and they are facing 90 degrees from me. Lying in the grass in a light rain, after crawling (so I know they weren't headed to my last known location) and the Z is walking away from me at an oblique angle and suddenly turns and attacks. Much faster in the initial attacks too. On the positive note, have you noticed the planks on top of the bldgs.? Im sure most know this but you can clamber from house to house in a lot of the towns. You can even leap the 2m gap on some of them if you get a head start and there is a ramp of planks. Not always though - ask me how I know :) Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, is the Zombie aggro level in Lingor tweaked from DayZ?
  8. I'm not asking for Hall to come and answer me directly. I was looking for others experiences or perhaps confirmation that the zombies use a different behavior model. I posted in the right forum. I wouldn't call that flaming, Byrgesen. Perhaps a discarded heatpack at 10m on a warm summer day. I regularly argue with Tea Party idiots on motorcycle forums so I've got a pretty thick skin!
  9. octarine

    Stay away from Defcon Servers

    Looks like a pretty clear case of PEBCAC to me.
  10. octarine

    Best gaming headset

    I had a pair of Bose AE2 headphones that are awesome so I just bought a separate mic and run them that way. Sound quality/separation is more important to me than mic quality. I can hear everything, move my character's head and hear the sound change. Plus they are super comfortable for the late night sessions when the gf is asleep.
  11. octarine

    No blood= screwed

    @sostronk, unless all he has is an AS50, L85, DMR, and 20 mags for each with no hatchet, knife or matches.
  12. octarine

    Australian DayZ Community

    ...and no fucking coke or pepsi! Castlemaine or fosters cans only!
  13. octarine

    Australian DayZ Community

    In AusDayZ, if you go prone under bush for more than ten seconds you ahould get bitten by a poisonous insect. If you try to swim to Skalisty you will get swarmed by zombie Box jellyfish.
  14. octarine

    Spawned in sea.

    Maybe you are a salmon.
  15. octarine

    US 905 is no more *details inside*

    I'll be looking for the new server and will be happy to start hunting for wire and hedgehog emplacements to dismantle.
  16. Stupid question but I have not been able to get a straight answer through search. All things being equal, if I dirink two cokes or three, will it take two or three times as long for the thirst meter to kick in? I've got three water bottles and am about to head into the woods. Should I drink alll the cokes to last me till I find a pond or drink them one at a time, keeping my inventory filled up?
  17. So, I'm coming to terms with the cheaters. It is what it is. I found a toolbox right after spawning and made my way to Belota control tower to find a gun. The door was blocked by numerous wire barriers and sandbag fences and hedgehogs. I decided to remove all that I could find. I think I will start just wandering Chernarus and removing the roadblocks that assholes put up. My way of doing a little good, I guess.
  18. octarine

    Have toolbox, will travel

    The only place I have ever found them is the apartments and once in the pub. Go figure though, today I found 3 maps and only one can of food in the corner market?!?
  19. octarine

    Have toolbox, will travel

    I believe they are put there to grief people or slow them down long enough for a sniper to get them. Foiling either option is a win in my book. Funny how many folks don't know you can vault over the barbed wire and sandbags. Now if I found a firebase set up that lets you take a breather and keep the zeds out while you pick them off at your leisure, I'll salute and move on. Hmm, maybe I should work on actually making some of those in certain sniper resistant areas.
  20. Nope, Ive got zero kills and plan to keep it that way. My fun is in taking down the barriers bandits put in place to slow ppl down so they can snipe them. Have fun killing people, I just added two servers to my ignore filter.
  21. Is The Tamsen the name you play under? I'll make sure to add it to my "douchebag-dont join any server they are on" list.
  22. octarine

    Have toolbox, will travel

    Not a bad day today. Spawned at Belota, ran over to the whse and found a toolbox. Cleaned out the firehouse and the supermarket in Cherno of all the wire and hedgehogs that were there and managed to find an AKS 74U. Got beat up a bit taking out the last wire at the firehouse so I'll have to eat to get me back above 11K (9K right now) Ran to the hospital and opened that up so people can just run in and not waste time opening it. FINALLY found a box of matches ( I swear those are rarer than Bizons!) so I think I'll have BBQ ribs tonight. Nothing like wild boar, let me tell you! I just wish there were cans of beer instead of just Coke and Pepsi. Heard some shots but ran from them as fast as I could :)
  23. Kill me honest, I dont mind. My bad for not maintaining SA. Its all the fucking cheaters that I cant take.It's no fun to gear up, get out of town and bed down in the middle of the forest to go take care of RealLife for a while. I come back planning a nice meal of BBQ pork and a tasty pepsi by my campfire. Log in to the server which says its the middle of the afternoon but it's actually midnight and 10 seconds later an invisible SUV shows up and I fall over dead. How is that fun for either player?!? Is there some way the servers spoof the time? I check before entering and it says 1430 but when the game loads it's actually the middle of the night. edited for spelling
  24. Got introduced to this game by a friend, saw a couple (early) vids on YT and decided to buy Arma. Played for a while but in the last 3-4 days it seems there has been a noticable uptick in cheaters. I'm done with DayZ. I MIGHT try Lingor and get a week or so until the cheaters find that as well. To the poster who said the complainers are a vocal minority, how do you think the devs feel about the likely hundreds/thousands of players who paid good money, got sick of the cheating and just left without going through the trouble of coming here, signing up a new acct and posting? I know I'll never spend another dime on this type of game. Too bad becasue the time I was playing, I LOVED the survival aspect of it. Even the pvp was fun until the cheaters began to predominate.