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Everything posted by Apexx

  1. Apexx

    DayZ Mod Update

    I don't think the patrol pack should ever spawn since its everyone's starter pack.
  2. Apexx

    Looking for a clan !

    We have a few clans that are recruiting on our private server. There is a Medic/Merc squad looking for a few good men. ;)
  3. Apexx

    Need teammates

    Check out out private server. Talk to an admin on the DayZ UFP teamspeak at dayzusa.teamspeak3.com and we will hook you up
  4. Apexx

    Looking for Aussie Players

    Message me. We have a lot of Aussies on our private server.
  5. Apexx

    Looking for a Clan

    Talk to an admin on the DayZ UFP teamspeak at dayzusa.teamspeak3.com. Plenty of clans to choose from.
  6. BroForce!! Squad is now changing play styles and thus will need to recruit new members. We play on the DayZ UFP private server. It's set to Chernarus and is a very PvP active server but has recently gotten many friendly/hero style clans and players. We want to help encourage their efforts by providing a medic squad that will shoot our way in to rescue friendlies from bandits. Whenever we aren't on mission we will scavenge for supplies and set up supply tents. If you are a mature player and handy with a gun, private message me here or come talk to me in our teamspeak at dayzusa.teamspeak3.com. My TS handle is Apex.
  7. You may also contact me if you would like to join the DayZ UFP private server as an opposing clan or single player. We welcome all mature players that do not hack, script or exploit.
  8. Apexx

    Looking for a new home...

    Check, check, check and check. Sounds the the DayZ UFP community and private server is for you. We already have an established server with an average of 30-35 players in the evenings. Just looking to fill out our 50 slots with legit players. I would like to invite your team to join us. Private message me if you're interested.
  9. Apexx

    DayZ Mod Update

    Understood. Thanks for your work!
  10. Apexx

    DayZ Mod Update

    Has there been any word on when will release?
  11. Apexx

    Hotfix Looking for Testers

    I would love to help out. =)
  12. Apexx

    DayZ Mod Update

    Any idea when we will see these changes? Just wondering because I've been looking everywhere and can ETA
  13. Apexx

    DayZ Mod Update

    Just wondering when we might expect to see these fixes released. And thanks btw.
  14. I have a private hive server hosted by HFBservers and we are setting it up now. Only thing left that I can't figure out how to do is turn on the message that tells you who killed you and with what weapon. Please give a brother a hand. Thanks!
  15. I've been researching for a while on removing the AS50 and M107 from the loot tables of our Bliss private hive server. It is hosted by survival servers. Unfortunately I am not savvy enough to get it done so in desperation I am making a last ditch effort to ask some of you who might be familiar and possibly would assist a man at hit wits end with this problem. I would appreciate any advice you could give me and please try to put it in laymans terms as much as possible. Thanks in advance.
  16. We have tried Rmod and didn't like it. If at all possible I want to find a way that doesn't require Rmod. Thanks for your reply though. =)
  17. MORON it wasn't teleported they just used that word for lack of a better one. They used PHPMyadmin to move the heli's location in the database. You just keep trying to make a case off of that poorly chosen word.
  18. I've watched the whole thing and it was easily explained, as I already have. You take the "teleport" comment out of the context of what we were trying to do, which was to fix a broken spawn. And as for knowing where each other were and actively avoiding each other and sharing intel on "not knowing" where you are, it's called teamspeak genius! WTF, you have no valid points and try to make up lies because you know that no one has the patience to watch a 6 hour stream. You are a fool and I am done with you. Go troll someone else.
  19. You are comical. Enjoy your life. Our server thrives and you won't be there to ruin it with your lies and complaints. Even this elaborate farce you have posted will have no effect on us. You have wasted your time. Goodbye
  20. Hi Apex here. I'm one of the Admins that was dicussed here. This was all very easily explained if Mr Ganzor would have just come to us instead of jumping to conclusions. As anyone who uses Bliss or has a private hive server knows, the vehicle spawns are buggy. The heli in question that was supposedly "teleported" was parked on the roof of the hotel in Cherno. Upon every restart for about a week it would respawn on the roof and immediately slide down and explode, thus destroying the hotel. We are not experts and this is our first foray into running a server, so on the advice of more knowledgeable people we went into PHPMyAdmin tools and moved the location of the heli from the roof to another place where it wouldn't keep exploding. If that is abuse then i think all admins are guilty. As to us or others we play with having a heli, well use common sense Ganzor. We are on a good portion of each day and usually when others aren't. When you have a heli it is quite easy to fly to each spawn and find other heli's. But we are always careful to leave at least one for others to find. Lastly the 5 confirmed heli's may be true. Also another bug that people familiar with bliss will be aware of. Sometimes when heli's crash they respawn at the crash point and also another will spawn in the original spawn. In closing I would like to say that myself and the other admins of US 1024 are not abusers, hackers or scripters. We started a private server to escape that and play DayZ as it was intended to be played. Ganzor had done nothing but complain from the time he entered our server and we are glad to see him gone. This is all sour grapes from him and it is in his character to "take his ball and go home." When things do not go his way. I think he will see when he joins another server just how fairly we did things on 1024.
  21. Apexx

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Happened also to me twice in 3 days