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Knightmare (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Knightmare (DayZ)

  1. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Good or Bad?

    There's no right, there's no wrong. There's just DayZ.
  2. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Faith in DayZ players restored

    He actually did. The revolver was coated in a slow acting poison. One touch was all it took.
  3. Knightmare (DayZ)

    too much running

    I'm so sick of how punishing death is. Totally agree. I was thinking maybe we need a system like Planetside 2 where you get shot down into the map via a pod from outer space. And same for me man! I hate how long it takes me and my lame ass friends to server hop when we die. It's like, really? You can't just give us fully loaded kits like right away? What is this shit? I hate like how, you know, dying fucking sucks. It's always a sniper too. Sniper NO Sniping! Sniper NO Sniping! Sniper... NO SNIPING!
  4. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

    Exactly what I was about to just post. The reasons for me engaging another player are not so basic as kill on sight. I wouldn't so easily summarize my player interactions as killing on sight, because of the other styles of "killing on sight" that currently exist in the game. I'm not the kind of person to run down freshspawns. Should a fresh spawn enter my building, that I am looting, following or approaching me, yes. Running away from me in a different direction - no - but guess what? I can still "see" them. I will kill for the following reasons: Protect myself, or a friendIf I encounter another player looting the area I am in, and I am within an effective firing range.I am being followedI see a player moving into the area I am moving into, and I am not going to avoid them.My intention is to ambush a player leaving a loot zone for the possibility of looting them. Otherwise I might just entirely avoid them (or observe them for a while); Or not engage if I am beyond an effective firing range. Such as I see a player moving in a direction that isn't a threat to me, there's no sign they see me, and no point in giving away my position. If I turn a corner while I'm clearing a building, and there's a player there, they are eating a bullet. And any Howard Stern fans...
  5. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Hunt them

    So either you're one of the people in the group (hashtagPLZFollowMe), or someone so determined to see them killed you made a forum account just to post this? Why not go hunt them yourself? I mean you know exactly where they are.
  6. The back story supports them being infected; but uh, unless we find the Will Smith of DayZ to find that cure, I'm pretty sure the most humane way of dealing with our new infected peers is a few bullets to the dome, or perhaps an axe to the brain!
  7. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Knowing where you are when you spawn and why it makes sense

    Skinned another survivor today, pinned his fleshless body on a road sign right outside Stary Sobor 0700. Hmm, there appears to be a bunch of mass graves here - must be Kamyshovo. Rest In Peace you Lazy Shits 1330. I felt a great disturbance in my left nut, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out FRIENDLY in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. I must be near Elektro 0200.
  8. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    I'm a bit confused because I'm not entirely sure how these settings, and their tweaked changes, are actually being executed by the game. Okay so let's begin, my current test tweak settings (in question) are as followed (key noted tweaks): sceneComplexity=100000 viewDistance=1600 preferredObjectViewDistance=1000 With those changes I've seen the best overall frame rate. 10-20 FPS extra. Averaging around 30-50 frames out in the wilderness. Specifically referring to what I've noticed, preferredObjVD=1000, will not render very distant trees, probably trees between 1300-1500m. But what is confusing me is that bushes appear to not render within a range of like 500m. If I zoom in, the bushes render. What I am curious about is how the game would handle a player being hidden behind one of those bushes. When I set the preferredObjectVD to 1600, bushes and trees all render, but the average frame goes down to 20-30 average. My overall lack of Arma2 optimization knowledge has be a bit confused by what I'm seeing. Does Preferred Object View Distance affect player rendering? I don't really mind per-se the bushes not rendering in, especially with the big FPS boost I am experiencing, but I'm much more concerned with this affecting how the game would render a player being behind one of the bushes. For instance I was using a distant hill to measure how the trees render at Preferred ObjVD set to 1600 vs 1000. Set at 1000 they disappear, which is totally fine with me, that's well beyond the distance I'd expect to be engaged by another player (I'm probably about 1400-1500m away from that hill). However the strange behavior of bushes at around 500m not rendering until I zoom in, has me befuddled.
  9. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Lots of Zombies

    Yeah if this is true, this is exactly what I was thinking too.
  10. Knightmare (DayZ)

    I'm chill, bro

  11. Hell even if you kill everyone you are stealing from, there's still a big difference between that (Bandit) and BalotaFielding the Coast and Fresh spawns - whom you wouldn't kill for their loot anyways, they have none.
  12. What gave it away for me, was the BANDIT in all caps in his name.
  13. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Sniper Rifles

    Oh yeah? Plenty of those .50 cals just floating around from fighting imaginary super zombies but after all, everyone makes their own story. Here's mine: The infection started on Alderaan.
  14. Knightmare (DayZ)

    So I met this girl and it Didn't end well

    Certainly didn't take long to get those pants off.
  15. Knightmare (DayZ)

    are people trying to make the SA to friendly?

    Weapons and ammo should be rare. Not for any reason related to Killing on Sight. But because this is a zombie fucking survival game. The spawn point adjustments helped the BalotaField 4 crew learn there's a little bit more than just the south coast. People who think the game needs artificial PVP punishment systems to force a play style similar to their own are missing the point of a sandbox game. Not to mention as well the fact that the game is utterly incomplete, we do not know how the game will play-out once there's actually a zombie threat. And hopefully a real threat this time, not the buzzing bee annoyance the zombies were in the mod.
  16. Knightmare (DayZ)

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    My point is, we just don't know either way yet. Which is why I suggest dealing in certainties, as in, finding a few battle buddies or a team of like-minded individuals. I would like seeing more player interaction in general, as in, random teaming up like in the old days of the mod - but I'm also a realist. I'm not the kind of player myself that is likely to team up randomly with strangers, I'm more the crazed gunman in the tree line waiting for you guys to skip town with all the fresh loot you've scored and ambush you, or follow you until you start separating. But teamwork should be encouraged. And hopefully Zombies may influence that in a positive way. (C&C: Red Alert Chrono/Time Machine Sounds - Red Alert Intro) ..But sooner or later, time will tell.
  17. Knightmare (DayZ)

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    So you only want to feel safe on your own terms then? Not really the most realistic of expectations. It boils down to this: Join a survivor crew, clan, squad, band, party, nomad-rampaging-survivalist-chain-gang, whatever you want to call it, of like-minded individuals. You'll be happier that way. Not to mention you'd be surprised at how friendly strangers can be when they encounter a good number of armed survivors asking them their intentions. As a solo player your power to dictate a situation is very minimal. Unless you stick a player up, disarm them and force them to treat you, your options are limited as a lone wolf. You'll be hard pressed to control any situation you encounter as a single individual. Now that being said, I would like to see more people working together myself, but besides neutering core game-play there aren't many ways to encourage teamwork in the game's currently and vastly incomplete state. As I commonly say, until we see just how the rest of the game's content fills out, mainly zombies (and them hopefully becoming a REAL threat, unlike the annoyance they were in the mod, a REAL scary, wild, untamed fire, a force) we just can't really predict how random player interaction will play out. I really suggest finding a few like minded players. If not for sake of game-play, your own sanity. I'm mostly a lone wolf, but that play style is perfectly fine for me. I only play with a few buddies if I am not alone. But that's me.
  18. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Location at login

    I really like that the location is removed. Figuring out where you are adds immersion, if they are struggling there are plenty of maps on the internet that can help them figure it out. In fact, especially when I first started playing DayZ-Mod, I had a lot of just trying to read the map and terrain to figure out where I was.
  19. Knightmare (DayZ)

    More Food!

    As has been said, move inland and your troubles will basically solve themselves. If you don't know your way, follow some of the main roads inland. Just be careful not to be directly right on top of them (the roads). Stay off to the side of them, in the trees whenever possible.
  20. A Good choice indeed for quality entertainment. I enjoy Frankie's videos, he makes good videos, and besides some of his contradictory behavior, keeps me entertained. However his desire for perfect content has taken him down a dark path. I still watch some of his stuff, but I take it with a huge grain of salt.
  21. Knightmare (DayZ)

    For those with low fps, it is probably not your setup.

    Pfft -- you guys need to just get better computers. Here's his setup, I went ahead and put a picture of it below.
  22. Knightmare (DayZ)

    what got messed up in the last few days?!?

    There were denial of service attacks made against the DayZ servers. Like a couple days ago or something apparently.
  23. Once you reach a state of being able to fill your stomach with food and water/liquid, you'll be able to go great lengths of time without the need of replenishment. That being said, If I find a soda even without being thirsty (after having been filled up prior to my journey) I'll just drink it. This means I can be very hands off for the majority of the time I play the game. It also means should I enter a situation where I need to suddenly escape, I can survive out in the middle of no-where for a good amount of time. But once you get yourself full, after eating and drinking enough to get the "I feel full" prompts, just light management is needed for a mostly carefree experience there-after. When people complain about needing to constantly eat and drink, it is because they are barely just covering their critical need for water/food. The thirst and hunger indicators are supposedly triggered when you reach a state of like 20-30%. Meaning even if you drink/eat to make those indicators disappear, you'll still be a hell of a long ways away from 100% thirst/hunger (aka no thirst, no hunger). I tend to eat like 2 cans of food then drink from a well until I'm full and then basically I am good to go after that. It takes a lot of water-well-spamming to get yourself full after eating a can or two. Just keep going until you get the prompt.
  24. Knightmare (DayZ)

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    Add more to the East? Totally. Yes. More military loot? They've already added more than we even need. No more Military bases. Wait for more civilian weaponry to be introduced before we start talking about throwing military bases around even more.
  25. Knightmare (DayZ)

    Getting the spawn spawns.

    Yeah very possible as well. I think if someone dies so many times in a row after having just spawned, the game should just shit them out somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Because where's your God now?