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About jgdj19

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    On the Coast
  1. jgdj19

    Kill Camera

    Suggestion: Kill Camera. A view of the player's perspective who killed you for 5 seconds prior to your death. I normally hate Kill Camera's in games because they show people your position and give an unrealsitic and unfair advantage to the player who has just respawned. However, because in dayz deaths are less frequent (when looked at as a deaths per minute type statistic), you lose everything and respawn somewhere usually far away from your place of death, I do not think a Kill Camera would actually be a negative to the game. Dayz is a game where you can die from many things easily, such as a sniper's bullet from across a valley, and I often do not even know what killed me! A Kill Camera would give me an explanation of how I died and who killed me without allowing me to easily run back to the place of death and take advantage of this information. I note however that this is probably not an urgent matter, but perhaps it could be considered (or something similar) as a future feature. Perhaps just lots of post death information about how you died in text would be more appropriate? Discuss.