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Everything posted by lazyorc

  1. lazyorc

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    264 hrs? I think it counts the time I spent afk with Dayz running in background. I am too afraid to play and lose all my stuff :(
  2. Griefers barricade you into a building? hop server problem solved :P
  3. I spawned into a server with 3 people expecting to be safe on the coast and saw a geared guy run passed me. As soon as I spawned in and saw him I ran after him unloading my SKS. Apparently every shot missed and he turned around and shot me with his pistol.
  4. lazyorc

    How do you shoot?

    I try to wait until that little white dot stops moving so much. When it moves it means you will miss every shot... it is best to squat and aim carefully, hold right click will stop your breathing and help you aim better.
  5. Superior apocalypse transportation I can just imagine people setting up RV parks in the forest...
  6. lazyorc

    10 Second Replay Upon Dying

    I would love to be able to see a 10 second replay in slow motion of just before we die. Especially if the replay is game-play code and not just movie frames. A lot of games do replays these days, I think it should be a precedent set for all future games of quality. It is also a good feature for v-bloggers who broadcast their games.
  7. lazyorc

    10 Second Replay Upon Dying

    The info of who shot you and their location could easily be removed, kept from being written to the replay file. All you would be able to see is the blood coming out of your player, so you can tell where the bullet came from, or watching your player get swarmed by zeds for the fun of it.
  8. lazyorc

    Bandits, Heroes, Survivors, Zombies and.. Civilians

    I think it would work better if the game kept record of how many civilians you kill. Then you would be labeled a bandit or civilian, killing bandits would decrease your status back to a civi. Looking at player list you will be able to see how many bandits, civis are on the server along with ability to hover over their name and see what their character looks like. I would also like a server message to show when a new player leaves/joins the server.
  9. lazyorc

    Authentification Timeout (Steam Down ?)

    I still can't log in to steam :(
  10. lazyorc

    Authentification Timeout (Steam Down ?)

    yes steam is down http://www.issteamdown.com/
  11. Since I got this game I have died 4 times just going down the stairs. I thought someone was hacking and killing me but after reading the forums I am pretty sure the stairs is eating my characters and it is happening to others. Has anyone found a good way to avoid this happening? Do I need to walk slower or something? When I was little I would jump several steps at a time down the stairs and I'm still not dead. Is this what happens to people that get old, they can't go down the stairs properly? I am pretty sure my character is younger than me since his hair has no grey in it yet.
  12. lazyorc

    Falled down the stairs and die.

  13. lazyorc

    Falled down the stairs and die.

    lol apparently I'm too old to stand up straight
  14. lazyorc

    Falled down the stairs and die.

    I am pretty sure all the other characters in the game are just as young and atheletic as my guy. If they can't walk down a stairs properly then how can I trust that they would catch me from a 10 foot drop?
  15. lazyorc

    Falled down the stairs and die.

    you forgot how to capitalize and puctuation marks.
  16. lazyorc

    Falled down the stairs and die.

    Sh*t, you are too fast
  17. lazyorc

    Falled down the stairs and die.

    I haven't seen any elevators yet and none of the buildings are accessable by wheelchair. It might be safer to jump out the window?
  18. Taken from Reddit Q & A: Q: What are you planning on adding to encourage people to teamup? What sort of community features are you planning on adding to help and/or balance cooperation in the game? A: Group/community features are a key design consideration that will be closesly linked with construction. I.e. you build a base and the better it is the better options you have, such as storage and respawn etc... Let us discuss what bases could be like in Dayz standalone. What would you like to see?
  19. lazyorc


    My bad dude
  20. lazyorc

    Is this game dying?

    Everytime I "test" the "game" I get about 2 hours in and a hacker teleports and insta kill me. I guess after I report the hacker then I deserve a pat on the back job well done?
  21. lazyorc

    Is this game dying?

    It sucks for me because I got arma 2 just for dayz. I'm a sucker for zombie games
  22. lazyorc

    DayZ is a mod.

    I made some brown ponies
  23. lazyorc

    "Day Z lead 'having meetings' about console port"

    That's all fine and dandy as long as they make it for PC first lol?
  24. Yeah we all know about hackers but can just this one thing be fixed pleasE? I spent 2 hours fixing up a car and two people spawned near by a bandit and a friendly. We were minding our own business and finally got the car fixed and drove off when suddenly a teleporting butthole snipes each one of us out of the vehicle. At least fix the teleporting crap since we could possibly just mind our own business on the gigantic map and just ignore the buttholes?!