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Everything posted by stricky345

  1. No, just had a run with a friend and we got fully modded guns and everything :p.
  2. stricky345

    Handcuffs - Question

    Can anyone explain how handcuffs and the restraint system works? Handcuffed a friend today and couldn't take the cuffs off again and he didn't know how to struggle free. After pressing keys randomly he managed to get them off. Are handcuffs one time use only? What key do you need to press to struggle free? How can you force feed someone? Thanks!
  3. Hey! So I was wondering myself does anyone of you have a video or picture of the vomiting animation? Last time I tried my character went unconcious. Kind of a sick request but hey, it's Dayz! Second: What are the best video settings? I was experiencing bad distance blur with the Post-Processing Effects hence I turned them off, is that normal? Night is very black and whiteish for me though I saw some pictures that seemed to have at least some amount of color. Did I mess up on the settings? Thanks!
  4. stricky345

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Rocket wrote on his twitter that they will be doing more motion capturing tomorrow. If they wanna get the new animations into the release I wouldn't expect the alpha to come out anytime before mid July.
  5. Broader audience watching the gamespot stream, rocket wants a smooth release and not so many people playing the game right after first release, nor build any hype. Maybe that's why he gave the 'a few months' estimate.
  6. stricky345

    [SA] Trip up feature

    Just think of it you run away from a pack of zombies with another guy and you just trip him up so he falls to the ground and you saved your little arse. Mean? Yes but fun. Could be added as a gimmicky secret feature so that not everyone knows about it.
  7. stricky345

    [SA] Trip up feature

    Both of the persons should have aggro of the zombie pack for it to work, so that you don't have someone just running around with 50 of his buddies tripping up random players in cherno. Though that could eliminate the gun and kill issue, or atleast decrease it alot. Would be a run'n'trip game then though.
  8. stricky345

    Did anyone catch the Release date?

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1fbrhc/hey_dean_e3/ca8pi98?context=3 If all goes well we might see a release end of June, though there is a possibility of a pushback to end of July/beginning of August.
  9. stricky345

    Did anyone catch the Release date?

    Rocket said on reddit that they will review the state of the SA after E3, so we shouldn't wait on any release date anouncenents until then.
  10. Hey! Our guys logged onto our server today, just to find out that all camps and vehicles disappeared. We are asking ourselves if there was a server-wipe or if it is a saving-bug withing the hive, since I read a lot of inconsistent posts about bugs that occured after, making me believe that there is a problem on how data is saved. Would be glad to receive input on this! Thanks!