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Toxiic (DayZ)

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About Toxiic (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    Haha, you're taking this a bit too serious. I'm simply trying to discuss the game. If you can't keep this civil I don't think you should be involved with this thread.
  2. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    I'm discussing the fact that probably 5% of the whole map is being populated because deathmatching is so popular. The only thing detracting from a relevant discussion is your ignorance. You have the most recent posts on about 5 other threads in this sub forum. I understand that you're thirsty for posts, but if you can't actually add to the discussion I don't know why you even bother to post.
  3. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    In my opinion, squad play inland provides a much more strategic and engaging experience rather than spawning, getting a gun, kill two people, die then repeat. The game was made to survive, not to run around Berenzino deathmatching. Although I disagree with your justification of the current build, I understand why it may be engaging to other gamers.
  4. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    First off, where "people are playing" happens to be the most deathmatching, seeing as anyone with a pistol can kill 10 people as soon as they spawn. Secondly, posting a constructive thread on the discussion forums for the game is not in any way crying. If anything whining about people making relevant discussion seems more like crying.
  5. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    Yes, what is the point of having a 100 square km map if only 3 square km are populated. You're logic only furthermore proves that the map, as well as spawns needs more fixing.
  6. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    I've been playing DayZ Mod, as well as SA, since their respective release. My favorite thing about the DayZ is the squad combat, most prevalent in the northern parts of the map. Running through the Stary area looking for snipers or groups of other players was what made the game great. Unfortunately, when I play SA I don't experience this thrill. Now when I am in the Stary area, even NWAF I rarely see other players. Even on 40 player servers it seems like I can play for a week and only see two people. Its got to the point that I would rather be running around Elektro handing out baseball bats and watching fresh spawns beat each other to death for beans... I think the biggest cause of this lack of traffic up north is due to the lack of loot in Stary Sobor. Stary used to be the centralized point of the map, the point where most people went to get medium level gear before moving on to higher loot locations like NWAF, Devils, or NEAF. In my opinion the lack of a central hub creates little incentive to go north and play at a higher level. I would be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts and opinions, feel free to discuss.
  7. Toxiic (DayZ)

    US 1016 Looking for players!

    Also visit our website at: http://www.ugf-clan.net
  8. US 1016 is run by the United Gaming Federation or UGF. We own a 40 slot private hive server with 75 vehicles. currently the map is set Chernarus but will often be changed to other maps periodically. We encourage squad play and just want a populated server to play on. Server has active admins and has custom script detection. Side chat is also enabled along with crashed helis there are crashed AC-130's crashed Blackhawk helicopters and care package drops, which all spawn military loot making it even easier to gear up quickly! We hope that you will come play on our server! Our TeamSpeak address is: Come join and have fun! Good luck to all!
  9. Toxiic (DayZ)

    The Art Of Tent Hunting [ Base Hunting ]

    For tent hunting usually west on the Western tree line going north to south, and the Northern tree line going east west yeilds the best tent loots. Try to check the tops of hills and valleys, most often players seem to pitch tents there.
  10. US 1016 is a private hive I own. I'm looking for other bandit squads to play on this server so we all can have active non-hacking engagments with eachother. The server has standard script detection software but also has a custom built detection system that helps stop teleporting, spawning, god mode and many other hacks. I just hope I can get enouigh people to play on this server so that when I go to stary I accually shoot someone xD. There are also around 70 vechicles on the server (around 5 helis) so squad vechicles would not be a problem. side chat is also enabled If you are interestersted hop into the server and check it out or hop into our TeamSpeak server nyc01.mainvoice.net:7029 Thanks!
  11. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Infamous Outcasts are recruiting!

    In my experience playing on a laptop does not yeild good results, but if it works for you thats great.
  12. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Infamous Outcasts are recruiting!

    deleted post
  13. Toxiic (DayZ)

    Infamous Outcasts are recruiting!

    Thank you. I accually did not know that. I will try to move this thread to that topic. My fault. We are bandits. We do not snipe Cherno or Elektro or kill unarmed players. We mostly focus on squad vs. squad combat.
  14. Hello, My name is Joel, the leader and founder of the Infamous Outcasts. The IO is looking for players. We currently have a TeamSpeak server and are currently buying a server (the transaction is going through my pay-pal right now!). We focus on strong tactics and a strong understanding of the DayZ and ARMA mechanics. On past servers we play on I have personally acuired around 10 vechicles at one time (including the UH-1H), I will focus on getting veichicles and weapons for the group. No one will have a problem gearing up. Requirements: Playing DayZ on a desktop, playing on a laptop makes combat in DayZ impossible. You must be atleast 16. I will make exceptions to this rule depending on the maturity level and the decible level of your voice :) You have to be willing to listen to other people. You must be able to keep comms clear. No one needs to hear about your cat taking a piss. It is very dissorganized and can easily result in unacceptable deaths. Lastly, DO NOT BE GREEDY. Items belong to the Outcasts , not each individual person. Our TeamSpeak is: nyc01.mainvoice.net:7029 Our forum page is: http://cosplaycloud.be/dayzforum/
  15. Toxiic (DayZ)

    unarmed massacre

    I would have done the same exact thing. 8 easy murders xD. It was probably a streamer and his followers you killed, idk why there would be a group like that crawling around lol