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Helion (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Helion (DayZ)

  1. and the best thing is , us admins will be blamed for that somehow , by the players at our server xD
  2. same shit with my server , (vilayer host) , everytime i restart , all vehicles are gone , and all are respawned to its spawning locations , yesterday i've spent 10 hours going around , fidning parts , and fixing many of vehicles , atv's and the chopper , and i saved it all 10000 gazilion times , and when the server restart comes , bam , all gone
  3. Helion (DayZ)

    ADMIN abuse on NO 56, 20.08.2012

    HAHA asharak ,t his must be the dummest most retarded report iv'e ever seen , someone killed u and u automatically blame the admin for that just cuz he's been online, wow , how pathethic. When ur items disappear from tents , and when your vehicles vanish , will u blame the admin again=? let me give u an advice if ur so unhappy and if u lack some basic logic , put out 50 euros and buy urself a server huh?
  4. Helion (DayZ)

    LU360 brainless hacker

    this happened yesterday 21.8.2012 i'm not really sure what time this happened cuz i looked at the script today, the time stated in the script is UK time zone i think(vilayer) well , this is what happened , this superbabi guy spawned him self a heli , then somehow he managed to crash his chopper in the forrest( we saw that in action xd) then he dyed , respawned , spawned him self an atv to try to get back to the crashed heli to loot his body ( he had a hacked as50 in him , with thermal) here's the proof 21.08.2012 03:19:00: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [10281.6, 2323.53, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 2535.79, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 21.08.2012 03:30:24: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [11099.5, 4818.66, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 6250.61, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 21.08.2012 03:35:22: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 21.08.2012 03:35:22: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 "[this, 8.74826, 5921.66]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 21.08.2012 03:35:22: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 "[this, 8.74826, 5921.66,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 21.08.2012 08:40:54: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['PBX', [941.059, 1832.21, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 1830.84, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objectUID" 21.08.2012 08:42:17: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['ATV_US_EP1', [933.732, 1805.01, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10587.6, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_ob"
  5. Helion (DayZ)


    hello everyone i got a wierd and frustrating problem i bought a server 10 days ago with my friends from vilayer.com , its white listed and hive conected the day the server was first up , more than 35+ players joined and palyed ( guess some of them were scripters) and i guess some of them, maybe found and crashed the heli , either in the water or at some end of the map idk what to be honest. Since then it doesent spawn no where , we havent even heard of it , not one player on the server saw or heard the helicopter. So i dont know what to do now , how to re-spawn and debug that heli , whereever it is. Cuz i dont want that my server is handicaped because scripters and noobs fuc... up the heli Can someone give me a advice how to debug that heli and let it respawn? its been 11 days and still no heli kind regards
  6. Helion (DayZ)

    BE log file scripts.log

    mine script.log stopped updating too. last update was on 12.8.2012... so its been 4 days
  7. Helion (DayZ)


    so what are we supposed to do then? buy a new server everytime someone fu... up the heli? lol
  8. Helion (DayZ)


    i've sent the vilayer support team a ticket about the heli problem , but they just ctl-v'ed me with the answer that it has nothing to do with them,, but the hive
  9. Helion (DayZ)


    there must be a way to reset that heli spawn , maybe to delete and re copy some cfg file in the ftop of the server?
  10. Helion (DayZ)


    so then , as admins we cant do shi.. about fixing our helis? that is just retarded , server without a heli is crippled