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Helion (DayZ)

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About Helion (DayZ)

  • Rank
    LU 360 Admin

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  • Location
    Under the car
  1. and the best thing is , us admins will be blamed for that somehow , by the players at our server xD
  2. same shit with my server , (vilayer host) , everytime i restart , all vehicles are gone , and all are respawned to its spawning locations , yesterday i've spent 10 hours going around , fidning parts , and fixing many of vehicles , atv's and the chopper , and i saved it all 10000 gazilion times , and when the server restart comes , bam , all gone
  3. Helion (DayZ)

    ADMIN abuse on NO 56, 20.08.2012

    HAHA asharak ,t his must be the dummest most retarded report iv'e ever seen , someone killed u and u automatically blame the admin for that just cuz he's been online, wow , how pathethic. When ur items disappear from tents , and when your vehicles vanish , will u blame the admin again=? let me give u an advice if ur so unhappy and if u lack some basic logic , put out 50 euros and buy urself a server huh?
  4. Helion (DayZ)

    LU360 brainless hacker

    this happened yesterday 21.8.2012 i'm not really sure what time this happened cuz i looked at the script today, the time stated in the script is UK time zone i think(vilayer) well , this is what happened , this superbabi guy spawned him self a heli , then somehow he managed to crash his chopper in the forrest( we saw that in action xd) then he dyed , respawned , spawned him self an atv to try to get back to the crashed heli to loot his body ( he had a hacked as50 in him , with thermal) here's the proof 21.08.2012 03:19:00: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [10281.6, 2323.53, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 2535.79, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 21.08.2012 03:30:24: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [11099.5, 4818.66, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 6250.61, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objec" 21.08.2012 03:35:22: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 21.08.2012 03:35:22: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 "[this, 8.74826, 5921.66]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 21.08.2012 03:35:22: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 "[this, 8.74826, 5921.66,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" 21.08.2012 08:40:54: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['PBX', [941.059, 1832.21, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 1830.84, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_objectUID" 21.08.2012 08:42:17: SuperBABI ( 18793de511437ac8bb48e0013f8b376c - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['ATV_US_EP1', [933.732, 1805.01, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10587.6, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object call dayz_ob"
  5. Helion (DayZ)

    BE log file scripts.log

    mine script.log stopped updating too. last update was on 12.8.2012... so its been 4 days
  6. Helion (DayZ)


    so what are we supposed to do then? buy a new server everytime someone fu... up the heli? lol
  7. Helion (DayZ)


    i've sent the vilayer support team a ticket about the heli problem , but they just ctl-v'ed me with the answer that it has nothing to do with them,, but the hive
  8. Helion (DayZ)


    there must be a way to reset that heli spawn , maybe to delete and re copy some cfg file in the ftop of the server?
  9. Helion (DayZ)


    so then , as admins we cant do shi.. about fixing our helis? that is just retarded , server without a heli is crippled
  10. Helion (DayZ)


    hello everyone i got a wierd and frustrating problem i bought a server 10 days ago with my friends from vilayer.com , its white listed and hive conected the day the server was first up , more than 35+ players joined and palyed ( guess some of them were scripters) and i guess some of them, maybe found and crashed the heli , either in the water or at some end of the map idk what to be honest. Since then it doesent spawn no where , we havent even heard of it , not one player on the server saw or heard the helicopter. So i dont know what to do now , how to re-spawn and debug that heli , whereever it is. Cuz i dont want that my server is handicaped because scripters and noobs fuc... up the heli Can someone give me a advice how to debug that heli and let it respawn? its been 11 days and still no heli kind regards