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Everything posted by 1nexx

  1. I'd say it's helped, to the degree that people give me about a tenth of a second to respond to their shrill scream of "FRIENDLY?!" before they decide that my face would look better with bullets in it. On the other hand, it's not hard to cheat the system, and plenty of bandits walk around with the hero skin, so I still shoot anyone who I deem shifty looking.
  2. You, buddy, made my night. Before I saw this thread, I was just thinking about what a mess things are for day z in it's current state. The mod is having all sorts of issues, the standalone is months away, the playerbase is all over the damn place, and a number of members seem to deem it necessary to shit all over their own forums with topics that have been posted countless times before. It all gets a bit depressing. It's stories like these that remind me what I bought Arma II for, and why I spend so many hours playing this thing only to die at the teeth of some random bear trap in the woods. My beans are yours.
  3. 1nexx

    Found a hacked crate,

    So long as the weapon is legit and you didn't take absolute tons of ammo, I don't see a problem with keeping it. If it were a gun that wasn't in the mod, then I'd draw the line.
  4. 1nexx

    You know what is bullshit?

    It's arguable that it's better to purchase arma II, instead of getting the free version, as it has vastly superior graphics, which could help you pick out a bushwookie from the surrounding undergrowth. Not to mention, you're giving money to BIS, who pays Rocket a salary, if I'm not mistaken.
  5. 1nexx

    Day z vehicle help

    Fairly sure that orange means it's a bit busted up. Never driven a vehicle with an orange engine myself, but my advice would be to try not to drive into too many things. If it gets red, if you so much as tap a shrub, you'll go up in flames, along with any passengers and gear in the vehicle.
  6. 1nexx

    Military Urban Truck??????

    This is about all the evidence I need to validate my claim.
  7. 1nexx

    Military Urban Truck??????

  8. 1nexx

    Weapon Poll

    PDW: Unless you put 30+ bullets into every zed you find, it's incredibly hard to run out of ammo for this thing. Not the best iron sights or damage output, but I don't think either really matter if I can just pump things full of lead before they criticize my choice in secondaries. L85A2 AWS: Nightvision, thermal scope, a second level of scope zoom, zeroable up to 800 meters, and it uses one of the most common magazines in the game. Not really much left to say. M107: Not really a sniper, but the M107 seems like a good balance of power, availability of ammo, and chance of actually being found.
  9. Try not to make too many Survivors cry. They may say rude things about bandits on the forums. On topic, I think that the current skin is a placeholder. Just get some camo or a ghillie to cover it. If you can't manage to get your hands on either, chances are you don't have any business being a bandit.
  10. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    @faustianq ALL THE BEANS. I wouldn't mind any of those, except for the far right. What I want is for skins to mean something. I don't know if the kevlar jacket on the heroes does anything or not, but I'd be fine with them getting some extra defense if bandits got some sort of buff as well. It'd make ghillies and camo sidegrades instead of the blatant upgrades that they currently are.
  11. You need to remember that only a tiny, tiny fraction of day z players actually post on the forum. Even then, it's usually the people who just got killed and are prompted by pure butthurt rage to come and make a thread about how Rocket's doing everything wrong because the system doesn't let idiots win automatically. It's the same way with EVE. I could go the the EVE forums and get you a few hundred threads about how miner A thinks PvP is evil because it hurts their little corp, even though it's been proven that destruction of ships is actually good for the economy.
  12. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    I've got enough faith in Rocket to balance out my complete lack thereof in the majority of the community. I imagine at some point he'll get the mod to what can be called "Balanced", and then just use it as a testing ground for features in the standalone.
  13. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Pretty much. I'd disagree with you for being so condescending to the people who frothed at the mouth for the feature, but I think that's who really clamored for this. The skins were implemented first back when I'd say that the majority of people hadn't played the mod, so most people didn't really know that it'd affect all of nothing. Besides, this was introduced in a hotfix. I imagine as he plays with it, it may become a semi-respectable system before standalone.
  14. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    All in all, if Rocket wants to break his mod, then now's the time to do it. If shit wasn't wrecked constantly, I'd be a bit worried.
  15. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    @ Vlad I agree with you there. I think if survivors actually put up a fight, things might be a bit less KoS oriented.
  16. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    People seem to like demonizing bandits, but the truth is that when you find a survivor backed into a corner of a supermarket with a revolver, he's just as likely to shoot you out of fear as a bandit would be to shoot you out of malice.
  17. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    But here's the thing, the skins the way they are now are laughably exploitable. Hell, I'm a bandit, and I have a Hero skin since I'm the group lootwhore, and usually do the medical stuff.
  18. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Entirely possible that it isn't, but the way people bitch sometimes, it makes me wonder if rocket is just tossing them a skin to make them shut up. I mean, despite the skins not really having done much, you don't get threads demanding their return every few hours.
  19. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Well, I'm going to do some testing as soon as a buddy of mine gets on. Not sure what to think of heroes having an inherent advantage from minute one.
  20. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Well shit, if they get a bonus with their skins, where's the bandit's reason to keep the bandit skin? Does the face towel magically make them do more damage or what?
  21. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Come to think of it, Heroes get a kevlar vest with their skin, don't they? Does anybody know if it actually mitigates damage from small arms?
  22. 1nexx

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    Well, it's a sandbox isn't it? I don't see why the bandits are supposed to be punished for their particular playstyle by anything other than other players. Personally, I use ghillie suits because they're better for where I operate, but it does seem like the bandits are getting the raw deal here.
  23. Not the best sniping I've ever seen, but it's refreshing to see survivors take an active role in fighting bandits instead of bitching on the forums about how every gun that they don't know how to use needs to be nerfed to hell.