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Everything posted by fiya

  1. fiya

    Be warned when throwing a frag

    You don't! Arma is all or nothing baby!
  2. I own a Lee Enfield aswell. You can't tell me the 300m (My objective was infront of the target and I was 330m from the objective) shot I made in Arma 2.. The first time I picked up the rifle I could have made the first time using my rifle IRL. You miss ALOT of the mechanics of shooting in the game. Many people cannot hold a steady accurate sight picture. (Or how that sight picture was designed, as some are quite different) Most don't know the correct stances, or weighting. Nevermind breathing. What about left eye dominant people? Close range shooting? I definitely think its easier in real life. Long range, Arma takes most of the complexity out. I actually use a pretty high deadzone which most people dislike, but I love it!
  3. fiya

    DayZ on pirated ARMA 2

    Not to be a douche, but your want to play DayZ... Fair enough, its very good. Yet you don't want to pay for Arma 2/OA which the mod is based off of and the mod would never exist without. The BI crew have spent years working on OFP/Arma and the Real Virtuality engine to get it to where it is today. Their years of work made this possible. If you want play the game your going to need to pay for it. The mod may be free, but the engine costed them years. If you are super cheap, buy OA and use Arma 2 free. Be warned that doing it that way is not as designed and you may have to look up some info on these forums to set it up.
  4. Its an engine limitation. Its just how it works. Each 'magazine' is set to work with certain weapons. You can't take the bullets from the revolver .45 and put it in the M1911 mag. Its not really a big deal, we have been around it for a loong time.
  5. fiya

    Operation Arrowhead

    People like you piss me off. BI spent years working on Arma and the engine. You want it free because your a cheap, broke ass? I'm glad its more expensive there, hopefully BI make more off each copy. (Im fairly certain they don't unfortunately.)[/align]
  6. fiya


    Night is by far the safest and most productive time for me. Not only do players have a MUCH harder time trying to gank me... Zombies can't see S***! Strategically using flares makes this possible, and since they are so common it is easy! (Do not throw flares next to you, do not carry them.) Night is what separates us. I support Rocket in calling people Carebears. Jesus, adapt. Play the game.
  7. fiya

    1.5.8 Glitches

    This makes me RAGE. When the first thing people do is go on the forums and talk about glitches. Not that they would actually READ the patch notes... You know, the major interface changes that have been talked about.
  8. fiya

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    They do if you actually use them... I am sorely disapointed with the playerbase.... HOW TO BANDAGE is spammed across every server. I knew before I went in.
  9. fiya

    Help me understand.

    Only trust those which would not trust you easily. Only this way will you find able allies.